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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. I'm glad to hear you like my work Hephaestion! I will be making other siege weapons for my mod that I'll share with millennium if they're compatible enough. I probably won't go out of my way though; if I don't hold my attention to this mod it'll never get to alpha x3
  2. Spartan hoplites are the champion Spartan infantry, perioikoi hoplites are their citizen-infantry
  3. yeah the 171px side is probably where things are snagging
  4. What are the dimensions of the texture image? I think textures length and width have to be divisible by two in order to work correctly.
  5. Thanks! Not necessarily a medieval mod. It just happens to take place in a similar time span. I'm going to keep it under wraps until I have an alpha ready ;P
  6. I have some VERY large trebuchets I made for my mod, that I thought might translate pretty well into the millennium mod. (once you get past the scaling issue) Animated and everything! cheers trebuchets.zip
  7. I agree with Micheal on that point, unless you're planning on introducing more light colors. It's looking brilliant so far
  8. Those are gorgeous Enrique! Are the rugs decals?
  9. I would disagree on a few points, but this is not the place for it. From what I know Sighvatr understands what needs to be done and the frustration he expressed is only human. There's no need to harp on it. Lets get this thread back onto elephant towers.
  10. I think we understand and agree that what's best for the game will win out, but it does not necessarily waive the personal connection between an artist and his artwork. To expect no attachment would mean a flood of BS detached artwork. What project would this be if that were the case? We're no less intrigued of what more you can make of this elephant tower Sighvatr, If you're still up to the task, of course.
  11. yes, see how the farm field props do it
  12. Age of Empires was first and foremost a game, at which it did an excellent job. We wouldn't be here following in its footsteps had it not been. Thank you Oliver, I'm glad (and so is the team no doubt) to hear you appreciate the efforts behind 0 AD
  13. you know how the bushes on farm fields hug the terrain? Like that
  14. What about drop props? those would conform to any terrain
  15. Awesome I was thinking about having light shrub borders around the fields. They look nice in Atlas, but the field actors are already extremely cluttered It would allow the separation of different crops and therefore the ability to add more civ-accurate farm content without making them look too bad
  16. AAh I knew this would look awesome! I'd like to keep some white though, it gives a nice dose of contrast with the dark palisades.
  17. Hoplites look really weird out of formation, which is most of the time. Given the dynamism of the other units, particularly the swordsmen, their attacks seem much too stiff to be practical. This guy makes some good points on the matter too, how the truth of the scenes on pottery were exaggerated for a balance of composition
  18. Retexture it then, if you have time. I'm sure Enrique already has his hands full. A lot of work needs to be done before Alpha 16.
  19. can we give the greek hoplites under-arm animations?
  20. The problem with upgradeable connectors is that the connector would have to be base of the current design, instead of additive as in normal development. Some of the firing towers are very short and poses this kind of problem. It wouldn't make much sense if the footprint was any smaller either. It could strangle otherwise passable wall structures after an upgrade.
  21. tall wheat would have an added element of concealment, if silhouettes are turned off, of course. and yes, small fields! The divisions between would need to be clear though. I'd love to put little trees and bushes as borders but that could be mistaken for wood resource. They wouldnt have a obstruction box either I'm thinking of making the fields look more independent of one another. Seems like it makes more sense to me, plus making them all look as one big nebulous farm field is fast becoming a hindrance. But the wheat still needs to work...
  22. This model might not be mapped but I think there's still a wolf texture
  23. Did Romans have pressurized fountains? I remember reading somewhere that the height advantage of aqueducts and water towers gave pressure to public and rich private fountains
  24. Just because they will be rare, doesnt mean that the polygon density should be any higher. It won't be discernible from a player's perspective
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