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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. I haven't recorded since the fundraiser, I find that it slows me down a bit, but I'll start back up again, if anyone's interested I'd like to keep the stone local, it may look weird because I havent had much practice with the persian texture pack, and its a bit overwhelming, with all of the decal textures but I hope I'll get the hang of it
  2. We don't need to focus on presentation for WIP models, so much as what it will look like in game.
  3. Might as well get a jump on it! I'm using the Persian texture pack atm, and it does not disappoint. This the direction we want to take? (That's a civic center draft) and here's my defense of the usage architectural elements from http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/architecture-i now, I used Carthaginian roof tiles because, frankly, they don't really need them. They work well with the Persian set too.
  4. Looks pretty cool, but it needs subterranean geometry, and those roots look a little odd. also! we need different iterations, probably at least 4 for one tree entity maybe you could make 4 charred deciduous tree iterations and maybe separate evergreen ones
  5. check out what Pureon did with the mauryan farmstead's grindstone, I always thought that was clever It's integrated into the framing of the structure
  6. hmm, I might consider it a small building, but it's also the Gaul special building so a few extra polygons probably won't be an issue. I say shoot for small, but if you end up with the medium amount of polys that'd be fine
  7. poly limits should be on the art tasking thread, but you should keep it as low as you can manage while still keeping it looking good "- Approx triangle count for buildings: small 2k-5k, mid 4k-6k, big 6k-8k, wonders 8k-12k."
  8. I think some of this stuff belongs on the suggestion thread. This is the alpha 16 wishlist, which would mean shorter term goals that are actually reachable with the limited manpower (and possibly funds) we have right now. a lot of these suggestions would require a lot of work, testing, and re-balancing even something as simple as a 'mine' building could consume the entire art department's output for months, and that's depending on availability
  9. I'm not sure why the old model needed to be replaced, honestly, but that said the rest of the art team might be looking for something completely different than what's in game now And it really needs to convey 'rotary mill' we modellers have to create artwork defensively as well which means they can't be mistaken for something else the open roof, Imho, was the best way of dealing with this. the dark age mill in AOE II might be a better source of inspiration (without a tent roof and stone walls, of course) And when I say 'inspiration' I mean consider the elements, and building shape, but don't follow this exactly. This isnt really the architectual look we're going for with the Gauls think laterally
  10. It'll barely stand out on grass, I think it'll be fine
  11. You have a couple more corners to smooth out, try to soften around the windows doors and corners of the main building too I'm sorry if i commented after you started placing props also, can we see the back?
  12. You can imagine with so many factions, the art department has a lot of ... inertia
  13. tbh that tower looks wattle and daub with wooden supports instead of stone I made some changes, and I added some ivy
  14. Thanks! oh those seams look terrible with max settings xP I still cant see your picture, but I get the message. I can cover up those seams with rocks
  15. Article could help us with architectural reconstructions if we read into it, though its lacking visuals http://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/architecture-i
  16. Your link is broken, Enrique. I already think the supporting beams are a bit of a waste of polygons, being underneath. The flare of the base is only to balance out the sculpture of the structure and was not done on a historical basis I could drop the walls straight down, but I'll need something to balance out lol stones in the corners alright, nevermind. I'll just mess with it and see what happens also, Carthaginian farmstead
  17. Ahm, anyway stanislas you're doing good, just cut those corners a little sharp while you were straightening out the walls, sand them into roundness again and it should be much better and of course a little entropy in detail is welcome see how it looks if you make the buttresses the same texture as the stone at the base and have them taper in a little bit, like on the towers and castle.
  18. that ladder will need fixing, but I'm committing as we speak, if you want to see could you pop a screenie with AO and all those other fancy GL shaders ?
  19. In art development there is a thread towards the top that reads 'art tasking' and it has some beginner (but important) tasks you can get a jump on if you're trying to learn Blender, the team is very supportive if you have any questions
  20. http://www.wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=16690 lol take a look at this process for the Mauryans For some reason the barracks always seems to be one of the more controversial of the buildings to model If we come across some new knowlege or have a stroke of genius, things will change.
  21. actually, what's on santa tegra makes me think the Iberian set should be a lot more organic and rounded (but I'm not the art director either)
  22. Honduras, creo... The Iberians use the falcata in the game and so they shall have them on their racks. Wouldnt make much sense to those who don't know that little snippet of information otherwise We have a template we have to follow, Burzum. For recognition's sake What makes that barracks middle eastern is the arabesque detail, not the fortified courtyard. if you notice, every barracks in AOK has a fortified courtyard so it can be recognized as a barracks, which is what we're trying to do here believe me, I tried to outstep those bounds too :/
  23. lol Sighvatr I'm usually careful with the power of the Wiki That first bit with the stone and thatch is all I took from it, the rest is speculation from the ruins and rural spanish architecture the ruins around a Celtic broch like at Gurness are more or less similar to those on the hills of Iberia, like the castro at santa tegra If anything, I would backtrack to what's left and hypothesize, myself. It's more fun that way. at any rate, there isnt a lot to go on
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