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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Definitely gives off that humble feel the slant of the walls is bothering me though, they don't look able to hold themselves up, and the lightning fence I'd take more of a look into the fractal geometry of branches to do something like that, and it would be difficult to see at a player's perspective anyhow.
  2. More tweaking of the walls, still don't know how the gate actor works though
  3. Hey Enrique, when you contacted me via IRC about how my walls were thicker than average, did you mean in length or in thickness? I took it as thickness, but I modeled them to be just as thick as the those of the Persians. I did make them necessarily long to better fit the Carthaginian wall segment template I gave them in testing nevermind, i totally just checked and they're just too big all around
  4. I can get behind this idea, but I feel like that could get infuriating, building cities over leveled forests, only having your buildings completely surrounded when they grow back. In crusader there was spacing, armies could move easily through forested areas, with only minor breaks in formation. As far as I know, the Total War series also follows this. to some extent in AOE you could build buildings over cut forests as well
  5. Developer is not much further up the heirarchal ladder than a community member on these forums, really. we can all contribute if we want to And there is no "beta", so there's no need for beta testers just yet.
  6. Regrowing trees should definitely be a thing though, Hunting and Lumbering were done extremely well in the first Stronghold games. Overlumbering would come back to bite you in the butt, as would overhunting. The trees would actually go through stages of growth and spread depending on how many were left standing, some would only grow in the desert and others only grew on the oasis three stages of growth, wood content would increase with each stage, and spread to adjacent tiles at max stage Issue with the 0 AD terrain is that it's not divided into tiles so randomising tree spread could lead to overlapping
  7. American conquest did this incredibly well, there was no micro needed as the formations were considered as single (yet reasonably flexible) entities. I would love to have something like this for 0 AD, it would reduce micro of the current sloppy formation building and repositioning And the morale system was amazing, if units started to get cut down left and right the survivors would turn tail and book it to the nearest fortress, zig-zag and be unselectable for a time. Each unit had it's own morale strengths and weaknesses. Central american natives in particular were terrified of horses and guns (which required constant regrouping of soldiers) it gives more immersion than having all units have just suicidal amounts of loyalty
  8. Fictional date lets us build a fictional scenario in which all powerful empires from 300-1BC can face off in their golden ages
  9. Door's a little shorter now, propped the roof. Pulled back the drapery I agree with you Lion, the Farmstead does look way too similar to the house variations. maybe there should be more than three house variations to begin with but... ptolemies... need to grind out those ptolemaic buildings!
  10. mmm, I like big doors, the Carthaginian and Ptolemaic fortresses are supposed to train and outfit war elephants after all
  11. Should I bring it back to the rough cut sandstone blocks or keep it in white marble paneling?
  12. How about a white brick one? I thinned out the crenelated walls and added window borders, like the old one had. and look! this one doesn't float!
  13. Yeah, cheek is way too bright, maybe if I take the rim off of it that'd fix it. javelin hand scanned in way too dark too. Fingers probably wouldnt follow as extremely as I drew in either I like the scan-ins because I get that nice pencil texture when I want it :3 only problem is that I cant really replicate it if anything goes wrong :/
  14. "LordGood what are you doing, hey enough with Carthage, we have the Ptolemies to model!" I knowww guys, but I really wanted to make a Punic castle! On a side note, I feel like we should make the entire Spartan building set follow a more archaic classical architectural design, and let the Athenians (or Macedonians) keep the current set
  15. Best sign-off ever haha The game could definitely use more attention, I know I was surprised when I found it! I'm just an artist guy, so PR is not quite my department. (maybe a little bit) It might be a bit early in alpha to start thinking of tournaments and the like, since the game changes drastically with each release. It could still be a boatload of fun for those already dedicated though. Whatever the case, welcome to the forums!
  16. Two levels are good, maybe one for citizen soldiers and the other for women, it would be great if you managed to get the women to garrison temples and civ centers first, while the soldiers take to the fortresses, walls, and towers. I'll assume they'll have hotkeys bound so micro of pushing two buttons shouldn't be an issue, and getting the full control of one or the other to garrison. tbh there aren't usually a lot of garrisonable buildings in a town, and I'd rather have my citizen soldiers survive and fire from the buildings. If women could fight from buildings the game would be a lot more... interesting Carthaginian, Spartan, and Celtic ones, at least Tangents yeah two separate warning horns would be fantastic
  17. Here are the walls edited with the shorter merlons and fixed a few cornice scaling, AO, and UV issues. Couldn't get the gates to work though ptol_walls_2.zip
  18. I don't like the idea of a game mechanic being dictated by user perspective, how about a definite wide radius around the bell building? Perhaps only give the defense towers the mechanic, so they serve another purpose aside from just being shooty buildings
  19. Numidian cavalry really needed a redraw too
  20. I have no idea what I'm doing! :D

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