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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Very nice maps, a hillfort-type map would be perfect for a 'besieging Vercingetorix' campaign. but Lion's right, the timeframe we're working with in this first part of 0 AD: Empires Ascendant, is from 300 BC - 1 AD. We'll be messing with the Roman Empire in 0 AD part II
  2. varying equipment will not compensate for soldiers standing in perfect rows, most formations will have varied soldier types anyway. maybe less responsive soldiers, be annoying but possibly easier to code
  3. having Celtic and Iberian armies walk in rigid, structured formation seems just silly to me. Breaks immersion. I'd like the civilizations to 'feel' more different It would be nice to throw these out before formations are really worked on. Perhaps giving citizen soldiers and champion celt-iberian units the option, but have the default set to no formation (perhaps with the exception of the Greeks, Romans, and Carthaginians) and have their formations be a little sloppy. like unstructured vs disciplined formations in American conquest
  4. Shield looks a little top heavy, and keep cropping in mind. You don't want 'leftover' space Pose looks a little stiff, but that should be alright. Its great that you got everything important in frame, lets see what comes of it!
  5. so I guess that's four dissatisfied barracks concepts, all caught nearly complete. I'm sorry if I'm sounding a bit frustrated guys, I just... am a little These past four days are just to get something out before Osiris. I really didn't like the idea of letting the ptolemies out with placeholder buildings from other cultures, especially since we've already released screencaps to get fans (and especially donators) all hyped up about it. If we can't fix the major performance problem, then I say distract the public with another bone to give us some more time. The dock is definitely going to need another pass, that plank texture is not working for it. (scale down that ragged plank extrusion too)
  6. It's a long standing tradition common among RTS games, mr veteran. It takes a long time to play a RTS game in comparison to other genres and it's satisfying to track statistics gathered over that time, even if they are silly ones. (which, by the looks of it will have their own tab) Empires DMW counted mouse clicks and keystrokes. Not very practical but it would wow me a bit
  7. Corral draft done. all humble-fied might replace the door with a fence gate I think we ought to drop our sketches in their respective thread, like lion says, so we can have a nice pile of concept content for PR, and I do need to get a little more involved in the DA group x) it would take ages of digging to get them out of the forums in their current scattered state. and a crane would be fantastic Enrique ...aaahhh... always the problem comes up just.. LEAGUES after it can be easily remedied. Why wasnt this cartoon thing an issue in early development? I know it came up a little during the barracks and walls, but the civilization was already half modeled at that point
  8. Are the textures the issue? the AO mapped dock doesnt look too structurally outrageous
  9. This isn't a total war game, it draws equally from economic and military maintenance I'm less inclined to expand militarily and focus on economic expansion and city building. I like those kinds of games. It gives a human limit to the amount of involvement in either field, and makes each game new and interesting. rather than the unlimited resource stalemate that would usually occur if allowed. (ie. american conquest, stronghold series) don't get me wrong; I love those games, but this isn't one of them.
  10. ambient battle sounds are going to be amazing, these sound great!
  11. I had assumed it would be about the same size as the hellenistic barracks, but I could be wrong
  12. I've been talking to Enrique via PM, I'm going to get a start on the corral when I get the chance, since we havent had an update to it's thread in quite a while. Enrique is working on the military settlement, last I heard. He's not quite sure what direction he wants to take it in though
  13. ah, I started the dock a little while back and forgot to update. whoops
  14. aw thanks lion I think the dock house needs a lintel though :/ at the very least
  15. they're triangle fans, they'll look odd if I make them too convex. all pointy and stuff I'll have to import the shields from existing game assets (i see what you did there sander, ) anywho, dock It's a little bigger than the footprint atm but that should be an easy fix I'll tweak existing models once they're all done, if i have time before the next alpha
  16. The shields are convex, it can just be a little difficult to see at distance. The stone texture on the forge is the only area where it is used so I'm not sure what you mean by that micheal. I do agree, I should put a solid roof on at least one of the buildings. and have some extra darker substructure outlining the mouth of the forge I think I should divide the larger half of the main building with a decorative border along the middle, too. But moving right along, here's a new dock concepts. I don't think dukediamond will have his dock out by next alpha so I'd like to get a start on it
  17. aha, AO maps are baked! NOW my finger is hovering over the commit button! nope, nevermind I did it check it out in SVN atlas and tell me what you think
  18. Nevermind, i still need to bake AO maps
  19. I'm not sure you caught my idea there Enrique, I was planning on building it like the corral with an 'open' roof It's all ready in SVN I know it looks a bit short on one side, but once I figure out drop props, I'll put them there my finger is hovering over the commit button
  20. Thanks Enrique It had occurred to me that we could have separate stall models which could bring a lot of life to atlas cities, but I think I'm going to keep on the ptolemies atm so we have placeholders at least for those buildings we don't really have fleshed out yet I got a blacksmith sketch, might not wait for a green light to get it started we got til wednesday
  21. I think I'm going to keep it as is, and hope nobody builds their marketplaces on mountainsides I changed the ground texture to cobble so the well doesnt look too out of place, and give it a nice light value for contrast with the dark beams looks a bit better on grass fixed the stretching too
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