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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. I can't help it i love these textures needed a bit of a breather from Egypt anyhow Railings probably could have been done better, and the columns need randomizing, now that I'm seeing things but hey, this one is as tall as the Greek tower! wee!
  2. Alpha 15 hasn't been released yet, the Ptolemies should be playable when it comes out.
  3. Turtle tactics are still very powerful in this game against the AI, especially against Athenians, Carthaginians, and Mauryans, since they don't build siege weapons Building towers and garrisoning soldiers will hold back a strong assault if they lack siege weaponry. Palisades will help keep cavalry away from your women and such
  4. The left side should seam into the right perfectly, so that odd resolution or multi-monitor setups don't have ugly seams and cutoffs three point perspective and the temperature gradient make it impossible here
  5. I think what Ludo meant is that the crotch is a little disjointed, If you had the musculature of his torso rotate or twist so that his abs end at the split of his legs instead of on his left thigh, it would help a great deal both in dynamism and anatomical structure Looks like a very solid piece though!
  6. haha, thanks! I think Tomas would be much better suited for a Celtic background. He's very practiced in working with that cultural scene. In fact, I think someone ought to give him a heads up as to how the background scroll works As for proportions, I think they'll fall into place once I tighten up the edges, unless there is some glaring issue. Try and keep in mind that I'm trying to make the defenders look a bit emaciated as a consequence of the Roman protracted siege.
  7. Just so you know, this one is going to be next to completely impossible to tile thanks to that big fat black cloud up there I still need to separate the three slides, but I think this one will be fun
  8. Hollow terracotta would seem ill suited to protrude at an angle that wings would flare out at, it looks like they had them straight up to reduce stress on the material. Whatever the case may be, it's just a reconstruction. What you've got so far looks fantastic whup, hang on, they do flare out those reference images do look a bit confusing, almost like the two statues are slightly different :/ maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me
  9. It looks to me like it's a chariot Micket, a winged one at that. those 'people' in the front are the horsies!
  10. ledge should only add about 24 polys, if I did my math right shouldn't weigh too heavy on the poly count
  11. The mosaics show wall paintings that don't quite reach the corners, but rather serve as sort of an aesthetic lintel for the arrow loops, The texture doesnt quite work here.
  12. Squished all the merlons lol I think I like these towers now I'd still rather have the other ones, of course
  13. I can squish it on the Z axis without adding any unnecessary polygons does this look better? (short segment) These weird towers are growing on me for some reason
  14. I could take it down to persian scale, but the polygon count would go through the roof :/
  15. http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/fortresses.htm the existing walls and towers work from Egyptian fortifications in the old-middle kingdoms the new towers are from the Nile mosaic of Palestrina
  16. I really hope you guys hate these towers as much as I do If this becomes the wallset, God forbid, then I'll make new straight sided walls with wider crenels to work with these towers
  17. Thank God I modded these into the game, somehow managed to nuke my work folder thought I lost everything for a second lol I'll leave this here just in case something bad happens again. Short segment might need an AO remap Ptol_walls.zip
  18. It is possible to train Samnite swordsmen if you build an Italiote embassy as Carthage, however you cannot train Samnite skirmisher or spearman mercenaries in this build. Samnite skirmisher and spear units are placeable in Atlas
  19. lol those are some interesting looking towers. I could give them a go, but they look kind of odd, and they don't seem like they'd like the texture pack very much Could you explain to me how to deal with the door armature? I'm lost here. Or should I just model some doors, fix the AOs, zip it up, and put it here?
  20. I pulled references from restored Beni Hassan tomb paintings, not Sunaysilah Castle. The merlons in most of the mosaic are round too,
  21. Thanks Ludo Egyptian fortress gates are typically too thick to portray here, being the strongpoint in an ancient citadel. many of the wall plans of the Nile fortresses from the old dynasties show a gatehouse that is longer than it is wide. The resulting pathway into the fortress would either be strangled by a double gate or just be a long killing corridor A gateway like the one that would flank a religious building such as a temple is an implied fortification, symbolic for spiritual feelings of strength and stability; it is not intended for use in warfare. I did the best I could with what I know, descriptions of the Ptolemaic Baris hint at a similar plan to the old fortresses in terms of turret density, but architectural descriptions of fortifications always seem to sound the same.
  22. oooh stripy bit is way too big, and I could lose a few merlons over the gatehouse. I'm kind of counting on these walls being Persian-sized as opposed to Carthage-sized. Flanking gate towers are going to clip into the gatehouse a bit, and it should fix the spacing issue I keep running into
  23. That could be a fun thing to implement. I always wondered why in most games towers walls and castles where separate. Well, unless you count the Stronghold series. Love stronghold So, this gate business is all Greek to me when it comes to animating doors, so I just built the housing. The Persian armature is in there so all that's really left is to model some fancy city gates and stick them on the bones. Unless, of course, all y'all hate it. I won't have much more time for 0AD in the next few days, unfortunately.
  24. lol thanks Lion! anyone know how to tackle the gatehouse doors? There's a tad bit of animating involved, I at least know that.
  25. lol chocolate Got medium and long segments which leaves the gates
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