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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. aaand another view? with a sunset! I like sunsets I have the textures mapped out fine in Blender, but they're getting all stretched out in Pyrogenesis. I'm not sure why. Any ideas?
  2. I don't quite know how elevation adjusting props work yet, and I'm not sure the Roman market would be good for comparison; this one is more based off of the open plans of the greek and mauryan markets. I could string some stalls together to break up the order, if that would be better.
  3. I'm sure you've noticed that defensive structures are very powerful early in the game, more so than they ever were in AOE or AOM, The territorial expansion keeps the enemy from building aggressively early game, and why an enemy expansion flush to your own territory lines can become so nerve racking.
  4. Once another player controls the center of the map, they get the upper hand over the others. It provides economic and military extension, and creates better trading opportunities The battle for central territory becomes quite a core element, especially in multiplayer
  5. I was thinking the awnings were looking a little haphazard and spindly, but I think it's coming together alright. Ignore that backface culling, I'll fix it later Right one is on uneven ground
  6. Started on the market while the site was down
  7. Might as well throw out a few concepts for the Market a well surrounded by stalls, just like the hellenistic ones! wee!
  8. This thread was nice and dead I thought we had decided to give the women scant clothing and that the Indian swastikas were okay. I feel like there hasn't been any issues since Magadha when they were introduced, so this is not a problem, nor does it need to be addressed imho
  9. I think primary sources would be more valuable in terms of historical accuracy, rather than an artistic representation out of historical context
  10. Well I picked the wrong time to be busy didn't I?

  11. These forums are pretty informal Keaton, so the authoritative ladder is relatively shallow. The leads and developers are pretty good at keeping everything democratic, yet on track with the original design.
  12. It was a breath of fresh air to have WASD, i get immediate control over camera movement while still being able to use my mouse. I like how it's set up
  13. Too many formations will clutter the UI, the ones we have are fine, I've used lines and flank formations to envelop missile cavalry and such.
  14. I captured my videos in real time Enrique, they can be shortened in an editor, even in windows movie maker
  15. lol I think a 'enable boobs and swastikas' checkbox would be hilarious lets make some blood splatter particle effects too, and dismemberment animations! (I'm kidding)
  16. Do you guys think we should give the Assyrian Broom Bus and towered elephants a ranged attack for garrisoned soldiers? archery is kind of a thing for Persia, which doesn't have many seige options anyway (definitely lower the garrison # to 5 though); a small garrison (1-3) would be cool for war elephants too.
  17. These segments are built on the Persian template, but they're still too thick for those walls as well. Killing corridors can be built manually by every civilization already(aside from the celts), I would say keep the gatehouse to keep things consistent, it would be annoying to have battering rams just slip through the gates and tear down your civ center every few minutes
  18. After k776 asked for those stickers, it made me realize how ill-prepared we are for sudden PR issues needing artistic attention, especially if a lot of us are tight on time. I'd like to have more than just screenshots available for public relations, even though it is probably the most truthful outlet. anywho, I sketched a towered elly just because
  19. Unit cap can be adjusted in random map types, most scenarios cap at 300 units.
  20. Please proofread your topics and posts newcivs Catapults are very strong against all soldiers, they just have a particular weakness to cavalry should they close the ground between.
  21. It looks like a sheep could blow over that fence atm, just suggesting that you make them look a bit more substantial with thicker beams and posts
  22. It's a little smaller than the Mauryans gate, heightwise, at least. Mauryan walls are a bit thinner than the others, but that's alright given it's hyped up palisade Just going from what I remember, I cleaned out all my mods and updated recently I'm not sure how to commit actors to buildings that don't exist yet in the civ building actor folder ptol_walls_3.zip
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