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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Would it be possible to make them dependent yet separate, unattackable entities? also, would anyone mind me changing the Carthaginian wonder? I don't want to update my subversion until I get this committed
  2. would it be possible to have multiple projectile empties? right now a fortress shooting looks kinda dumb especially the Iberian one where the arrows materialize in the clearly visible courtyard
  3. Oh dear I hadn't thought about AO right now the floral meshes aren't part of the building, there are empties all around the sides for short Cretan date palm actors that being said, they're all different every time the building is placed, but they're all the same tree.
  4. Maybe not, the mahout is a person, and I don't think elephants can even garrison buildings can they? having advanced archers on the rooftops seems like a happy medium between champion and basic units. also, we would need animations, and some way to code them to aim and fire with enemy soldiers in range. A lot more trouble than it's worth atm imho
  5. I don't know if the standard corral format would support that. It needs to be recognizable as a corral and not a farmstead
  6. Thanks! Those are only garrison flags, they wont be there normally. I feel like I could pull them down a little
  7. I made a big temple no bronze statue though I figure we ought to give the Carthaginians a wonder that's less easily concealed, once wonders become victory conditions granted the mausoleum of Atban looks amazing, and I may have stolen a couple horses from it; it's just too small. I wasn't liking how it was turning out, and I'm still on the fence a bit. I shouldn't have tried to make it a peripteral temple :/ didnt have a lot to go on though cut me some slack guys ;-;
  8. Scaling exaggeration for gaming purposes (same as buildings) / lack of animators
  9. That looks really nice, but I'm just a bit worried about the scale. Corrals are one of the smaller buildings in the game, and the main building here is about the size of a house
  10. only one hero can be on the map at any given time already
  11. I think the planks need a little more play in them, myself. perhaps not in length but in thickness, spacing, and lateral rotation the farmstead is really coming along well, great job!
  12. Formations haven't been implemented yet, but the existing ones do give a decent range of tactical options plus, pike units can strike two units deep, given they have a longer melee range but of course in this alpha stage, the best thing to do is to have a varied army. back your syntagma with priests and archers for the time being
  13. there should probably be a garrison cooldown. American conquest had a single-file garrison system that worked very well. when a building came down before they were all ejected, those units were lost, and surrounding units were damaged. I do have to say, stuffing a siege tower with pikemen make them very resilient to a cavalry charge
  14. Perhaps we could start chipping away at the seleucid empire in the art development forum as we take a few more passes at the ptolemies
  15. There is an art tasking thread at the top of the art development forums, if you want to work on a task just let Enrique know in the forum and he'll have the task assigned to you. We're working on the Seleucids next, just to give you an idea
  16. Can't he just edit the hastatus template to display the legionnaire actor? I'm not too good at modding either I don't know if that will require a public SVN but here's how to do it in SVN open the SVN folder to \binaries\data\mods\public\simulation\templates\units open rome_infantry_swordsman_b.xml in notepad replace units/romans/infantry_swordsman_b.xml with units/romans/champion_unit_4_imp_legion.xml in the text file, then save repeat with rome infantry swordsman variant b,a, and e to undo it all, just run cleanup
  17. Merry Christmas everyone!

  18. Stanislas I think your best bet is to start again from scratch. Don't take the reference image too literally. Try to make a visually interesting structure while staying within the limits of the building template. This building is very much a barracks, perhaps too rigid and "predictable" try to suprise the audience Please don't take this the wrong way, starting over is much more fun than constantly editing a building that in all likelyhood won't work as well as it could. maybe sketch out some different variations and show us, so we can spot any problems before you've put time into a model
  19. Or build a super huge Carthaginian fortification on top of your hill and grind them down to their last man! Pewpew pew pew! aaaah! peshcew! fight the athenians their AI is no good with ranged seige equipment yet (use outposts to spot for your towers and fortresses, they have a longer LOS range when upgraded, and buildings can't shoot into the fog of war) (AI likes to buy food with metal and stone, driving up prices so use the market to your advantage) ah, but seriously though. that probably won't work. could be fun though
  20. I'm pretty sure there are imperial legionnaires and centurions available in the Atlas editor. under units/rome_legionnaire_imperial and units/rome_centurio_imperial they wear the segmented armor
  21. I think it would be better for citizen soldiers to build (and possibly man) siege weapons on-site like in Empires DMW's chinese faction, or the better of the Stronghold series. I like how stronghold handled the use of siege weaponry. Weapons were useless without engineers manning them. Its always a pain when your army's too big to build siege when you run into something like a Carthaginian wall.
  22. poor bamboo spearman's gonna get his ding dong bit off Croc is looking great!
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