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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. uh, farm fields look a little awkward with trees growing out of them
  2. Olive trees! yaaay! and lemons on the ground too!
  3. not all fields, just british ones. also, I'm already working on the orchard things
  4. I don't know if its possible to make them map specific. One of the more learned programmy-types might be able to tell you. As far as I'm planning, I'm making them civ specific. I'm doing a bit of research to see who gets what in terms of crops. Seems the Brythonic tribes had very little in terms of 'greens' before the Roman incursion. Grain centered agriculture. I was surprised
  5. Here's a thick one! ha just had to thin out the outer props and thicken up the central ones
  6. The wheat props either look patchy or overtake everything :/ I spent a long time messing with scale, and shape. This is as close as I got I don't want to make it too high poly either, my computer is already chugging with those bushes
  7. whup, nevermind, they behave alright. Diversity!
  8. I cant enable max settings though Atlas is so much fun to play around with, making pretty cities and whatnot. I'd love to work on the campaign when it becomes a thing Tropic field!
  9. I dont know why, but I really wanted to mess with the farm fields to make them look more... used. Civ-specific too! Here's what I got so far, Desert and Mediterranean fields edited from those terrain textures
  10. If he held his sword straight up, that look silly. it did look silly I drew his sword arm about a dozen times Not sure about the desaturated value contrast Increasing it on the sword will help pull it forward
  11. Could we have a radius around the Civ center where farms cannot be built? I know that bugs a lot of people here It doesnt have to bee too large, but large enough to make it more efficient to build farmsteads
  12. Archers actually do double damage vs swordsmen, and 1.5 damage to cavalry spearmen. Skirmishers do not have a damage bonus vs archers, but have a 1.5 multiplier vs spearmen and elephants. they also have a 2x(?) damage multiplier against cavalry archers Swordsmen are only strong against spearmen(2x) and skirmishers(1.5x)
  13. http://0ad.wikia.com/wiki/0_A.D._Wiki different units have attack bonuses vs others, but varying levels of armor throw a bit of a wrench in the heirarchy late game. For instance, spearmen do double damage against cavalry, and can be upgraded to soak up missile fire, which makes them useful for street fighting, and protecting missile units. They can also be upgraded to take more hack damage on a separate tech path, which gives them more resistance in melee, but they are more easily shot down. Hover over the portrait to see the attack multipliers, and hover over the shield in the middle of the unit UI to see attack strength and armor.
  14. Mmm? .PSD is probably broken, so I'd stick with the .tiff Athenian Marine_alpha.psd Athenian Marine_alpha.tiff
  15. lol go for it Plumo I can't do photoshop format in GIMP, I can send a PNG through. I collapse all my layers towards the end anyhow
  16. Maybe we'd be more receptive if you would compromise every once in a while. There are limits to this kind of game rather than reiteration and trying to make your opposition sound stupid you could actually try to reason with us
  17. I'd be for unique decals and substructure variations. It'd also be nice if we could citizens would move around the field instead of only farming the corner
  18. then go play stronghold or simcity or something else this isnt what this game is about
  19. poor horse has been beaten to death, and then some with a stick I'm against making farms bigger, if only for their square footprint. I think we should get a little more creative with decals and substructures if we want to make huge farm fields. Maybe that brush or tree fringe between farm fields, or a chicken coop here or there in variations. Then we could get rid of that awkward overlap where we have two plants growing in the same place. oh dude I love American conquest. Its super fun all the time! love the way city combat and formation fighting works in that game
  20. Yeah all my backgrounds are doo doo. I'm actually thinking of working with some sort of chiaroscuro, and ditching what's going on in the other portraits. My only concern is of the background contrasting too much within itself and destroying the compositional hierarchy
  21. Athenian marines! 300 sequel! I know it'll be all kinds of historically inaccurate but it looks cool anyway!
  22. Stronghold crusader handled this sort of thing beautifully Oases were crucial, and the land you have around your castle greatly affected the style of gameplay, and the economic gameplay was amazingly pliable Market rates were fixed, therefore having only one claim to a strategic resource was less efficient, but it was an option for instance, if you have no oases around, and you had Iron or stone, you could sell it for food, and the iron would allow you to build a powerful weapons for a domestic army, while if there was plenty of oasis but no iron, you could hire a slew of arabian mercenaries by selling food
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