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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. I can't edit video, so i have a veeery long video of me painting this thing Took everyone's suggestions into account I think I did what I could, he definitely looks a lot less stiff! Thanks for the feedback guys background is a little new, could possibly be a bit too busy you know what, scratch that. It looks a bit dull
  2. Excellent! I'm not the best with props, they confuse me Brit_tower_barracks.zip
  3. That's a bit too complicated, and invisible roads would just be silly
  4. Alexander the Great had pushed his empire to the Indus valley, those cultures of Macedon and India would have been in direct contact in a fight for homeland, rather than a push of mercenaries I haven't read too far into Indian relations with Persia, but the juxtaposition could have sparked a few skirmishes What I mean is that the Aksum homeland has not had it's borders encroached on by the other civilizations in the game, as far as I know. A game revolving around ancient warfare would require militarily reactive situations between civilizations, rather than just hinging on the wealth and power of a particular empire whoop, read your last post again. Nevermind that lol
  5. The in game empires at the moment had relations towards eachother much more heavily involved than just being a trade empire. Please correct me if I am wrong, but Aksum seems to be relatively isolated in comparison to the mediterranean, european, and middle eastern theaters. The Aksum empire could be modded in, of course.
  6. I definitely think there should at least be some sort of 'road' decal under the wall gates footprint. Having that just be dirt and grass makes me sad
  7. Thanks guys! Yes this one's on a generated 'Belgian uplands' map. I'm not too good with the actor editor and whatnot, so I think I'll keep the model in blender from here on out Oh, and I have no idea how to bake in AO maps, but I'm sure Enrique's helpful tutorial will help me figure it out
  8. Aaaah i have a good feeling about this one! I was going to post a screencap earlier but the site was down It still needs props, of course
  9. Ah I loved that feature in Empires, Dawn of the modern world! The only issue is that these pavings might not coincide with future city planning. At any rate I think it would be better with than without
  10. awh, you lucky brony you I'd love to go to Europe
  11. Altar of Zeus! Bits of the real thing are in a museum in Berlin right?
  12. Probably not blender, I take too much time stumbling about the UI to make an interesting video
  13. That sounds like a ton of fun. I don't think I have much time though, I usually just punch out a few details between classes. I'm downloading camstudio, maybe after I get the brit barracks built I can scribble up something this week.
  14. I knowww but it would be so cooool! This game is absolutely beautiful, and I'd like an aesthetic reason to swap out the hellenistic states in my gameplay every once in a while when the selucids are added that'd be FOUR civilizations with similar building sets Even the Celtic tribes get different buildings sets now, and there are only two!
  15. I may be splitting hairs, but would it be possible to separate the hellensitic building sets by more than just the Civ center?
  16. For Carthage, there are 3 I haven't had a go at yet, and several I would like to overhaul.
  17. It looks an awful lot like macedon... and we already have 3 hellenistic civilizations They're getting their own building set yes?
  18. Thanks Ludo! aah, you make a good point there
  19. Painting the shadows around the edge of the existing paintings?
  20. Can't you have the value difference built into the transparencies to pull them forward?
  21. LordGood, I put you on my watch list
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