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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Thanks guys I think I might be able to use that airbrush tool a little more responsibly now I downloaded that svn. Those changes are looking awesome, but I can't train my sacred band pikemen anymore
  2. Thanks, but I'm not sure what you guys are going for, I divided everything into it's basic shapes and exaggerated contrast because I thought things were getting too muddy. If you want I can go in and smooth out some of those hard cartoony edges and tone down that value contrast and background aura. And that Twilight icon has over a hundred layers in it, everything needs a layer!
  3. I am so glad you guys like these. ahaha I was thinking having the weapon distinguish the color, and perhaps a shape set into the background distinguish the type of unit. Green and blue would be reserved for civilian units and ships but from violet to yellow would be for the military units. The only problem with this is that sometimes not a whole lot of the background can be seen. And on a somewhat unrelated note:
  4. Persian chimney looks a little arabesque to me but that's just my opinion. On the other hand, the roundness will help distinguish it from the other persian buildings. These are looking great
  5. I've been messing around in Blender with a farmstead, tower, and wall turret concept. I hadn't got the chance to grab any of the textures from the forums so I painted some in myself.
  6. Out of contact, but still drawing!

  7. @alpha, The Quinquereme and the Trireme both have eyes painted on their bows. The Bireme is the only one that doesn't
  8. Lol, you guys are awesome Sorry I've been out of contact. I am back from school and am staying at a condo with no internet access, but I have been making unit portraits still.
  9. Thanks guys, merchant ship didn't come out quite as strong though. I put a crew on the Quinquereme too but it didn't make too much of a difference scaled down. The background issue can always be sorted out later, I like the warm gradients and blue because it doesnt seem too far fetched from actual sky colors. Once we get into greens and purples, it's going to look strange.
  10. Thanks Zaggy, I'll tack that on my to-do list. I still need to draw the crew, but here's the Quinquereme
  11. Thanks Ludo, I think I'm swearing off the airbrush tool and the fuzzy edged paintbrushes for a while. I need well defined edges more than I need the gradients
  12. Here is a boat, Quinquereme is next. I got a good list of everything that needs fixing, but I'll get some drafts out of what isn't done yet first. I took my time with this one, I might have to stop using the airbrush tool because I seem to abuse it. Also the eye is painted on the wrong part of the bow, I can fix that later too. Another thing, the Carthaginian Quinquereme has no bronze ram in the model. I'm going to paint one in for the portrait, but the textures might need a little tiny edit to make that clear once ship rams are integrated as a game mechanic.
  13. I thought you wanted them to coincide with the Greek ones, that's 20 unit portraits with different colors
  14. well that is shocking not as shocking as pure magenta though that just hurt to look at probably should use red with wood based units
  15. Right now blue marks civilian status, I can try different warm tints, that seems to be the recurring theme on the Greek unit portraits, which is what Mythos had in mind. Maybe red? I like the exaggerated perspective of the ballista but I might have to abandon it for a three quarter, or overhead view of it
  16. I think our reference images are of different breeds and gender, but I do agree. he looks a bit like a llama
  17. Thanks! The boat is sitting in water, and the reflection is bound to be a similar color. Can't have it float because that would look silly. I'm assuming you're talking about the lower half of the background
  18. These boats are gonna be the death of me
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