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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Oh it's not just the scaled up image, but the process Its like I'm unlearning everything in Drawing 1 xP Our professor would constantly tell us off if we had halos around our objects and here I am intentionally putting halos around all my objects eh this serves a purpose though haha
  2. Kind of reminds me of the elite unit aura of the first AoE
  3. Eeeh definitely don't like the auras right now >.< maybe that's just me
  4. pop? ahaha I gotcha I'm not sure I like the feel of the auras, but I can see how it helps
  5. These will have to look shoddily built then, especially in relation to the limestone buildings. That would require some awesome textures Onwards! To Egypt!
  6. Much Persian architecture was made of mud-brick too, yet a different mechanic is in place here not only that, but they're stronger than most :/ I would keep the wood cost, or else make them take longer to build because mud brick takes time to make and cure and keep the strength up
  7. teehee maybe I wont ruin this one
  8. Definitely something only available in the city phase, but it'll let players build walls earlier and not worry as much about the overspill. Perhaps only make it available for the city building factions like Rome, Carthage, Athens, and Persia? or perhaps unlock an apartment building at the city phase probably a silly idea, but I do like the city builder aspect of these games
  9. I'm noticing some light auras around things maybe that would help?
  10. Thanks dread I gave the elly another shot but I might just try to fix the other one instead...
  11. the main menu of Prince of persia the two thrones was awesome, it was a pan around babylon under siege, buildings on fire and projectiles flying overhead that's an idea too
  12. Sounds interesting I'm always down for a good movie on ancient greece Citizen lady, she doesnt have as stretchy a face!
  13. Hadn't been paying much attention to them for a while, but I couldn't see them firing when I did. When I looked at my carthaginian bolt shooters after the researching new accuracy upgrade, all zoomed out I noticed that they were shooting bolts straight up into the air. I generally don't play against the AI due to computer limits, so I hadn't noticed this before. They shot straight before magadha, and I'm not sure this was borne of a bug in the accuracy upgrade or if it was just an anomalous instance
  14. ah well I just quit, walked in a circle, sat back down and started painting again xP Pedro pitched a 3D menu screen idea at me and it sounds like fun I remember modelling this town a while back, perhaps it could be put to use once I finish it? It's getting pretty weighty, kerkythea is already struggling to process it. ehehe, it actually has 65032 untriangulated faces at the moment, so you could probably double that to get a low estimate poly count
  15. Gotcha xP aaah need to squish her face round face she was originally much paler, but then I remembered the whole 'north africa' thing and toned it down a bit
  16. that was the immediate first thing I did xP many times
  17. Well shucks, I made a background but I ruined it program automatically saved over my file and everything... It's supposed to look like the export, but I accidentally hit the grayscale mode and it broke everything this is the worst possible thing
  18. eeh, less shadows on the face should fix... something
  19. hand should be easy enough to fix on the cavalry, and I need way more oars xP have a priestess for the time being, Pedro has a little project for me, and it sounds like fun she needs more value contrast though
  20. Why wouldn't anyone want the babylonians the babylonians are awesome
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