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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. ah lion, I just appreciate the buildings more for knowing how it's done now! I havent had an opportunity to use the siege towers yet, but I know they don't shoot arrows, they just unload a space ahead of where they are. The cavalry javelinist looks to me like it's potentially just as overpowered as our own was (cavalry archer that costs no gold) lol I bought it within the hour of it coming out, the african biomes are amazing too, cutting down baobab trees actually has a sprite progression as you take more wood out of it instead of the single fallen tree that disappears when its out of wood. I cannot stress enough how pleased I am with the architectural progression though
  2. The whole architecture set is gorgeous, and the new campaign has voice acting again!
  3. I'm not sure if slings would be considered siege worthy, it was a nice counter in AOE to towers but I think that was more borne of necessity for a tower and archer counter. (they werent that great at it either) The only siege slings I've come across are either attached to catapults or later staff-slingers. I think the only counter-siege would be a variation of siege- like the ballista in Stronghold or the Culverin in AOEIII. Even counter trebuchets in AOE II. the oxybeles, polybolos, and scorpion fit the bill pretty well already.
  4. Models, models, and more models lol Enrique i assume is chipping away at the texture pack when he can, Hopefully I can get some time to finish the building set, but senior year is kicking in and I need all the time i can get for thesis
  5. My biggest issue here is the term 'overpowered' in these unit roles. It seems major gameplay imbalances are built in already. The only units that should be coined as overpowered are champions. Archers have their weaknesses, according to Xenophon's accounts one of these is being outranged by lead shot slingers Ranged harassment should not be a short-term substitute for an actual infantry assault like it has been. I'm still all for the missile spread modifier to be used to calm archer superiority. It would also make cavalry being a bigger target a factor. As far as spears vs swords, melee range plays a huge part in gameplay, getting the first hit in and the ability for multiple ranks to support the front line make spears very strong in formation, pikes even stronger. I dont want to flaunt my mod too much but i feel like the pike units are reasonably balanced to where they can destroy lightly armored short ranged units if they're attacked in a Syntagma. Out of formation they're clumsy and awkward and get torn apart by short range infantry.
  6. The only thing i see changing here are the slingers, they are some faction's only long range units, and they are long range units at that. Though it does seem you are missing some mid range missile troops. There are spread/accuracy modifiers in the unit XMLs, and that's how I balance my archers with my slingers in PA, but I can see not using that in a strictly competitive sense. It helps keep missile units from getting too powerful though. I've been doing some slinging as a hobby and the biggest issue i have with it is hitting a target, and its moderately dangerous to anyone else around you're slinging around. messed up my shoulder a bit too but that's my problem lol There are friendly fire modifiers as well which can help with archer overpower, they work very nicely with spread. I think we're on the right track though. I didn't care much for the switch from hard counters, flawed as they may be. I haven't properly played vanilla 0 AD in a long time... It looks like you guys are doing some good work though! Cheers
  7. The gatehouse has no animations yet, and it looks like your egyptian pikeman went and opened the gate at the end there, but there was no animation to show it. Locking the gatehouses will help keep that from happening. Not necessarily a bug, just a missing animation.
  8. whaaat you can do that? haha nevermind what I said
  9. These usually simplify the mesh into triangles, if these triangles are parallel then the 'delete->dissolve' should take care of the line in between. This may leave edges broken by vertices though, any altering of the perimeter of the shape will deform the face and be harder to keep under control. To avoid that you need to dissolve the vertices as well. If the diagonal is dividing a quadrilateral by it's existing vertices this shouldn't happen. However if they're involved in a change in direction detailing the face and are not parallel (which I can see plenty of in the roof there) they cannot be dissolved. Or maybe they can, I haven't done much dissolving in the new version, but if it is allowed it will likely give you the same problem as the one I mentioned above. Best course of action would be to just leave them as they are I'm not the best at explaining things x3 took a couple years for me to learn blender myself ah anyway, hope this helps
  10. aaah feature! http://www.equestriadaily.com/2015/06/ponies-ascendant-mod-for-0-ad-update.html#idc-container
  11. ah wow these look awesome! A map preview shot is usually done in atlas, where the map is generated then the unrestricted camera can be used to zoom out to where the entire map can be seen. These team maps in particular look like they could be a lot of fun
  12. ah I might get rid of the auras then, I havent had a problem with them slowing the game (maybe because they're static entities) but then again I haven't built too many. Just being able pushing territory borders seems to be a big gameplay change in itself.
  13. 25% speed bonus, and they push territory borders into neutral areas. actually paving a trade route has a nice impact haha. Good for pulling troops from far away barracks too, especially slow ones like knights, mangonels, and halberdiers
  14. Just announced v 19 of Ponies Ascendant on my DA page, maybe get a few more players in. Cheers for the feature Tango_!
  15. I'm keeping it at an alpha-by-alpha state, for easier outside accessibility. I haven't tested it with A19-SVN yet, and likely wont until A19's release Cheers!
  16. Or we could look at this as an indirect form of advertising, when people wonder what the actual game the screenshot is from haha
  17. Oh if nothing else I can at least hack up the backgrounds into layers now, that's fantastic! Sounds simple enough for me to use too haha Cheers Sander
  18. Awww lookit me show off my new maps! ha!
  19. hehe hey Orphydian Michael's DA page is here: http://mythosruler.deviantart.com/ though I doubt he's active on it anymore the concepts are afaik done by a wider group of artists
  20. That's fantastic! I'm honored, thank you The problem with Xonotic's sounds is that they're taken straight from the show. Since fighting is magic got taken down, we modders need to be careful about uh, primary source materials. I would love to have some pony sounds, I am proficient enough in Audacity to pitch shift. I'd just need some voice actors (the jump from man to woman in pitch might distort the audio a bit much for me to do it lol)
  21. Niek's post refers to a concept that's been on this thread for nearly a year, and the model is built off of it nearly 1:1. There has been plenty of time to critique between the sketch and finish If you find more source material then absolutely update this thread. As hesitant as I am to make another quadrangular fortress, if you have source material to back it up I will seriously consider it, especially for this faction. those arch reliefs on the Seleucid Acra in particular could be a fantastic addition to the texture pack if Enrique knows about them.
  22. Polygon count is fine low but the range we keep for vanilla is somewhere between 1k-100k depending on the size and re-useability. The less the better, 100k is only used for the hanging gardens I think, which is an enormous Persian wonder. the count has changed over the years, so I'm not sure where they stand. I tend to keep it between 5-8 for most medium sized buildings, maybe splurge for the wonders, CCs and castles Also using the mod's texture pack is vital for keeping the coherence of the building set as a whole, if Stan would like to add them to the norse_struct that's one thing, it ought to be revisited in earlier buildings though, if not then it may be beneficial to ask for the source files to see where everything stands. The Millennium GIT repo should have everything you need.
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