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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Original post still puts a smile on my face, haha 'bogus' GG MetaPhaze
  2. All the Greek temples are unique, if you take a closer look
  3. Please God no, punishing city building would be absurd in a game like this. Having your castle burn down was extremely frustrating in Stronghold. Burning individual buildings sounds feasible but fire spreading would be just cruel
  4. Gonna be honest about this one I totally forgot
  5. The Koreans in Empires:DMW had a system where killing an enemy civilian automatically trained one of your own from your first town center, which means raiding enemy mining camps and farms would bolster your own economy with these 'captured citizens'. Perhaps this is the kind of simplification we need.
  6. iirc Enrique was working on the texture pack; 3D sculpting the texture is bound to take some time. The cartoony feel might be from a lack of normal and specular maps?
  7. From RanaJe's A15 sketch. Not entirely faithful, but I had to get it to fit into the barracks footprint. Taking a little time out of senior year duties; I wanted to get back into Blender for a bit maybe inch this task forward a tiny bit too. If a dev rolls around to this, I'm not sure what stage of the alpha cycle we're at; I've been out of touch. Is it alright to commit? Cheers!
  8. I'm afraid not, I haven't been able to keep this up to date. The logical choice for me would be to truncate it to an A18 standalone to future-proof it, but as it stands now its pre-capturing, so everything is broken atm.
  9. I say it looks great, if you're looking for a passing opinion. It may be less painterly but this cleaner style would better fit the Greek aesthetic IMO. I only skimmed through this topic, but it sounds like your design choices are well reasoned. This change my blessing, for what its worth. haha
  10. weird thing about impact sounds is that they're parented to the actor that cast the projectile, I don't know if this is a planned fix or not, but impact sounds as they are can be confusing if you're trying to find out where they're coming from, especially on long range troops
  11. A moat would either make the footprint way too big or the building too small, the issue with any "terraforming" is that it doesn't always fit the terrain its placed in. besides, that pool of a moat around the hanging gardens wouldn't really fit the Iberian's aesthetic. Colored plaster would probably be the best option here
  12. I had a bit of an idea concerning this civ, what if we didnt have any castles at all? The carolingian empire didnt have much in terms of fortifications because its army was so mobile and had a good standing in logistics. The privatization of defense also promote drawing boundaries within the empire. maybe give the infantry/cavalry the same packing and unpacking mechanic that catapults have, and give citizens a higher gather capacity, then we wouldn't have to deal with the complexities of establishing cities and castles. I think they should have a palace building to train champions and heroes out of though, like the persians in vanilla. That would make for reliance on your highly mobile army on defending a very vulnerable homeland. It can still revolve around gold production, the carry bonus might even make it more viable to take mines that are further away
  13. Nonsense! Nothing is overkill when you're making something pretty! haha nice 210,558 food
  14. I figure I might as well show you guys what I'm up to lol I'm looking forward to what you guys can come up with, squeezing something like a motte and bailey into the fortress footprint and making it feel like a powerful castle at the same time. But I suppose trees are going to be a highlight for a little while eh? haha
  15. maybe have the tree sink down quickly when dead, and have a "resource" model which is the fallen tree, Sure it wouldn't be as pretty as falling trees, but we wont have to scrap all of the trees we have already.
  16. lol I matched the colors and tile pattern with the roofs of Kloster Lorsch gate, blue slate is nice The blue thatch is a little strange though, i'll admit, though the stones weighing it down are always a nice touch. It might become a little yellow heavy if you match it with the merovingian reconstruction examples from earlier in the thread, but of course a yellow themed palette wouldn't be amiss
  17. only ~28500 polys for the castle, I modeled some architectural experiments off-frame. I remember reading on the threads about having a stone upgrade in the city phase or something like that anyhow
  18. I did make mine a bit big, but the donjon at doué la fontaine (though in ruins) does show stone donjon construction in the time period. All the information on the castle wiki is in French, so all i have to navigate by are cognates words of English and some Spanish. I think it says that the castle was on or was excavated from a motte? link to the wiki https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ch%C3%A2teau_de_Dou%C3%A9-la-Fontaine
  19. nice I cant release these models or textures, but maybe you could use them for ideas? I'm not sure you can do much with a castle aside from the motte, which I haven't modeled yet. Maybe a smaller stone donjon than the one i have here.
  20. I'd be nice to see the progression artwise; I saw some nice frankish screenies a while back, but I have no idea where you guys are on this particular topic.
  21. From what I understand the Carolingians did not need many castles, the imperial army was both mobile and powerful enough to keep order; privatization of defensive structures wasn't necessary, and may have been detrimental to the unity of the empire. Though I would love to see how you guys will condense a motte and bailey or donjon and bailey into a fortress footprint. I'm not sure where I got this idea though, a quick wiki check lines up though. I'm working on my own little Frankish project for school ^^
  22. That might work if we didn't have unit counters. That kind of skews the health to damage type ratio. If a player can understand that a unit does extra damage to another unit that same player should have no trouble figuring out how armor works with health. I feel if we inch into making the interface more complicated then we're never going to get rid of the hover feature.
  23. oh nooo I could have been wearing my 0 AD shirt!
  24. I needed to record some slinging for a few classes of mine and thought I'd share just in case our animators would like to give the slingers new animations. It really is a lot of fun, though I wouldn't have someone standing as close as my cameraman Colin if you're just learning.
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