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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. OK so I just finished fixing the little hiccup in the loop, it should be good now
  2. I put slinger anims in the title, but its just the one in Balearic style. Not quite sure where these go just yet, it doesn't look like the new meshes are in until we complete the animation roster. I want to get all different styles for different cultures because that would be awesome, but that will probably take a lot of time. Have a go, then
  3. Working with this blend file is fantastic, all the handles cooperate and everything! I'll definitely be jumping on the animation wagon every once in a while. Brilliant work Enrique
  4. I'd think if an enemy razes a town and all that's left is the colonnades that would seem stupid as well, and if its a stone resource stone miners will automatically move to dismantling them after their mines run out... I figure they'd work similarly to fence entities
  5. oh whoops, forgot I wasnt following this topic lol. Gates are animated yes, and the colonnade is a prop entity in SVN now.
  6. Bronze age ruins would be 1-3k years old in classical and hellenistic times. Even early classical/archaic greek buildings would be 300-700 years old Unless properly kept or solidly built, they will be in pretty bad shape
  7. Ruins of the current age? nooo we need to delve into the history of a region, and ruins are a fantastic way to go about that, Theres a good opportunity for early classical and pre-antiquity peripteral temple ruins, or even the cyclopian ruins at Mycenae and Tiryns. Ziggurats would be fun too. But all of this belongs in its own thread, if anyone would like to do the honors of starting one when the ruin ball gets rolling
  8. We really do need sele_struct specific fountains and colonnades for the Seleucids. Colonnades were a defining feature of Antioch also! I think the library needs a faction specific model, or at least use the faction textures. I'd think the same for the Ptolemies but there's a bit too much of a disconnect between architectural styles for that to be possible
  9. Wonder's in, and edited the barracks. took out the banners just to be safe, you can't really see inside with them. Looks like the citizen soldiers get to train in the art of fighting under heat exhaustion, haha also, statue in the temple. No screenshots, so you'll have to take my word for it... or have a look yourself!
  10. now is the time to think with creativity and design! lots of fun, you could take the S-ele-u and stick an anchor somewhere in that, or take different bits of anchor and stick them on the typeface in all sorts of ways. the l and the cross of the e's maybe i dunno, its a fun time to experiment, that's the best way to find a working design
  11. You have some loose geometry in your mesh, ie vertices and edges that are not defining a polygon. you can fix this by going into blender and selecting loose geometry with either the edge or vertex select enabled. Both actually, there might be loose vertices and loose edges.
  12. I read that greeks and romans did use large mantlets, but there's no real reason to give them extra siege weapons, they already have them all, pretty much. perhaps tunneler units for celts and iberians?
  13. alright, as it stands, a battering ram does more damage to my pike formation than a freight train. I don't understand why we went back to the pierce+hack hybrid for spears and pikes. It should be melee - ranged - and siege, these added mixed types makes pikemen obsolete late game. They make wonderful heavy infantry, but the seleucids have no barracks units suitable to take down siege equipment, and as I see it, melee units have to beat siege weapons if they close with them. all siege needs to be situational. that said, what would you guys think of a mantlet unit? I hear a lot of talk of nerfing defense and ranged units, a slow pierce armor aura siege unit might do the trick?
  14. Those aren't seams, actually, the AO baked all weird. I probably just need to tweak it, or have a larger texture to bake onto. Statue of Apollo was planned, already pulled back the awnings and everything, but I spent all my time realizing the relief sculptures into the sides haha I want to get a bronze statue into the little temple too
  15. I think the only issue is the man:horse ratio haha. Ofc sacrifices need to be made for the sake of the RTS format, but boy is that a tiny horse! Excellent animations though, Enrique!
  16. I think your definition big temple is smaller than my big temple. haha, well this was a fun way to spend a Saturday, at least. I would love to squeeze in some fountains, but I'm already really pushing the wonder size limit...
  17. I'm pushing 20,000 tris already, and I haven't even started the gardens yet haha I suppose that's what wonders are for, after all. Going nuts! I had thought the seleucid gate's obstruction was based on the hellenistic gates, so it shouldnt constrict traffic? I didnt edit any of that, just the actors that said there is definitely not enough clearance for a towered elephant, lol. I'll fix that when I get the chance
  18. I might put some suggested gardens around the perimeter, but I don't want to make the footprint too big. Perhaps bushes and flowers down the sides and crawling up the base, maybe some trees behind. Worked for the temple of Ba'al, haha.
  19. ah, it lets me use my imagination then, haha I can still use the Pergamon altar as a jumping off point, the flights of stairs would be an example of 'Persian architectural formalities' I really like the idea of a temple with all the high reliefs around the foundation Temple of Apollo it is, then. I'll post sketches when ready.
  20. Walls and placeholder normalmaps and specmaps are in. Have fun with your citybuilding wackyserious haha
  21. Theater might get mixed up functionally with with the city state's theaters. Successor states are not supposed to have theaters. Not much I can find about the temple of Apollo either. The mausoleum is very much a symbol, easy to get reference for, but how about the Altar of Pergamon? Its a very nice example of eastern Hellenistic architecture and sculpture, better yet, its still around! haha
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