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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. Seleucid walls based on that article on the fortress on mt Karasis (corner-body masonry details)
  2. Slowly cobbling everything back together, wee!
  3. the H key, or the hand in the bottom of the middle part of the UI, will stop the selected units from doing whatever they were doing/ acquire a new target. Useful in battles where you need troops to respond to closer, more threatening targets.
  4. haha, nevermind. Drive still boots on the school computers so I can just dig out bits i need. I dont think it likes that though. but hey, look what I got back! No more building a texture off of UV maps! wee!
  5. Computer troubles again

  6. I will eventually get everything working again, just you wait and see!

  7. Excellent Sighvatr, Assyria will be a fun one no doubt. I think those "field fortifications" are actually the Assyrian siege tower/rams we see in the main game. They bear some resemblance
  8. sounds are applied in the .xml simulation templates and variants are in .ogg vorbis format and tied together with xmls in the audio folder. Root through the audio assets, it's pretty straightforeward. I cant explain it too well from memory
  9. ey! look what I can do on my new computer! Still runs nice too!
  10. I find tortiseSVN easier for working with GIT repos, myself.
  11. uuuh bit of an issue here, I can't use ActorEditor on my new computer for some reason. Crashes whenever I open a browse window in a nested window (textures, props, animation editors) Probably not going to break anything but it's definitely going to slow me down
  12. Enrique: http://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=18152
  13. Eyy! We're compatible with A18, big thanks to Sander. Set up project to promote actively posting changes to the GIT repo as I make them. Perhaps help avoid problems in the future.
  14. of course, booting a dead drive is a bad idea all around, but I cant really send it to the pros. Cost me more than it's worth at that point
  15. HDD in my laptop, 10 years old and it just started getting bad sectors. it's not readable from a PC but it is bootable on the school macs. IT managed to pull the SVN to a flash drive. The deep paths are missing and I have files missing here and there. Might be a bad copy too, though. There doesnt seem to be any rhyme or reason to the pattern of the missing files. I just need an external hard drive to copy everything over and sort it out from there
  16. I suppose meshes are better than nothing, the skeleton actors are going to be a pain to rebuild, so is the texture pack meshes.zip
  17. Nope, lost all my textures, templates, and actors... gaaah
  18. dont want to do any premature celebration, but I may have just gotten my mod SVN back still copying files over.... uuuu
  19. this thread started rediculous, forgive my temper, but in light of recent events, im a little short on patience. i stand by what i say in that this is no way to treat your team. Seeing how many members you managed to piss off already should be indication that a change in attitude is needed. As im browsing on my phone all i can criticize is conduct. If we're talking about calming down ground textures a bit sure, i'm all for it. stealth mechanics would be neat but seeing how units can be seen through buildings, thats not really a goal here. Dont make them too boring, now.
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