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  1. Everyone agrees, Big Corp is evil. According to the Thom Hartman show, Big Corp think-tanks have employees changing the entries in Wikipedia changing history as they WISH it to be. Why not use our passion against Big Corp, as the basis for a game? Although I am a ex-programmer, I am mot a game programmer nor designer. But, I am somewhat an expert in Orwell, reading all of his works, biographies, etc. including his letter he wrote prior to the book 1984, acknowledging he was writing it as a warning. In his article Discussion of Communism vs. Capitalism, he stated there are TWO paths that lead to slavery, extreme Capitalism (Corporatocracy) and extreme socialism (Communism), Big Brother refers to BOTH! He warned us about the two extremes in Big Brother 1984. Seems Big Corps's propaganda machines would rather you believe it is only Communism. In our group Big.Brother.is.Watching, we identify over 300 parallels proving he was correct about the US ... even his date. 1984, which he started to name '1980' Which was the exact date the KING of Big Corp, Reagan was elected president and the beginning of the US Corporatocracy. Orwell hated censorship and knew it would worsen. He even suggested it did not mean anything. As suspicious as he was that the US would ban his warning had he kept the date, he used a little new-speak of his own. As I suggested earlier, I would be more than happy to advise you in a new game. Sort of scifi turned survival game. I am so dedicated to this idea of his warning, I would be most happy to advise FREE of charge for a truthful game. But WARNING, it may put you on Big Corps (Big Brother) radar via NSA, FBI, etc. Thx so much, in advance for you time and response, Steve
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