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Everything posted by LordGood

  1. why not just use justus' formula for hero portraits for the time being?
  2. best thing to do here instead of arguing misconceptions is to actually ping @mimo for a status update lol @stanislas69 do you have either of the Gaul buildings IP, or can i go ahead and push forward with them next?
  3. AI needs to be rewritten to accept these, and from what little i understand that's no small task
  4. Some foliage would look good on the stable, it is a rural-ish building after all
  5. If we're going to tower the north african elephants for the carthaginians, they're going to have to be smaller, the elephants that are towered already are fine, since they're the larger asian elephants
  6. All of that should be done in the specmap
  7. Welcome to the forums! I have one concern regarding the composition right now, and that's the lack of horizontal seamless tiling on your background and middle ground. Else we'll get some weird seams when they scroll. Feel free to take inspiration from current in-game assets as you see fit. Good start! I'll second the request for a Pictish stone.
  8. no real community consensus on them, and I'm not particularly happy with them myself. I'm not sure better than nothing is good enough of an excuse
  9. I like the buzz of the stones in flight, one of my favorite things about slinging getting those in game would be wicked also @stanislas69 is right, these need extensive testing in many different scenarios to make sure these sounds dont become overpowering, especially with stacking reverb. That was one of the major problems I had making sounds for PA Let me know if you want to play around with the sounds here @nils
  10. warm up sketch gone too far lol. I think my learning Krita is going fairly well! might as well throw this here
  11. Krita's more painterly controls gives me the fine touch i need for more TLC, so I'm finding out. Gave the cataphract a once-over since it was bugging me
  12. What? No, this is a matter of respect. You don't try to pry art out of artists for exposure or pocket change. Professionals like EC will likely charge more than the team will be willing to part with for a MM background.
  13. I didn't mean to me, pestering professional illustrators is not a good way to network.
  14. Commissioned artwork would take a serious chunk out of our treasury and spoils the whole point open sourcing. I would not push the point
  15. oof, those normals are looking rough. Totally my fault, but still. Guys think it might be time for more true 3D rimmed shields?
  16. briefly mentioned in the spartan structure thread, regarding a full art split for the Greeks
  17. this one, it has been decided the old actors will have their own new atlas entities for eyecandy purposes, the old entities will be visually changed. We're not planning on removing entities to my knowledge, but if that happens i think your map would simply throw a few errors into the console. I could be mistaken on that last point though.
  18. The detail in this map is gorgeous Just a word of warning, the Ptolemies and Athenians may see a change in art direction in the future. Native structures should still be available in the scenario editor, but it'll take a little bit of rebuilding if you continue developing this map
  19. Athenian long walls can be built in neutral territory
  20. I don't think it would be a service to expand the footprint of the Amun temple any more. Depending on map tree distribution it will likely become difficult to place. Particularly on baobab heavy maps. Also obstruction boxes around the rams would be a particularly tedious task, best leave that to mapmakers.
  21. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/browser/art_source/trunk/art/meshes and animations/skeletal/animations_and_meshes_mainfile.blend
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