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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. Hi @DanW58 been awhile now lead at the vegastrike project see your still joined at the hip to Eiffel we have been cleaning the source tree so that it now compiles on current distros still no luck on OSX or Windows yet but working on it new group of coders Enjoy the Choice
  2. Krita is also cross platform in that it is available for Linux ,Windows and OSX which is great if you dual boot you can keep to the same tool chain on both Linux and Windows. Enjoy the Choice
  3. Post the commands.txt files for the relevant games as evidence that it happened at all your word alone is not enough. Enjoy the Choice
  4. Yes that's the right folder just the post crashlog file and interestinglog as attachments in your next post the interesting one should give us some context of what is happening. Enjoy the Choice
  5. From the look of the error dialog box Win 10 @gameboy Enjoy the Choice
  6. The most used tool is a good text editor us Linux users just need the default one but on Windows download notepad ++ it will check the syntax for json and xml just change the language from the menu on it's tool bar. Enjoy the Choice
  7. Does not the installer put the exe. in app data which is not accessible to the Windows file browser by default which may be why the OP can't find it. Enjoy the Choice
  8. Just increase the number of your posts without attachments you just ran into our newbie barrier or @feneur could give you pass with his admin wand. Enjoy the Choice
  9. That is because of "LAW 101" only french is allowed on signage but most Quebecois actually ignore that in common speech while Acadian french from New Brunswick will mix english and french in the same breath. Enjoy the Choice
  10. French Canadian is different than Continental French it retains several features of 17 th century French though most of those features are of interest mainly to academia there are a few that are very problematic for clear communication it usually takes native French speakers from France six months to acclimate to Quebecois idioms. The official political policy is to prefer Continental French most of the political class in Quebec are embarrassed by Quebecois and just wish it would go away. Enjoy the Choice
  11. In the late game stages metal becomes critical. Enjoy the Choice
  12. Post the commands.txt file for the game in question as evidence. Enjoy the Choice
  13. If he used the original makehuman mesh and not one of the the low poly proxies no way it weighs in at 161,238 vertexes and 161,238 faces or about 313,570 tris BTW I'm a moderator on the makehuman forums Enjoy the Choice
  14. Now you are just being an A hole @go2die grow up. Enjoy the Choice
  15. That sounds more like a fault in your operating systems setting for key strike repeat than a bug in the program as most of us never see anything like that at all.You are the first to see this and you give no details on how to repeat the bug it's not a bug if only you see it not even which operating system you use we support Windows,Linux and OSX and bugs are usually tied to one platform. Enjoy the Choice
  16. Most of those civs do not fit the time period for 0AD which is 500 BC to 500 AD. Enjoy the Choice
  17. He appears to be using Windows default Task Monitor WireShark should give you more detailed info. Enjoy the Choice
  18. Unless you have Linux he can not help you. You could use one of the Live session distros so you do not to have a full Linux install. Enjoy the Choice
  19. Yes it will until you do what @Itms said if you do not use Linux first then it will not work on windows alone you need both. Enjoy the Choice
  20. What @Itms is saying is that NSIS is used in Linux to package a Windows app as an installer it is not a Windows app at all. Enjoy the Choice
  21. Getting that second account just got you banned we do not allow 2 accounts any relief has to be from our side @user1 is the moderator of our lobby. Enjoy the Choice
  22. I am not surprised lots of antivirus software automatically tags any Open Source app as a threat because they see no reason to trust it's source this has been happening since the introduction of Windows and the antivirus suites for it. Enjoy the Choice
  23. It would need a change in the way key presses are are handled at the C++ level so it really is beyond what a mod can do with JavaScript. Enjoy the Choice
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