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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. Not yet so thx for that link Enjoy the Choice
  2. That is where I hit a wall it seems that wxWidgets2.8 the recommended version has a VS6 project file that will not upgrade to VS2010 solution file. Enjoy the Choice
  3. Looks like it is there -rw-rw-r-- 1 slawek slawek 1827898 lip 23 00:21 libAtlasObject.a -rw-rw-r-- 1 slawek slawek 3044940 lip 23 00:21 libAtlasScript.a -rwxrwxr-x 1 slawek slawek 23997222 lip 23 00:22 libAtlasUI.so -rwxrwxr-x 1 slawek slawek 3133500 lip 23 00:21 libCollada.so Enjoy the Choice
  4. Thx for looking Ben,will be working on my fedora 17 install later and check if I get the same issue after a new build. Enjoy the Choice
  5. And from r12168 Cartilaginous Sandbox most likely caused by the same issue ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: units/cart_hero_hamilcar:1: Did not expect element AlwaysVisible there ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: units/cart_hero_hamilcar:1: Element Overlay failed to validate content ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation failed ERROR: Failed to validate entity template 'units/cart_hero_hamilcar' ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/cart_hero_hamilcar' ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: units/cart_hero_hannibal:1: Did not expect element AlwaysVisible there ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: units/cart_hero_hannibal:1: Element Overlay failed to validate content ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation failed ERROR: Failed to validate entity template 'units/cart_hero_hannibal' ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/cart_hero_hannibal' ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: units/cart_hero_maharbal:1: Did not expect element AlwaysVisible there ERROR: CXeromyces: Parse error: units/cart_hero_maharbal:1: Element Overlay failed to validate content ERROR: RelaxNGValidator: Validation failed ERROR: Failed to validate entity template 'units/cart_hero_maharbal' ERROR: Failed to load entity template 'units/cart_hero_maharbal' Engine exited successfully on 2012-07-20 at 21:29:13 with 431 message(s), 15 error(s) and 0 warning(s). Enjoy the Choice
  6. That does not mean that you not free to create your own mod with mythological elements as there is support for flying units check out the flight demo(P51-Mustang) Enjoy the Choice
  7. Hi hansfer89 could you post the error log file right after you shut down the game as the next game will over wright it.You can find it at this location C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\0ad\logs the file we are interested in are interestinglog.html and crashlog.txt Enjoy the Choice
  8. Even units garrisoned on ships heal Enjoy the Choice
  9. There is a plug-in for Gimp that will open and save in the dds format not sure if there is a windows version as normally it's available as source code.The dds format is a compression that load easily into the GPU. Enjoy the Choice
  10. The second link does not get you to the image but putting San Cribrao de Las to goggle gets you to it as well as a few other images and youtube vids. Enjoy the Choice
  11. But the rest of the code base must be thread safe first IIRC took 6 months to get the vegastrike code base ready for multi-thread and we are still finding bugs from that refactor 3 years later. Enjoy the Choice
  12. We at vega strike have found xN from http://www.xnormal.net to be useful for generating various texture types,it also has a built in model viewer. Enjoy the Choice
  13. Thx for the ego boo historic_bruno.Now if i can get VCE2010 to upgrade wxwidgets VC6 project files to ver. 10 using 2.8 so I can build with Atlas on Win 7 and I thought Python 2.7 was tricky for my vegastrike build. Enjoy the Choice
  14. If I remember properly you don't need the nvidia driver to run the texture tools as some ATI users will attest,the errors being thrown look more due to changes in gcc than anything else.But if you do want to use the prop nvidia driver try this guide http://forums.fedora...ad.php?t=280750 been using Leigh123linux guides since fedora core 7 Enjoy the Choice
  15. Just installed it to my normal user account so it's in Program Files and all folders under it have restrictions dependent on your UAC level of enforcement.It's not a new issue Ubisoft's Lock On came out for XP and under Win 7 has to be run as Admin for it to work at all,and this goes for several older titles as well. Enjoy the Choice
  16. Yes it does but saving still does not work same error msgs.So tried running as administrator just right click on the Atlas short-cut and select "Run as Administrator" and that seems to bypass the permission issues just played though a test map that I generated. Enjoy the Choice
  17. I registered yesterday and have not been able to log out using Chrome as my browser so that issue still exists. Enjoy the Choice
  18. Have not done it yet will let you know. Enjoy the Choice ps.Can't sign out of the forums the sign out button redirects to an error page
  19. Thx historic_bruno,tried extracting the zip in the install folder as Pureon mentioned and neither Atlas or the game start. Enjoy the Choice
  20. The error messages are that the app does not have permission to open certain files not named.I have not expanded public.zip in the installation folder have a copy in My Documents though. Enjoy the Choice
  21. On Win 7 the only folders at C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Local\0 A.D. are cache and logs so should I just create C:\Users\{Username}\AppData\Local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public and extract the zip there. Enjoy the Choice
  22. Hi been playing for a week now and finally decided to join the forums.I am senior forum admin for the Vegastrike project a space flight sim.Been playing strategy games for ages(Avalon Hill anyone ) Will be checking out svn soon and building my own binaries. Enjoy the Choice
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