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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. The Briton's one of the Celtic factions have War dogs,after you build the dog house. Enjoy the Choice
  2. That and do not quite a few Linux disrtos now support delta packages. Enjoy the Choice
  3. It will most likely not have an extension at all so just look for pyrogenesis Enjoy the Choice
  4. I think he is looking for color patterns as well Enjoy the Choice
  5. The most likely reason for that error is that you do not have the dev package (headers) for that library installed. Enjoy the Choice
  6. And Alt+Tab toggles between windows Enjoy the Choice
  7. I am also with the vegastrike project way down that list we get referrals from that list as well so I think that people are doing their own sorting by game type they are looking for at that time. Enjoy the Choice
  8. To be expected as they where a Phoenician colony Enjoy the Choice
  9. Howdy Peter nice to see a real history person about. Enjoy the Choice
  10. Just change the files extension to .txt that should allow you to upload it. Enjoy the Choice
  11. Loki1950

    Spy sheep

    Noticed this a few updates ago when a few sheep wandered out of range of the gathers I had assigned but I had the revel map toggled so did not notice the spy potential Enjoy the Choice
  12. Thing is Stonehenge was build by the Wessex culture about a 500 years earlier Enjoy the Choice
  13. It happens on any map Lion,and not just towers either if a predator or other dangerous animal comes near enough to a Civ Center,tower or fort. Enjoy the Choice
  14. Try ...\data\mods\public\simulation\ai Enjoy the Choice
  15. Yeah Sighzatr the first thing the priests did was burn all the books they found. Enjoy the Choice
  16. Works fine here too that's on Win 7 Enjoy the Choice
  17. They do leave a few objects lying about in the system folder though that look related to the virtual file system so they may come back to haunt us at a later date I take it that they don't show up in the Linux build I don't know ATM as I use a cellular dongle for connectivity and Network Manager is not cooperating Enjoy the Choice
  18. Well tried a build this afternoon before the sound manager commit and wxWidgets is no longer an issue but I do get several warning about the terrain renderer mostly initialized but not referenced variables which I assume are there for mycronid to play with later but it is linking errors that I am really concerned about 8> scriptinterface.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Public\Documents\sandbox\0AD\build\workspaces\vc2010\..\..\..\binaries\system\scriptinterface.lib 6>vfs_path.obj : warning LNK4221: This object file does not define any previously undefined public symbols, so it will not be used by any link operation that consumes this library 6>file_stats.obj : warning LNK4221: This object file does not define any previously undefined public symbols, so it will not be used by any link operation that consumes this library 6> lowlevel.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Public\Documents\sandbox\0AD\build\workspaces\vc2010\..\..\..\binaries\system\lowlevel.lib 9> graphics.vcxproj -> C:\Users\Public\Documents\sandbox\0AD\build\workspaces\vc2010\..\..\..\binaries\system\graphics.lib the resulting exe works but there the bits that aren't linked that bug me.The full build log is attached. Enjoy the Choice vce2010buildlog.txt
  19. I have found that the local.cfg file is not used at all if you run the game directly from your local SVN repo this is with Win 7. Enjoy the Choice
  20. Yeah I just looked at the wxWidgets docs it is limited but you can embed a full browser. EMBEDDED WEB BROWSERS Although wxHtmlWindow is a fantastic lightweight HTML viewer, sometimes you need full web facilities in your application. Eventually wxWidgets will provide a single class to embed an appropriate browser on each platform, but for now there are different classes to achieve this. On Mac OS X, wxWidgets comes with wxWebKitCtrl, which you need to enable by passing --enable-webkit to configure when building wxWidgets. On Linux, you can download wxMozilla (see Appendix E). Be warned that your application distribution will swell by many megabytes if embedding Mozilla. On Windows, you can download wxIE (see Appendix E) to embed Internet Explorer in your application. You can also consider using wxMozilla on Windows. but it may increase our download size significantly but I imagine any option will do the same. Enjoy the Choice
  21. Doesn't wxWidgets have Html support is so why use an other lib Enjoy the Choice
  22. Been doing it that way for 10 years now so it's almost automatic Enjoy the Choice
  23. Ok managed to build wxWidgets from the wxPack that myconid pointed me to there is a Windows bat file that will build the libs with VC6 to VC10 with the following options vc100 ALL just run it twice copy the include and lib folders to the C:\Users\Public\Documents\sandbox\0AD\libraries\wxwidgets folder run the update-workspaces batch file( what I forgot to do) this will then let you build Atlas without errors.Still have a few more errors in my build log but I will start a new thread for them. edit:could some one add a solved tag to the thread tile for those that follow. Enjoy the Choice
  24. Just make sure you keep spawning sheep Enjoy the Choice
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