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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. @Skhorn Major lag @Enrique For the info on anything MakeHuman related http://www.makehumancommunity.org/wiki/Main_Page and if not covered on the wiki just post on the forum or send me a PM. Enjoy the Choice
  2. Glad you like MakeHuman Enrique I just happen to be a moderator on their forumand was wondering if you where using it.We have been trying to increase our asset base so running the various costumes though MH's Makeclothes would be much appreciatedit is limited to blender render and all quads though. Enjoy the Choice
  3. So just put a little Frequently Asked Questions section on your Fb page where you actually answer them then when asked again just point them to the FAC section simple for you too. Enjoy the Choice
  4. Then the proper metaphor is harvesting the sea Enjoy the Choice
  5. Basically no collision detection as that is what most physics libraries provide adding it to the engine would mean a complete redesign and re-coding about an other two years work really not trivial. Enjoy the Choice
  6. Sorry even we current technological people do not really do that and the technology for it did not exist in till the early 18th century apart from salvaging ships even then only on shorelines no deep diving. Enjoy the Choice
  7. What does this have to do with November News very off topic.And two handed swords have been used by almost all civs that use swords for more than three thousand years maybe not by regular military forces but individual warriors it's a cost thing governments like cheap and two handed swords where not Enjoy the Choice
  8. That maybe the cache finally clearing data from 0.19 and refreshing it with the proper data for 0.21 the next time you update the game might be a good idea to delete the older versions data from the cache which is what those who use the development branch do after a new build at least that is what is recommended Enjoy the Choice
  9. Useful site Lion and works for Linux and OSX as well Enjoy the Choice
  10. The Debian warranty comes to mind if you break it you get to keep both pieces. Enjoy the Choice
  11. Also called "canon fodder" expendable units all civs have used them historically though different names have been used the main thing about them is low cost. Enjoy the Choice
  12. All most like some older Windows games that only work with a USA keyboard. Enjoy the Choice
  13. This most likely a pathfinder issue as it has to keep all units in memory to calculate all there possible interactions so it gets slow.That why we recommend a population cap of about 300 total ATM. Enjoy the Choice
  14. It would need some way to define bridges for the path finder very not a trivial algorithm. Enjoy the Choice
  15. There are hundreds of possible ports Lion each number range has a specific purpose web access,file transfer,games so your question needs to be a bit more specific as in for what purpose,local network/internet and what type of security and quite a few more descriptors.There should be a Wikipedia article available in Spanish as well Enjoy the Choice
  16. Under which OS and any crash report it should also log any errors prior to the crash you can find the logs on your install by checking http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths we really should help you resolve this as the lack of the editor will be frustrating to your progress might be a good idea to start a separate thread though.For the those other images I do not recall that any where posted apart from the thread that Stan pointed to so feel free to do your own google image search Enjoy the Choice
  17. There is also the Celtic sack of Delphi as part of an invasion of the Greek peninsula make a interesting campaign for at least three factions as the various city states ally against the Celts. Enjoy the Choice
  18. Public baths? common with almost all our civs. Enjoy the Choice
  19. Check out the Rise Of the East mod it adds the Han Chinese as a new faction with some historical architecture. Enjoy the Choice
  20. I wrote my first code on am IBM 1700 series system on punch cards so don't complain all that much. Lots of fun if you drop a box of cards(about 2000 cards) and forgot to use the last 5 columns for sequencing there was always someone at the card sorter in recovery mode. Enjoy the Choice
  21. Koine is the period of the successor states and all the Greek colonies,Koine is what linguists call the dialect spoken at that time. Enjoy the Choice
  22. Shouting that you do not understand just means people will ignore you there is not enough information in post for anyone to solve your problem that is why Itms pointed you to our wiki so you can give us relevant imformation. Enjoy the Choice
  23. One reason to keep using it Enjoy the Choice
  24. Silly question what grid as far as I have seen there is no grid just a coordinate system so first a displayable grid will need to be coded before you could even consider snapping to said grid in either atlas or the game. Enjoy the Choice
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