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Everything posted by Loki1950

  1. May be a Phd as in piled higher and deeper looking forward to reading it. Enjoy the Choice
  2. First thing formations are NOT turned on so they just do not work yet period where working on it it's a pathfinder issue till then trying to move 95 units at ounce will put your CPU into overdrive and the display lags big time while it tries the calculate where each @#@!## unit is and wants to go to next while figuring to make sure gets to the attack point on the map it's heavy duty math lad it take time and finding more efficient algorithm just is hard then coding the thing and please remember this an Open Source project we'er all volunteers and most us have a life Enjoy the Choice
  3. Try a few trial matches with small maps at first that should get you a feel for the pace and management of both your economy,structures,foragers, and troops try with the AI till you can get online practice with the game mechanics will always pay off the AI can be brutal when you do get to p to p games that's when you can have fun trashing each other a few games of that nature should give you some ideas on adjusting the map settings to suit your personal taste and your opponents for both challenge and time. Enjoy the Choice
  4. Ram is just a generic term for a male of any of the many sheep breeds. Enjoy the Choice
  5. Most of the default Linux text editors have syntax highlighting and on Windows notepad++ uses the same syntax libraries for an IDE give codeblocks a try as the build scripts generate a codeblocks project. Enjoy the Choice
  6. The GUI elements are all done with Javascript that reference primitive functions written in C++. Enjoy the Choice
  7. He did say it's a work in progress it is not finished yet and it's a patch you find it by trolling the issues on trac Enjoy the Choice
  8. The whole video is about pathfinding for massive armies and they don't go into to much detail so they can maintain a commercial advantage it's not an Open Source project Enjoy the Choice
  9. Also in the match setup change the assigned AI for each opponent form Petra to unassigned. Enjoy the Choice
  10. Which Intel GPU as the Intel provided drivers are usually crap(sorry but truth) some stopped support for OpenGL at version 2.0 while 0ad uses version 3.0.Now for the log files that .bat file you posted is supposed to be run in a cmd line window the result of which is opening the log files location with Explorer check our wiki http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths for the manual method. Enjoy the Choice
  11. Not much info to work with since I see .exe the assumption is that you are on some version of Windows there should be be a few other files in the logs folder such as system_info.txt , interestinglog.html and mainlog.html so please post both system_info.txt and mainlog.html from the error message you posted I don't think that the crashlog or dump files where created so ignore Lion's post the log file should tell us where in the loading phase it actually borked on one thing that maybe the cause is your GPU drivers check that they are the latest available for your hardware 0AD uses OpenGL not DirectX so it may not have full OpenGL support. Enjoy the Choice
  12. Closer to ten years which is quite common for any open source project all programming is done by volunteers so only easy or sexy things get done quickly and there are usually few volunteers so lots of work to do at any time hotkey expansion is not a priority with so many other issues to deal with much higher priority. Enjoy the Choice
  13. Welcome Night_Site could you check if a log file was generated have a look here http://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/ReportingErrors if one was it should tell exactly where in in the initialisation phase it crashed the memory address 0x8C01023F it's very useful Enjoy the Choce
  14. I haven't updated my sig in a while it's a HP Envy now dual booting Mint 18.0/Win10 both 64 bit with that 8GB ram most of the modding is actually done in JavaScript with all the heavy lifting C++ though getting 0AD to run with W95 might be tough the newer libraries(dll's in windows land) and all.And it's dual monitors great for working in blender(blender main/tutorial video secondary).You might find VM's not worth the effort for any game the graphics pipeline of VM's is not wide. Enjoy the Choice
  15. What is actually consuming each frame is pathfinding so the fewer number of movable units on the map the better try using a low population limit and the engine is entirely coded by the community.Multi threading will come but slowly as it requires a complete re-factoring of the code base(thousands of lines) it's not a sexy task so most volunteers avoid it,the final result may be sexy but not the actual coding Enjoy the Choice
  16. First stupid question do you have enough free disk space that's the main reason to have the extraction fail or the downloaded installer is corrupt. Enjoy the Choice
  17. Besides the interesting.html file the cmd file is useful to reproduce the error @balduin though I'm a GitHub user I'm not part of the mod community working on a few other projects ie: vegastrike and makehuman. Enjoy the Choice
  18. It will usually be a JavaScript error which will show in game when it happens it will also be logged so check reporting errors in the wiki for your OS's path to the log files the interesting one is the one to post,so it's the same as reporting one for the game in general. Enjoy the Choice
  19. And most civs have that horseman as one of the starting units so you can use it to start exploring the map if you go for the unexposed map as a game condition. Enjoy the Choice
  20. Not on this side of the Atlantic have never seen even one Linux machine at any internet cafe of which there are six with in walking distance most still have XP or at most Win 7. Enjoy the Choice
  21. RE: #10 ladders for siege would require a complete rewrite of the path finder to support walk-able meshes therefore more elaborate collision detection all these coding issues are not trivial remember we are a completely volunteer work force there is no way to throw more programming resources at any issue without someone wanting to do it first and this is one of those tasks that is tedious to code and just not sexy enough to attract volunteers or if attempted dropped when the technical details rise out of the woodwork. Enjoy the Choice
  22. Loki1950


    Java script with several helper functions part of the engine's C++ core. Enjoy the Choice
  23. Welcome aboard just change the stance of the formation from aggressive to passive the button for this is on the info panel at the bottom of the screen. Enjoy the Choice
  24. @Skhorn Major lag @Enrique For the info on anything MakeHuman related http://www.makehumancommunity.org/wiki/Main_Page and if not covered on the wiki just post on the forum or send me a PM. Enjoy the Choice
  25. Glad you like MakeHuman Enrique I just happen to be a moderator on their forumand was wondering if you where using it.We have been trying to increase our asset base so running the various costumes though MH's Makeclothes would be much appreciatedit is limited to blender render and all quads though. Enjoy the Choice
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