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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Yeah that means either it was overwritten or something else happened. When the sound goes away, the only thing you can do is restart. Sound card detection and usage is done when the game starts. We don't analyze what's going on after. Switching sound cards, plugging headphones, or doing anything that might affect the soundcard might cause it to go mute.
  2. Or you can import the wall model. Make sure to tick "import units" in the import options. Then all you need to do is make another wall, that is that size and export it. When in object mode, Z Y and X depend on what you have selected. Dimensions are visible in Object mode
  3. This tutorial no longer applies after Blender 2.8 removed the internal renderer. The reason you don't see the UVMap pane is because you have everything selected, including lights and cameras, and the active object is the light. The game completely ignores blender materials. In fact, as a rule of thumb, I would recommend you delete every material prior to exporting meshes. I don't have the time to write a complete tutorial right now, but you need to switch to cycle renderer. You might want to enable GPU instead of CPU if you have a nvidia gpu. Create an empty texture not linked to anything in the shader editor Untick noise threshold 4096 will generally generate no noise, but it might take some time to render. If you're adventurous you might try lower values. The more noise on the texture, the more crappy the texture will be both for the GPU, the filesize, and the performance. Then you need to go to rendering tab and bake the ambient occlusion You'll then need to go to the image window, where you can save the texture;
  4. He means you should set up a material using material nodes. But you did so already, you just didn't switch to textured mode. The selections between the two windows are in sync, so you can select a face and only that one will appear on the left pane. You might also want to untriangulate your mesh using ALT+J. Careful about the roof, though.
  5. If you haven't restarted the game yet, you might check if there are useful errors in the mainlog.html file. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths The game only checks for your soundcard at start. So if there is any change of configuration after that it might not pick it up.
  6. You can take all the stuff under generic / that's what it's intended for. I wanted to make a generic civ along with the polish and teutonic. But I lacked inspiration.
  7. What OS are you on? Sometimes it bugs out on macOS powersaving probably. Did you plug or unplug earphones?
  8. Looks like the biggest balancing changes are committed. So after the last RB I think we'll go for RC2 and one last commit.
  9. You probably need a condition on the wolfclass.
  10. Look at ChatInput.js and use registerChatSubmitHandler() I suppose. Example in Chat.js, or use the submitchat function in Chat.js To play a sound Engine.PlayUISound("audio/interface/ui/chat_alert.ogg", false); Note to self, one should use soundgroups and not raw sound files.
  11. Because it's only implemented for buttons not fields https://github.com/0ad/0ad/blob/master/source/gui/ObjectBases/IGUIButtonBehavior.cpp
  12. GDPR, data processing, need to change privacy policy and is a bit tedious because not all platforms work with TLS.
  13. Medieval ad on 0 A.D. mods all fresh from this week. I have all the flora assets too. But sorting the other mod took me 9 hours so this will have to wait.
  14. Or that but bit early for stone castles
  15. It's nice. Maybe it can be used for medievalad
  16. There is no critical damage feature but it could be added by modding attack.js.
  17. ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/Templates.js line 21 simulation/data/civs/legion.json doesn't contain History History now Depends but it's usually discouraged if you can find creative commons sources instead
  18. You need one of the three You're missijng the name in your actor.
  19. That's the issue. ERROR: JavaScript error: globalscripts/Templates.js line 21 simulation/data/civs/legion.json doesn't contain Name You need to add a "Name" property to your civ.json Github is a platform that allows you to share update and store your mods. It is built around the git command line too, which is used to version (ie keep track of changes) all the files. See https://learngitbranching.js.org/?locale=fr_FR
  20. Best for that would be the celt trader. Do note that it would not adapt to enemies though. For your second request you probably need to write a small js component called protector or something that takes a class in its schema and periodically checks whether its protecting a hero And if its not look for the nearest one.
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