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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. What do you mean ? A tavern : this building is missing too. Should be added to the art Mod list. I'm also wanting to add props that only appears when units are garisonned. And to add a blacksmith to the forge. I'll try to make the animation in blender once everything is fixed therE. Could you elaborate on this ?
  2. Great then A total war fighting animation would be so great... What i meant is for instance you have a village. Units can garrison in or out of the small houses and have a small path defined per waypoints. On each waypoint they may start an animation like i don ´t know sitting on a bench.then going fishing or see another unit and start a discussing animation. Did you watch the making of the settlers 5 ? They.have those waypointd in buildings
  3. This is starting to look like total wars i like it Is adding motivation planned ? Maybe more like morale in tw series than in the settlers but would be a nice realistic approach for the game So things like deserters(units turning to gaia) and even the mercenary stuff could be implemented Also when everything is stable I ´d like to have waypoints that can be set in scripts. For instance you set three waypoints in a neutral mini factions and add children going from one to another or villager or units going from their house to for instance their dried fish on racks and starts an animation.
  4. Oh I didn ´t touch variations. I could replace some items by others but it would messy sometimes. Moreover there are the scaffolds plus the three one i made that need to be imported. So with all of that getting something coherent might be hard. Since I ´m not in the official team yet i can ´t commit anything.
  5. Nothing works in the game... But transfering bone animatin into blender was a first time. Thing is you have to clean the armature. Maybe a bone to prop converter would be nice. Even more if it could keep the animation.
  6. Maybe that bone stuff will help hephaestion and I. Thing is I hope import/export plugins I have will still be compatible.
  7. I´ll post new stuff here when îll learn new things
  8. No collada stuff whatsoever.
  9. Just got an e-mail from CG Cookie with a sum up of the new features. http://cgcookie.com/blender/cgc-courses/blender-2-70-overview-new-features/?utm_source=mailchimp&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=blendercookie-032514 Here are the full release notes http://wiki.blender.org/index.php/Dev:Ref/Release_Notes/2.70 and here it is to download the latest version http://www.blender.org/
  10. Missing only one to be done.Found 5x5.7z
  11. I may be wrong but even though linux supports ati drivers there is a lack of support mostly because of the differences between kernels. Moreover i don ´t think nvidia is well supported I wonder about intel hd graphics though... Another thing is with switchable graphics which you should only worry if you have 1-2 years old pc
  12. Yup Indeed... But we would have to prop every building, making special foundations, walls, and roofs... also adding inside... What about buildings ? Trees are moving ^^ with glsl ^^ Would be a nice addition to have timbermen buildings to explain why trees are sudenly growing back. I agree. Moreover, maybe this should be discussed in the main forums not in the deepest of the mod section ?
  13. Yeah I think that we could add a lot by just using what Enrique said, and if not, improving some textures, like the words one which IMO looks too flat.
  14. It's because those OS use less RAM memory (Most of the time) Disk partionning is different etc
  15. I was wondering if someone could find me references of our time line because I haven't be able to find a correct representation of what a lydian, roman, or whatever civilization mint may look like if historically Accurate.
  16. Hephaestion Are you still here ? I tried stuff today. I didn't succeed in importing anything in the game, BUT I tried the milkshape stuff. So small stuff Blender can import -Ms3d -SMD -FBX Ms3d can export -Ms3d -SMD (give interesting results see below) -OBJ (Doesn't support armatures -Collada, (Exports blank) Everything is here and there is animation that was transfered. Interesting.7z Exporting two hand animation via sequence smd gave me an animated model missing the props. Animation Exported.7z
  17. After the game crashed I asked visual studio to debug it here is what it said Exception non gérée à 0x06800C90 (ig7icd32.dll) dans pyrogenesis.exe : 0xC0000005 : Violation d'accès lors de la lecture de l'emplacement 0x00000004. I'm sorry french version It also said graphic package was not loaded correctly. Maybe a switchable graphics bug ? A My card is AMD 8750M muxed with Intel HD4000
  18. I started recording some of the stuff I was doing and thought it would be nice to share it with future modders, so I recorded the process of drop propping
  19. I don ´t think there will be issues with lag since it´s only animation loading. No calculations.
  20. Nice so we could have something like the total war series and even make the wall crumbles the only way to access a fortress like sanderd said the aim was that units may not be able to destroy walls. Don ´t know what he thought about buildings. But would be nice having units only interract with other units though we ´ll have to find a way to kick the @#$% of garisonned units. Maybe by pillaging buildings which would look nice if doors broke About those scaling props does that mean we will be able to plant trees ? Like a prop scaling over time ? We ´ll need an animation for the timber man with waypoints but that could be awesome to implement because that would bring life to mini civs and allow some buildings like the blacksmith to be more living. Like in the settlers though units would be stuck in their buildings
  21. Fix Foundation Wall. Should maybe renamed to wall med since it is smaller than the biggest and just a bit bigger than the medium.Fix Wall Medium.7z
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