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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. It's very small are you sure ?
  2. This one should be compatible with Max 2009 I can make it compatible with max 2006 Test.7z
  3. Hey Wijitmaker did you manage to import my fbx file ?
  4. Well you could try replacing an existing skeleton, for instance, m_tunic_short and see what that does
  5. Okay so here is the new rotatory file in FBX format, you'll why below Here is the file in Max. Animation is fine and everything is fine. Missing only the donkeys. Here is the file after export/import to FBX. As you see everything is fine And now here is the file after export/import from Dae. As you see... Well there is nothing to say. Animation was lost. I attached the FBX file RotaryMill.7z
  6. Sadly ColladMax is broken, and I have not enough knowledge to compile latest SVN version.
  7. I think There is something similar in the game wiki ?
  8. It textured waiting for someone to get it game. .3DS exportation is really bad. Most of the models don't get right But you seem nice so I'll show you So... Armature is fine. Missing one Bone (the wheel) No animation survived the exportation
  9. Yeah I think it´s going alright but I don ´t see my progress. I feel stuck so îm working on a project with textures lights and all that stuff and îll be happy when it´ll look like one of you renders. Also i need to learn to draw with my tablet. For now îm not ble to import animation either. Since it will be needed i want to be able to help
  10. If you manage to do this like in Rome II that would allow with a tweak units on walls
  11. I'm not sure if I understand the question. What happens is that by default max is set up to work with inches. You can change the parameter to meters, but that's kind of annoying since you have to rescale all your files that way. So exporting to inches, and when you open it in Blender make sure it scale it right and you're done, nothing really problematic here unless you don't know it. I guess it has to do with the SMD format, in valve games I don't think they use some kind of prop support since it is mostly FPS games. Okay I need to explain a bit further here. In max I use the Worm Wall plugin to export in SMD. You have three options : - VTA (Don't know that format, and blender can't import it) - Reference SMD (Guess that's for non-rigged models) - Sequence SMD (For Animations). What happens during importations in Blender (Using the Ox cart as reference); - Using Reference SMD : - As you see Scale went wrong. Everything is one object, and there is no animation stored. - Using Sequence SMD - Animation only with armature.
  12. So let's say if I wanted to use them I'll need to get in the team ? That explain mostly why very good references are really hard to find.
  13. Since water is a prop, you just have to add it or not.
  14. I didn't knew references could be copyrighted, I mean If you want to copy something in an historical point of view you can no ?
  15. Actually I meant fixing the skeleton until better stuff is done. But that's a good idea aswell. Though can't you ask people to give their work under the new license ? Since they are no longer here ?
  16. I was thinking of something more coded : - No gladiators garisonned in the arena = no animation - 1 gladiator, 1 prop with a gladiator - 2 gladiatiors, a training between the two. Creating event like, OnUnitGarison(){if (units_number == 1){load anim1}etc
  17. Yeah sure. We need to fix this for 0.a.d sake...
  18. Well animal animators are hard to find. But When I'll know how to step by step implementing an animated building from max I'll make tutorials for new guys. Sharing Experience.
  19. What kind of files do you want to put there ? What Is great in 0ad is that people coming on this thread will be able to understand what we went through and how we hopefuly fixed it. If we start moving to other places or PMing people will loose the story.
  20. Don't know if my post on taleworlds will attract anyone. Though I know to animate stuff just don't know how to get it the game, so I'm waiting for Wijitmaker to show me how to do it with the rotary mill. I guess if everything goes like I plan I may able to make an arena with gladiators fighting inside during the whole game. Also, that may help to fix the art dev task to animate buildings.
  21. That's right. Do you want the blend files ? Ox cart is WIP, I used it to learn how to make animations, and should be used for one of the civs when I'ts done <--- When I find a way to get it in game
  22. Actually max does *** with that tag blender writes units okay but can't import skeletons the good way. I've been trying an smd exporter for Max, best one you can find on the internet. Blender imports it correctly but screw everything when exporting to collada. Moreover props are converted to bones which is not good... Tried with the OX cart too rigging is lost and moreover scale too.
  23. Well If I export in meters or centimeters size won't be good in the game at all... Yeah but for some reason that importation detail matters.
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