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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Stan`


    Wait... Forgot to post the last Updated versions X)
  2. They are a bit different but look similar. It's the picture you linked on taleworlds.
  3. Maybe we should create tickets for all of this ?
  4. Also is the Variations drop menu working ?
  5. Stan`


    Following Enrique's Advices.
  6. Fix Wall Short. Note : The name of the wall was wrong "med" instead of short.Fix Wall Short.7z
  7. Hi Hephaestion. I ´ m not sure to understand what you want with the cube. IIRC vertex weights depend on the bone they are attached to. So let´s say if i make 12 bones î ´d have to set weight for each vertice and each bone. Is that what you want ? No I didn ´t manage to implement it in the game. I don ´t know how to make skeletons Xmĺ ´s moreover I think there is some issues with max dae official because what happens with the mill is really weird. I wanted Wijitmaker to make a step by step import of the mill so i could learn and make a video. Moreover we ´ll need a prop point for the cart to add boxes and stuff on it. Would also be nice to have an event only adding the props when it´s carrying something.
  8. Stan`


    Yes it has ? No just flowers, flowers everywhere ^^
  9. I agree with you in terms of games in general, but don't you think, that its has no real impact on the game whatsoever here ?
  10. So here are four files. Smd version of the cart Dae - Zup Dae - Yup Dae - Baked Animation Cart.7z
  11. *cross fingers Can i help you ?
  12. Maybe instead of random buttons you could blend the factions and make a question mark for the last one ?
  13. Actually there are three issues. - first with the uv i have to change it to make it not overlap - second one is that basically I ´ m a bad 2d artist and because of that i dońt know how to draw details. - third one is time because I ´ m on exams.
  14. I know I have to add more details and make the player color, but I don't know how to do both =S
  15. Well I don't know how to fix what's left. Which is the woud parts and the front and the bottom where you wanted to see more details. So I guess you can finish it quickly.
  16. Stan`


    Well If you look at the video, it's animated Anyway not finished need to deal with that wood part. Yeah unfortunately, max doesn't work with wine. Gmax, which is the free version of Max works though. (It's the equivalent of Max 2004 with no render, and that needs some plugins to export stuff. Good to learn max though. Well I have some C knowledge, and javascript but I still feel I'm not able to program anything. Well at least that's the way I go.
  17. That wouldn't be oil though. Too expensive to be thrown on enemies.
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