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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Wanted to share Millennium A.D.'s current theme song. Nice
  2. Maybe you could start by making it part of the full game so no issue with mods.
  3. I don't know... I plan to make variations to have different blacksmiths in the same building This one requires coding. And therefore I can't do anything for now Would be nice. But I think it requires coding to If I understand correctly you mean having the same mod as Rome II ? If so, the skeletons won't fit. But you can always add bloody variations on the units. We could have a blood mask like http://www.twcenter.net/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=2042 But that's 2D
  4. Being able to create drop sites would be nice but I'm not sure it would have a game play influence. Maybe for mini factions.
  5. The zebu model for the Ox cart is now rigged. Animators feel free to animate I also added vertex groups. Don't know if that will help. EDIT : This one is the right one : Zebu Rigged.7z
  6. Do you plan to make it mandatory for all artist to give their max and blend files ?
  7. Motivation maybe. Always remember to do what you like
  8. Indeed looks better. Thanks for the support lion
  9. Thanks I did it Next time doing next to a mirror could help. I also watched blacksmith videos to get the feeling. Thanks for the feeback I'm gonna fix the torso.
  10. Thats not hard. You just have to move the mesh until the grip is at (0,0,0).
  11. Hey. I realised that there is no real use of improving that blade texture, because for now texture is 1024x1024 ands it's gonna be something around 128x128 so losing five hours to fix it might not be the best idea.Anyway since I need to stop giving up I made some modification and added the variation. Viking.7z
  12. Yup better have a prototype with defaults than perfect pieces not put together.
  13. You can use IRC. Just start a reunion. I'll try to be here. I'm a student too.
  14. What I meant is keeping the round thing around similar not destroying all creativity. X)
  15. Update... Hope you'll like it. Viking.7z File.7z
  16. Added the XCF bump spec, diffuse. Reworked on the diffuse for the layers. Viking.7z
  17. I'm working back on the texture. I'll send the XCF.
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