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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Have you tried to run arc liberate ?
  2. @Lion.Kanzen Itms said he was waiting for Enrique's answer, Enrique was on holidays and really busy.
  3. @Lion.Kanzen @Alexandermb Send me the UV layout I'll see what I can do.
  4. @Sundiata Since we can't order archers to attack zones, it would became really complex to use them in dense forest areas. While in reality they could just shoot in the sky and let the arrow drop.
  5. 27. https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/forum/306-applications-and-contributions/ That's the forum https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11297-wildfire-games-application-form/ Here is the template for every application. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers Here is on how to get started https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/SubmittingPatches Here is what you should do to create patches
  6. 27. For programmers you don't have to formulate an official application thread in the correct subforum but you can if you want. Here is it how it goes. You start making diffs for tickets you can find on trac (trac.wildifiregames.com) or create your own for instance here it could be Cleanup of the Aura Files Names (we avoid big cleanups because it's a pain to review so split it by thematic) And then you upload that diff to Phabricator (code.wildfiregames.com) and wait for review. Once it's accepted it will be added to the game. Once you have made enough contributions you might be offered a position.
  7. 1. Nah you can ignore those. It's only meant for the main game and they are a bit outdated. 2. No it doesn't use a PBR workflow. You have to use classic system (Diffuse (Not albedo) Normal Spec) Normal can give you a parallax effect if you use the height map as alpha channel. I think substance painter as a mode for that at least designer does. You'll have to experiment to see how it looks. Else use Photoshop or Gimp to make your textures. 3. It's possible but it's currently not supported. 4. You can but you have to write code to do that.
  8. Stan`


    I guess Feneur mentioned that because it already happened with a Lotr mod. (And because you must know it can happen)
  9. @ChaffCommanderCoffey Please hold us updated when you start your streams. Either here or on a specific forum thread
  10. Similar bone structure. The autodetection is cool and a pain at the same time.
  11. Screen Space Ambient Occlusion. (Graphical Effect). Nothing you can do with your map generator.
  12. No I think he kept those for himself.
  13. Maybe you guys should work together with @Nescio @Servo @borg- @DarcReaver @wowgetoffyourcellphone To make the perfect balance mod for every alpha ? Variety is nice though, but harder to try.
  14. Still didn't find a way to fix the spec texture ?
  15. I guess it's a direct X game so not compatible with anything but windows. Then it's probably using one or two features of the creative update so only creator version.
  16. Maybe it's that the main bone has no influence over the mesh.
  17. Try this one Horse.xml EDIT : @Alexandermb Might need to indent the xml file. (Game doesn't care, but fellow artists do)
  18. @Alexandermb You could try to use my dae to skeleton python script. You have to clone the repo from my github account, copy the dae inside the folder "input" run the python script and take the XML file from the output folder. Or you can send me the date and I'll do it for you.
  19. Well you could use your browsers editor to edit it in real time if that helps. Else you could ask for access. @Itms @implodedok @feneur
  20. @wowgetoffyourcellphone maybe @LordGood could make a logo for delenda est toujours put it on promotional stuff. I was using yours with the blood but you seem to have changed.
  21. Yeah that one is just perfect.
  22. I think there was some plan to reduce time between releases. At least I remember talking about that on IRC with @elexis
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