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0 A.D. Project Leader
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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Thanks @fatherbushido for looking into it. Indeed it's small compared to the art part.
  2. 1. yes all our code is in that repo. 2. We do even though we don't often receive pull requests 3. It's SVN which means right now it's not compatible with A22 anymore
  3. I thought I wouldn't intervene as these kind of talks make me sad and wondering if I should continue to contribute to 0 A.D. or just do something else more personal with that time. That being said I just will answer Lordgood's posts. The question is not whether you would be neglecting the art department it's whether you would not be neglecting that position as well. As in will you have the time to regularly work on it. Art has this advantage that you don't need to feed it with new material constantly once you have reached a certain point. So yeah I'd say go ahead and take this hat if you think you can make a change. You would be seating on that empty chair. (Be warned it's on fire) I would still like to see more activity in that department but that's out of this thread. A council can work if there is someone that ends up taking decisions. It just feels a bit more democratic. But at some point someone will have to choose. Can't please everyone and if there's no majority then he has to decide what's best because that's why he was put in that position in the first place. I guess that 's somewhat what you meant by receptive. Stan out. *drops mic* EDIT : I just feel also some people are being left out (@fatherbushido I'm looking at you) and have tried to keep it working through all the haze that was thrown to them and made it a really frustrating experience.
  4. By the way thanks for streaming. I don't think there are much 0ad twitch streams these days. That brings attention and hopefully some new faces will emerge.
  5. @LordGood @elexis @Imarok @gameboy. In the temple .dae file the prop point is misnamed (It's called : <node id="prop_garrisoned_001" name="prop_garrisoned_001" type="NODE"> Instead of <node id="prop_garrisoned" name="prop_garrisoned" type="NODE"> It can be edited directly in the dae file or by reexporting the file. Cheers.
  6. Could be a pit to throw people into If the sanctuary you are referring was one of the seven one wonders I guess it's a pretty strong contender.
  7. Yeah I understood it's a bit like the Xiognu faction. I was thinking they could have real buildings as well
  8. Hello @NB512 and welcome (back) to the forums. 1) This is/has been fixed already, the detection code was a bit buggy. 2) You can set gui.scale to something bigger by editing the user.cfg file. Text will be blurry though. I have some plans to implement Cairo into the game, but I don't know where to start yet. 3) Not sure this is supported maybe @elexis know more. 4) Yeah it's a known "Bug3 5) No objections to that. 6) There is a pause key. Alt + Tab works okay for me ? Also there is an option to pause the game when it loses focus.
  9. I'd like to make a civ for them. Doesn't have to be accurate but it's hard not to fall in the clichés.
  10. Oh so you did manage to clone it ! Cheers
  11. Could be nice. Maybe consolidation of the current meshes (scaffolds damage variants etc) though some siege engines variations would be nice. Somebody made an attempt should probably ping him
  12. Sweet Christmas. We can see your touch on those shutters Door is maybe small for siege engines ? Cheers.
  13. @Servo Can you post a screenshot, please ? @jonbaer What do you mean by reinforcement learning ?
  14. @Hannibal_Barca Actor.xml file error because that wasn"t likely planned by @LordGood
  15. Have you tried the terminal variant @Servo ? Tell how I can help.
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