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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Ah I thought I got rid of it this time, sorry :/
  2. It's in DE, if wow took all the helmets from the improved archers I made.
  3. Definitely will lol. I think if anything I will owe my entrance to those 6 years of 0AD. I found the job offer on glassdoor
  4. @Sundiata the gate of all nations has been made by Enrique and only needs a few props. Search the art forum for it.
  5. Nice how is it going ? Have you looked on glassdoor ? I'm getting my hopes up but I applied for Ubisoft as programmer and it's going alright so far to become my finals year internship.
  6. Here is my proposal for the iber_stables. Btw, I'm shamelessly using this post to offer my skills as an official team artist. [sketchfab]a2fbcd9661a5452ca18015991f7df5d3[/sketchfab] Iberian Stables by StanislasDolcini on Sketchfab iber_stables1.zip
  7. @Lion.Kanzen Not really, this was about giving the possibility. What you want here is someone to use it.
  8. Maybe. I don't really like the current market to be fair...
  9. Fancy Variant. It's not that I don't want to add props, but polycount is quite high already.
  10. I guess @wowgetoffyourcellphone will focus more on art for now. This isn't a bad thing per se. And who knows maybe that investment will convince him to contribute in an other way like what he did for DE. Side Note : I wonder if a mod could crowdfund the game dev.
  11. @Alexandermb If I were you I'd create another dedicated thread for it. One of the reasons would be for an easy way to find it. It will be easier to find the thread when we need the model, and also you will get better feedback if it's separated from this thread.
  12. @LordGood Any idea what the cloth should like ? If the market is not commitable right now that is.
  13. @LordGood Thanks for the commit Started working on the stables.
  14. Brought the targets back <3 That separation looks like a very good idea. I liked them a lot too, I just wasn't sure on what people would practise javelins, Usually you would do that without any target. Indeed. Would be nice though to unify it with other civs, so they all benefit from the player color. iber_rg3.7z
  15. @fcxSanya I guess b.) Would be a sane implementation.
  16. Yeah, I initially planned to have both when I made it, that's why there was a dummy in the background. @LordGood Btw it would be nice that the blue lines on the dummy would be player color. So no change needed to my shape ? Learning is easy, Mastering is hard. Ex archer here. Sounds good. iber_rg.7z
  17. Yeah that's I guess the only way of doing it without adding any more code. Would be a really nice feature to have.
  18. Here are the files and baked ao. If you want to commit feel free to do so. Will probably put them on SketchFab aswell at some point. That's an interesting concept. Awww thanks. You do have one for helenistic buildings yourself About this, I must admit I got a bit confused ^^ Long day. What are those footprints ? three different buildings ? Stable, Siege Workshop, Shootingrange ? Iber_Range_A-B.7z
  19. @elexis Vlad' had at least I guess that's what he meant by "I'll try some stuff".
  20. Here is a variant. I kept both so they can be used as variation by modders, I upload everything after then. Thanks. Here is backview Sure I'm interested, I have been for six years Yeah coherence could be nice.
  21. @vladislavbelov Any updates ? / Hope for it to be in next release ?
  22. Parallax works weirdly. Sometimes smooth faces are broken sometimes they are not and sometimes edges of textures are making spikes... I think not all Iberian buildings use all textures. Btw I'm making a shooting range for Iberians.
  23. Maybe a 13x6 temple ? Are Spartans renowned for anything else than a temple ?
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