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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. Nice could be committed I guess. Unless @wowgetoffyourcellphone has a strong opinion against it
  2. I believe it's kind of a gray area. As long as they do not sell it they should be fine.
  3. Yeah he did the golden animal. If he could draw the ptol eagle the same way that'd be perfect.
  4. Can you make the whole pattern as well vectorial ( Don't do the waves if they are too hard.) It could come in handy for mosaics
  5. Nope @vladislavbelov could you commit the skybox fix though ? I know you are working on water reflections
  6. Stan`


    Hey @Ctrl and sorry for the inconvenience can you try the P2P download instead ? It's less likely to fail because of a bad connection
  7. Thanks though @Sundiata did a big part of the work
  8. I'm not sure I understand what do you want me to do ?
  9. @Alexandermb Try with this. Looking great
  10. Yeah why not @Lion.Kanzen you should test it in game
  11. So just a circle with the eagle inside ?
  12. Go ahead if you feel like improving it
  13. @Alexandermb Xiongnu_Logo.xcf
  14. @LordGood Can you review those ? I'm not that good when it comes to reviewing animations.
  15. @AlexandermbUse the han logo for the time being I'll see what I can do
  16. @Alexandermb You should have gotten an invite by e-mail, and if you accept it, you should be able to commit. Let me know if it still doesn't work.
  17. @Alexandermb what's your github nick ?
  18. @Alexandermb you need to click on push. In any case check on github For the emblem didn't we have some material ?
  19. @Alexandermb If it's done can you commit it to terra_magna ? @s0600204 will probably tell you wjat's wrong with the civ tree
  20. Nope Welcome to the forums
  21. To me mini civs are main civs wannabes. The only thing that could be a mini civ is a civ that's only made of small villages with little to no technologies and thus can't compete against let's say rome. But even then you could just make them a harder civ to play, with let's say a Zerg rush type attack.
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