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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. If you can read the phonetical stuff you should be fine. I can't remember if Gauls/britons have their own voices.
  2. How did you make the gold part ? Did you edit it in gimp after the baking ?
  3. Stupid autocorrect. I meant Mace Windu.
  4. I believe the wiki was made for that. It also includes verisonning and collaborative work.
  5. Wudu made me think of Windy I like Wald but maybe it could use a prefix of some sort ? If we want to convey something related to the changes maybe some bizantine word ?
  6. So you were finally convinced by elexis to make a github for it ? Gotta make a nice readme with features, and give it a proper name fgodUiMod sounds better, else, people will think it's a mod for cheatcodes.
  7. It's still missing something, maybe some more props/shields ? Also player color.
  8. The plan is to get that design document up to date. There is some work toward that. I don't know if I can say more about that.
  9. Starting to repeat yourself ... but yeah that'd be a great feature. Especially if we could add banner holders and other special units. But even if it's like the settlers 5 where there is a captain and X soldiers where X is 4 or 8 depending on the upgrade level.
  10. Maybe you could make a PDF ? I was thinking we could make another design document like the old civs in the wiki. That should be easier to update. You'll have to use wiki markdown though.
  11. Apparently that's a good source for Animations Wijitmaker recommended it https://books.google.fr/books?id=_ETCAgAAQBAJ
  12. The problem is those civs had really specific building shapes so it's hard to stay accurate while following the shape. You might argue we did that for the new stables buildings and you'd be right.
  13. Well it basically makes sense for every other buildings
  14. We do ? Could it be a setting to always use the lod x of the texture ? Since we generate them. I always thought we generated them for nothing. I heard super tux cart has a lod system, do they only have closed geometry models ? Most (if not all) our models use open geometry.
  15. How come we can have stuff such as tessellation then ? Just curious. Is it just because we are missing a lod system that the game can be so slow ? I mean I'm pretty sure there are way more polygons on the screen when you play assassin's creed. What about instancing, would that help ?
  16. Boost the rendering engine so it is able to render more stuff without that much performance loss. Yeah it would mostly be playing different anims/ models/particles/depending on the level of depleted resources.
  17. I have a lot of things to do beforehand. Isn't there any way we can make the engine able to support more details ? Yeah. Was mostly for a potential falling animation.
  18. Maybe more windows ?
  19. I am not even sure one can use basic_trans_wind.xml with animated meshes.
  20. A few threads about trees and how to make them and whether they should be animated (which would likely have a performance hit). 1. I had a look, but I'm not sure what I can do. 2. Aleppo pines were introduced in 17452 where I believe the goal was to make flora a bit better. 600 triangles seem low to me but maybe it's achievable if you look at the video in the above spoiler. 3. About Palm Tropical agree it's way to much the trunks are 1000 tris in total (so around 333 each for simple cylinders) 5. Half of the fig polycount is in the trunk (654 triangles) 6. The new oaks were also made by Enrique and introduced in 17452 So same, He used to have a very precise idea about polycounts. That's something I will update in the documentation in the coming months.
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