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Everything posted by Stan`

  1. @Nescio If the following doesn't work then that's a bug. Usually though it's artists that define projectiles, not gameplay, so it makes sense that it is by default in actor files. Line 68 - 74 of binaries/data/mods/public/simulation/components/Attack.js "<Projectile>" + "<Speed>50.0</Speed>" + "<Spread>2.5</Spread>" + "<ActorName>props/units/weapons/rock_flaming.xml</ActorName>" + "<ImpactActorName>props/units/weapons/rock_explosion.xml</ImpactActorName>" + "<ImpactAnimationLifetime>0.1</ImpactAnimationLifetime>" + "</Projectile>" + l 164-166 "<element name='ActorName' a:help='actor of the projectile animation.'>" + "<text/>" + "</element>" +
  2. You can already do that I believe for both the impact and the projectile.
  3. @Nescio Both of your concerns are valid hence why1) it's not.limited to blacksmith 2) it's not enabled by default
  4. @LordGood Definitely save those showcase for a beautiful demo map <3
  5. @gameboy we need to decide first if that's revealing too much information about the player or if it's a valid reward for scouting.
  6. Well it needs D1958 and night support. Though one could argue you could use the moon light
  7. @LordGood From fireflies to actual fire
  8. I guess I could help you understand some parts
  9. @Mina I think we should try to participate this year as well.
  10. So you will go open source after that, or just open source the code used for said release? Oh, I might actually play the game on this without lag? That's nice!
  11. @tuk0z Aside from the wikipages I linked above not really. If you mean the how I got the values in the last posts, I applied https://code.wildfiregames.com/P187 and tried to measure how often and how much time cost the functions to see if one could perform a few optimisations
  12. Yeah. I also use other stuff for specific functions see.
  13. See EngineProfiling and Profiler2 Yeah I actually read borg's thread, but I'm a bit rusty and wanted to benefit from the women aura
  14. As long as it's under 2MB and fits the purpose whatever looks good.
  15. @Beise Because the link are not secure ("http") so one needs to upload all the images to the wiki page. On firefox though it does display the images.
  16. Sure, then someone has to finish #252 @bb_ @Freagarach
  17. @Alexandermb, @wowgetoffyourcellphone Btw this feature should allow to play weapon switch animations... If we had these.
  18. To disable Restrict camera, you need to press Alt + D to make the developer overlay pop up.
  19. Usually it's because they have extra mods like autociv or fgod. You can remove them in the commands.txt in order for the replays to show up or you can download those mods.
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