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4 points
More often than not, refining the enhancements to different units means enhancing skills rather than weapons, and these technologies should be dispersed in the buildings where these units are trained, rather than in the blacksmith.3 points
Visible garrison is quite the joke without scaling, battlements on walls look like shin guards. Now I imagine an archer roughly the height of ship body in a crow's nest. I doubt making ships anything else than simple units which work mostly like land units will ever lead to something playable.2 points
Generally speaking, it would be nice to standardize some things, like: 1 civ-specific blacksmith tech for each civ. 1 civ-specific tech for each civ at the Civic Center. 1 at the Temple. 2 at the Fortress or Champion Building. And then 1-2 wild card techs for each civ placed in any building (I can imagine 1 or 2 special techs placed in the Dock for the Athenians and the Shipyard for the Carthaginians, for example). I wouldn't count any of the new unit-specific techs in this thread as civ-specific, since they are given to all civs with those classes of units. They are class-specific, not civ-specific.2 points
2 points
After taking a long break from RTS games I returned to a game from my childhood - American Conquest - and it reminded me of this specific topic because I think that the way battalions work there would make this game possible to implement them at the full capacity Battalions in that game are made from singular units and can be created with proper special units and disbanded at will or after the battalion looses too many troops - in that game battalions help buffing units and lower the fear of encountering cav/overwhelming enemy force in the fights (fear can actually cause units to flee for their lives and be uncontrollable for a short time) - so battalions serve a double purpose: 1. They boost morale for the troops they are made from so they fight in sync and don't flee from the fight 2. They help ease the micro intensity (and also make the game look smoother/easier to manage when fighting on more than one front) Also - adding battalions might also make sense if you view the development of your civilization over time and would add a leverage to a town/city phase rush if it's implemented as a later phase thing - in the first phase when you don't have much you still build one by one but later on when you get bigger you get options to organize your troops (adding battalions as a tech in a building to research at a city phase for example) As stated earlier BFME2 has awesome battalion system but on the other hand I see more potential for American-Conquest-style of battalions in Delenda Est (possibly even in base 0ad game) since making fixed battalions would negate a lot of potential singular units provide (not just gathering aspect that was changed in Delenda Est but scouting and building multiple buildings at once as well - sending 20 troop battalion to scout could be a huge blunder if the area is dangerous/occupied already)2 points
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2 points
Thanks for the help I cut it down from 12k to 7.4k tris. I imported the Columns from the roman Civic Center and used them for the Pronaos (the temple part). They look better now, but still have 2.8k tris only for the 16 columns, probably still to much considering they are much smaller. I could try to further decrease the number of tris or to do a texture rework if needed. Just need to know what I'm aiming for so let me know, I'm open to any kind of feedback I'll attach the files incl. blender files again. Btw, why are imported models often scaled so small and how can I see the seams of them? Also is there a way to unwrap uv-islands on top of each other? Pantheon2.zip2 points
https://code.blender.org/2023/02/new-blender-development-infrastructure/ @Stan`1 point
1 point
Indeed, for example, to strengthen the technology of swordsmen and archers, you only need to give civilizations with corresponding units.1 point
Yeah thats what I have done here, except they are in the barracks/stable. In the forge, these would be very crowded, while in production buildings, they are less crowded and their association with each unit class is clear.1 point
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the best post of the year. We must give more depth to the gameplay. Nobody plays water maps.1 point
1 point
I think your reference is AoM, but honestly I don't recommend it. After all, this game is not a world view of mythology and magic. The forms of warships and naval battle concepts of different civilizations in the ancient world are different, but they are unified in archery and boarding combat, so the main focus of naval battles should be based on this Both, the ram and the catapult may perhaps characterize Mediterranean warships.1 point
The idea is to make ships that are dedicated to a purpose so that a countering system can be devise, kind of like a video game.1 point
I’d rather do what’s discussed above. Plus it’s already really tough to recover if you lose an initial naval battle—promotions would just make it more difficult1 point
1 point
Yo tambien llevo bastante tiempo jugando 0ad, y me gusta muchísimo, siento que tiene demasiado potencial, es un juego muy ambicioso, que si se consolida más oficialmente, puede llegar a la medida de juegos como: simcity, age of empires, o incluso assassins creed y aunque solo uno de los que mencioné, cumple con el funcionamiento y objetivo que lleva 0ad, los demás también tienen muchisimo peso, en lo urbanistico, e historico, por eso los menciono. Yo me desempeño más en el área de la ilustracion, todavia soy estudiante, pero conozco un poco sobre las artes visuales, de verdad me gustaría entrar, no puedo prometer que me puedo dedicar a esto a fondo, pero si haria mi esfuerzo para dar lo mejor de mi, ademas, tengo algunos trabajos, o mejor dicho, bocetos que he hecho, y tal vez podrian interesarles, soy excelente trabajando en equipo, y me gusta aprender de los que tienen mas experiencia que yo :31 point
muchas gracias de verdad... esa recomendación me pareció super útil.1 point
Logic understood, so Its not a bug, behavior issue, but If you have enough catapults, there's no way to repair a building, even If you put all Men there, so we also have a problem i think.1 point
I agree this is pretty annoying. Perhaps something for A28 community mod.1 point
Intentional (by design of the session UI, not the Structure Tree), and dates back to this Revision. Easily changed by altering this line of code. Note the same thing occurs in the game setup screen (also by design, and also that Revision, but behaviour defined in a different file).1 point
Which civs would have the boarding ships and which civs would have the ramming ships?1 point
I was just wondering if the AIs coordinate attacks or if they just happen to show up at the same time. Since it's usually the members of a team I suspect they are coordinating. In which case: nice work from the programmers. Although not necessarily nice to be on the receiving end...1 point
When a ship is destroyed that had units garrisoned inside, these units disappear form the game (they've presumably died in the shipwreck) but they are not included in the lost unit counter in the stats. Is this intentional? Screenshot from the stats of my playing Corsica and Sardinia for the first time in a while. You can see that the total of units lost from red and yellow are lower than the number of trained units. Disclaimer: new to the forum (not new to the game, started playing in 2018). If this is not the right place for this kind of post, lmk. I sifted through the FAQ as well as this thread, and did a quick reddit search on r/0ad and did not see anything recent about this topic, but I'd be surprised if I was the first to bring it up. Game version: Alpha261 point
Nice, did you make this ? It would be fun to be able to update the wall gates of the persians to this ^^1 point
Thank you for creating the best RTS. Merry Christmas to all at Wildfire Games and forum members. Wishing you all the best for 2023.1 point
I would like to suggest, as an enhancement, that units gain experience in a fortress. Additionally, that fortress have an enhanced experience benefit, such as 2X what is obtained in the barracks.1 point
1 point
i completely agree, recently bought AOE4 for $45 or so and instantly regretted. It's just too realistics doesn't feel more like an rpg. I bet 0ad is way better as compared to AOE4 from my POV. Faster and competitive games, requires smart approaches and fast thinking to overcome opponents, that's what RPG is all about. In AOE you cant use a scout to gather food, women can take forever to gather etc. The only best thing about AOE4 is their graphics. If we are to compare 0ad with AOE4 headon, i definitely would say 0ad stands out. About time people should get to know 0AD #0adtotheworld1 point
is 0ad not 3D? Honestly, I think 0ad has a massive edge graphically even over AOE4 with its massive budget. AOE 4 looks goofy and cartoonish, and apparently it only runs fast on the lowest settings so it looks even worse in that configuration. I think one way to make 0ad more "modernized" would be to improve accessibility. It seems to me that players these days often just want to jump right into a playlist with matchmaking as soon as they are set up with an account and knowledge from the tutorial/tech tree. In other words, it might be a bit of a turn-off to join the lobby and have to pick a 1v1 or host their own game. Within the lobby, I can envision a "Ranked" quickplay button which will queue you up for a 1v1 with an opponent determined by matchmaking. I'd say this would improve accessibility and the competitive interest of the game. These ranked games would have a standardized set of random maps (maybe feldmap incorporated into main game), a particular map size, population cap, and starting res.1 point
Hola, como estas? Una duda, a ti te gusta hacer tus propios mods?, ya qee hay una forma de crear tu propio mod donde puedas organizar este comportamiento a tu gusto inicialmente, esta es una de las magias del juego en cuanto poder hacer mods. Esto lo menciono ya que el cambio de como se promociona las unidades es una discucion que se puede demorar mas que haciendo tu propio mod. Muchísimas gracias por tu sugerencia Summary: he want to change the way how units its promotes, he want to promote his unit only from build, and he try to find at least an option to choose how we want to promote units in a game1 point
1 point
It also appears in EB. It is based on a migration period Scandinavian pendant, so maybe not the best choice https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/473485 On another thread Genava posted some ideas for a sun wheel symbol1 point
I think both "exploits" are fine. Building a CC in enemy territory comes with risks, costs and missed opportunities. Building an CC takes time that could be spent for other purposes. Building wooden towers and upgrading them isnt problematic either IMHO.1 point