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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-07-29 in Posts

  1. Hello there! In anticipation of my (also Mediterranean) vacation in Italy I want to publish the last map I mainly built in November to December 2021. As new Aegean textures came out in Alpha 25 the summer a year ago I tried to make some map out of them (I can remember @wowgetoffyourcellphone of wishing my Map "Metropolis" having used the new terrains ). After my maps "The Legend of Avilava" and "Metropolis" (both scenarios) I decided to resort to the Skirmish type of map giving the player more individuality by choosing their own civ. Thus, there are no starting structures / little cities besides the original headquaters each player beginns with. Maybe I'm too generous in the assumption everyone playing 0ad has a proper gaming PC. I just like these huge maps (even beyond "giant" would be great) with gigantic battles and stuff, hence I've decided it's scale being "giant". The map generally is arranged to have a 4 vs 4 setting. Each player starts near his own team; far from enemy players. Relatively the same amount of starting resources near the headquaters accompany each player; every team should have land more or less equally distributed to gain resources from, to build and / or to expand on. Having let some simulations with bots go their way, I've had a lot of fun watching them. Through this I've been able to correct some little flaws and some features that would hinder the game's fluency. It's likely this map isn't perfect or "fine" anyway (others have to say so), thus I imagine that I'll maybe make some further versions. And if others like to do so, you're granted permission to of course. You guys feel free to use this map in which way you want, it's yours! But I think now it's time to show you some screenshots to get a better understanding of what I'm talking about. Best to show you the type of Mediterranean landscape that I love so much (regarding this I sadly live in Austria :D) and which I hope I've been able to properly reconstruct here: Also a look onto the starting positions of each player (screenshot follows player number): (Team 1: Player 1 - Player 4; Team 2: Player 5 - Player 8) Looking back, I'm happy enough with what came out of my conception of a Mediterranean "holyday-like" map. It's too good I'm now starting with feeling it all myself in my vacation in Italy! As for you guys, as I said - The map is all yours. Thank the 0ad programmers for having made this aweseome game and featuring the forum to have the gamers able to communicate and exchange with each other - and to publish self made maps! Cya soon, this Saturday I'm out in Italy now yooooo! Aegean Archipelago.xmlAegean Archipelago.pmp Edit on 13.8.2022: The edited versions should be preferred I hope there are no problems with downloading them? Aegean Archipelago First Edit.pmpAegean Archipelago First Edit.xml (When a number in front of the map file's name occur, you have to delete this part of the file name. For example, after downloading, you may get the files with a certain number, like: "678349583_AegeanArchipelagoFirstEdit.pmp" and "678349583_AegeanArchipelagoFirstEdit.xml" - you have to delete "678349583_" of the file names to be able to play on the map)
    6 points
  2. UPDATE: Dunno how it's going on your side, but i tried to make a public game in lobby from Laptop 16GB ram i7 and it can host the game pretty well. and joining from an alternate computer, and IT WORKS! There is some typo or something into the code, it will crash after first load, when it CRASHES just by clicking SUPRESS a pair of times game worked fine for me, crash didn't happened anymore, just some annoying red text on the debugger at the top of the screen when loading the map file... and it's working! Hello to everyone, I'm glad to introduce you to my last attempt to create a realistic battlefield inspired at the Ebre river. The city of Tortosa was named Dertosa by the Romans after they sieged and conquered Hibera, the iberian city that was placed where we can find Tortosa. This map covers this city area and it's sorroundings. Includes the roman path "La Via Augusta", the delta is not yet big as today is. And I plan keep including details I've found surfing the web. Settings are for 8 players. Right now i'm not able to set configuration in a manner teams can be arranged by host when hosting this map, it's forced to DIPLO FFA RES=300 MAX_POP 250; In case you want to do 4v4 position for members of teams should be 11112222 and once game starts, set teams in-game; starter pos are found towards the edges of map (but not in the snow). to be placed atHIBERA - HIBERUS DELTA - FFA NOMAD DIPLO & GAIA.pmpHIBERA - HIBERUS DELTA - FFA NOMAD DIPLO & GAIA.xml C:\Users\YOURWINDOWS10USERNAMEGOESHERE\Documents\My Games\0ad\mods\user\maps\scenarios\ IA looks to be able to play and win against me despite all the errors shown by the console when loading the map; I'm unable to prevent them from appearing; I'm unable to set preview for this map pointing via a preview-screenshot.png I've placed at art/textures/ui/session/icons/mappreview or (C:\Users\YOURWINDOWS10USERNAMEGOESHERE\AppData\Local\0 A.D. alpha\binaries\data\mods\public\public.zip\art\textures\ui\session\icons\mappreview) to be precise. I don't know how to enable specific pre-in-game teams arrangement, seems the way I configured the XML is forced to FFA DIPLO LAST SURVIVOR (in fact, is the option I wanted to enable, but someo people may miss the capability to do 1vs7 IA on this scenario wtihout needing to create copy of the map with different options at the XML. Feel free to try it, make suggestions, and so. TO BE UPDATED...
    2 points
  3. https://play0ad.com/summary-of-the-japan-tours-festival-2022/
    1 point
  4. Hey everyone, one question regarding the UI, specifically about the order the buildings are displayed in the building tab. Do you prefer if they are sorted: Left: First by function (eco, trade, unit production, defense ect...) and then by strength / phase or Right: First by phase and then by function
    1 point
  5. More tracks will follow.
    1 point
  6. It depends on the type of ship. At the beginning of the game, after you build a Dock, you only have access to fishing ships. Unfortunately, fishing ships cannot transport troops, probably due to physics and/or citizen rights to not be forced to quarter troops. So, you need to LEVEL UP to Town Phase in order to UNLOCK the more advanced ships. Most ships besides fishing ships and fire ships, and fish 'n chips, allow transport of troops. Then, yes, garrison troops in the ships in order to transport them by following the steps that seeh described above. So just open fire when you hit the (destination) shore, and hoist that rag. (I learned that trade from Piggy Knowles.) But first, select the ship and ungarrison the troops by holding shift and clicking on their pictures at the lower center of the screen. Alternatively, select the ship and press U on the keyboard to ungarrison all units.
    1 point
  7. @Langbart I got it figured, I have no exp working on xml but now I am able to tweak a bit, after completing I will be able to use it regularly with this change.
    1 point
  8. Yes and no. The reason that it's not being updated is because the center of the object is not within vision range. Updating the status of an object that is only partially visible will probably take more programing majiks and possibly be performance heavy (detecting edges instead of a single origin point). But I'm not a program duder.
    1 point
  9. Hola gratis: You can resize to 128x128 if you wish.
    1 point
  10. So many good ideas, but no real results yet? banana world... no money involved = years to come to get bananas (fruits) Maybe we need some lottery winners to get moving... Best solution would be 0ad lobby server based... adding smurf tag to client @rossenburg is nice feature but still lacks the rest things around - at least make report smurf and sent it to somewhere on lobby server for further action... just waiting and believing moderators will inspect it and do something will not work, if they have also bad habbits... - can we get date of registration NOW? or WHEN? or not "available"? from communication above it is totally unclear - win ration is useless if smurf does not play rated games Scroll back there was great ideas already spoken, but execution is not here...
    1 point
  11. True, but a savvy balance designer could counteract this tendency by increasing friction of war (https://www.army.mil/article/185864/fog_friction_and_logistics). The best examples I've found of this being done successfully in the RTS space are in Starcraft Brood War and in Supreme Commander (and other TA-a-likes). In both of these games the normal re-max time is 2-3 times longer than the typical main base to main base rush distance. That would normally mean that whoever gains a decisive local advantage, namely by one-sidedly destroying the enemy's army, ought to snowball very quickly into a total victory. Just walk your surviving army and reinforcements over to the enemy base and win every subsequent engagement by virtue of Lanchester's square law. The reason this doesn't work in the above games (compared to some other games of note) is that fighting a series of (even individually advantageous) battles disconnect from resupply infrastructure exposes the player to an exponentially compounding risk of cascading homeostasis failures. The reasons for that are specific to each game, although there are some common factors: namely imperfect pathfinding and unit level target acquisition, strong counters, glass cannon units, strong static defense, and a heavy dependence on exhaustible meat shield units for composition effectiveness. For Brood War, add also the stringent limits on unit selection and control making perfect micro impossible, economic micromanagement demands, and the indispensability of vulnerable and exhaustible spell casters (i.e. High Templars, Arbiters, Defilers, and Science Vessels). For Sup Com there's the slow movement speed of units (and projectiles) compared to typical engagement distance making it hard to extract units from danger once they fall into it, and the asymmetric ability of the defender to salvage resources from battlefields. The end result in both games is that any blitzkrieg-style, decisive attack will almost always get bogged down and picked apart before it can cause game ending damage. Consequently the normal path to victory becomes a sustained campaign of incremental pushes, flanking maneuvers, and raids, rather than one big game ending battle. Could 0 AD do something like this. Maybe. Static defense could be buffed. Heroes and other support-or attack-role aura sources could be more effective. The role-differentiation and indispensability of melee infantry infantry as tanks, and cavalry as assassins could be boosted. Defensive building auras could play a bigger role. Time to kill could be lowered. Etc. The trick would be balancing it against the rest of the game design. Raids need something valuable (but not indespensible) to raid in order to prevent the game turning into a lane pushing tug of war. Game feel needs to be preserved. It could be a very big project.
    1 point
  12. i will glad (also for (all?) beginners) it will written in a day in future like so: Archer: Pierce: 6.7 60meter 1seconds or Archer (using Bow): Pierce: 6.7 60meter 1seconds or Archer (Dhanrdhar Longbowman using Bow): Pierce: 6.7 60meter 1seconds --- or Archer: 6.7pierce 60meter 1seconds or Archer (using Bow): 6.7pierce 60meter 1seconds or Archer (Dhanrdhar Longbowman using Bow): 6.7pierce 60meter 1seconds --- at the moment (and last years) it look for me, with my screen and my ayes, like: Dhanrdhar( Longbowman) Bow: 6.7Pierce, Range: 60meters, Interval: 1seconds Pierce i hadn't read it and even now it's very hard to read
    1 point
  13. New report, a release blocker I think. In these screenshots I was firing at a Fort (that was *partially* obscured by FOW) with a Mace catapult. Note the game time in the upper right. I start firing about 19:55. Continuous fire until around 23:32, but no damage appears in the fort's health bars. When I units in range to completely clear FOW, the fort instantaneously shows as destroyed. commit 3ed74c4c4924fae6ad6d0c4c8698faed362d465b (HEAD -> master, upstream/master, origin/master) Merge: 29f53fe203 08e6d4f254 Date: Wed Jul 27 05:00:36 2022 +0200 @chrstgtr @Stan`@wowgetoffyourcellphone@Freagarach@Gurken Khan@Langbart
    1 point
  14. I like the implementation of @Grapjas more, to be honest. It makes the stats of your enemy units invisible, until you research espionage. I'm not sure what to do with bribing itself then. But I guess that is what this topic is about.
    1 point
  15. It was a fictitious example; "if these were the numbers, would then be...?".
    1 point
  16. A brief guide to how to set the parameters in Pathfinder.xml the most important parameters you can find in Pathfinder.xml configuration file, are those called Clearance. Each passability class (humans are default class, elephants and such are in the "large" class) has its clearance value, which is the size of the square each units occupies in the map, and that affects the pathfinder. When you put units working at a mine, they will try to stay at clearance distance from each other, same when you order them to go to some point and you wait until they crowd it. Scaling up clearance value would have the most consequences, affecting how units space out when working, and how likely are they to get stuck. Clearance is defined pretty low in the xml file, before that it comes the Pushing section, which has many other parameters. Radius is the most important, and it's a value that multiplies the clearance size (actually, its diagonal) to make up the radius at which that units impresses maximum pushing to nearby units. You can extend area at which units push each other with StaticExtension and MovingExtension, which depend on wether the unit is moving or not. If you use values too large for pushing radius and/or StaticExtension, you will get units that try to get as packed as clearance allows, but then get pushed away and settle for a sparcer arrangement. this is ugly, and can also lead to units continuously pushing each other out of position while they are trying to work: 0 A.D. 2022-07-25 17-01-53.mp4 MovingExtension, on the other hand, can be larger, because it doesn't create those bad effects. StaticSpread and MovingSpread influence how progressive will be the pushing strenght in the range of StaticExtension and MovingExtension (inside clearance*radius, pushing strenght is maxed out). These parameters are not so relevant as the others, 0.6 is a good value (it prevents steps in the pushing strenght function). Values bigger than 0.6 extend the area a which pressure is maxed out. PressureStrength regulates the amount of slowdown to be impressed on units that are suffering heavy pushing (because they are too dense). Current value is very small and some little slowdown can be observed only by making two dense balls of units cross each other. In the following video, the value is raised to 20 (PressureDecay = 0): 0 A.D. 2022-07-25 17-48-19.mp4 You can see in the video that high pushing pressure (slowdown/friction) prevents dense blob by making denser units fall behind, and it's more realistic, but may feel too slow - consider this is is A26 which also feels slower becouse of acceleration. High values for PressureStrength can also give back strategical meaning to chockepoints. it's true, but it's inevitable. for wood chopping, units move in very messy obstruction maps. Also many obstacles are those built by the players.
    1 point
  17. Play Mauryas. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Didn't you make a classic AOE2 like mod? Disagree
    1 point
  18. True, but you don't have to perform top all the time anyway. One could even agree on a "half-time" break, might be an interesting twist to be able to have a team talk then. The issue with short games is you can only boom and rush once, some harassing maybe, but you simply don't have enough time for strategy, heck just moving your units to your opponent might take a few minutes. Some things which are supposed to have only long term effect like building a good base, trading routes, or corralling loose meaning. While the current meta might be fun in some way it is also somewhat one-dimensional.
    1 point
  19. Well, when it takes like 20-30 minutes of silly arguments to form teams, decide on settings and what not you are happy if the game only takes 15-20 minutes?
    1 point
  20. ABSOLUTELY. We can change my "Restrict to Cultures" to "Mod Selection" Include Up to date mods in the main game. Let people play Hyrule / My Little Pony without downloading mod. (Already Included) Let People play Millenium / Aristeia without downloading mod. (Already Included) Disable these mods by default. The default will be along the lines of "Official Civilizations" or "0AD Official" I don't know how many of those are up to date, but this could be a great way of having "semi official" content which gets play tested/exposed to a wider community.
    1 point
  21. Fortunately. Making an option available, doesn't mean you have to use it! Also as far as tournament play, having realistic matchups makes sense. You might in a tournament situation want to restrict civs to ones of a similar power, maybe Noba village people aren't able to go against the Roman Empire? So you restrict Civs. Maybe you will say "don't play as the Nobas". But maybe you and some friends want to play some games as the Nobas or similar Civs without OP factions making it ridiculous? This feature could easily result in MORE diversity in the game, because when it's easy to restrict Civs like this, without needing to load a Mod, then it will be easier to add Civs to the game without the nightmare of balancing each time. Just restrict to comparable factions for competitive play. As an example of this, there is already an "Ancient Empires" and "Millenium AD", but we don't include those in Vanilla because they are the wrong time frame. With the option I am showing, this would not be an issue. Just select the 500BC - 500AD Timeframe for vanilla Civs. To play Millenium AD? just choose 500 - 1000AD ! This would be amazing! It's not even that hard to do!
    1 point
  22. Buenos días o tardes; Algo de fauna ibérica; (Hábitat ;mitad norte peninsular) Bisonte europeo. Hice hasta 4 modelos , 2 hembras y 2 machos (con barba en el cuello); Referencia de bisontes europeos; -Igual me animo a modelar linces y otros animales , también haré animales para los mapas Mayas. -¿Qué opinan? @Lopess , @soloooy0 , @Lion.Kanzen , @wowgetoffyourcellphone , @Stan` , @Ultimate Aurelian , @Genava55 Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  23. Uffff(hot) That is amazing. I want that. Eso pienso.
    1 point
  24. Buenos días o tardes; -Hice los iconos para las unidades mayas y se me ocurrió hacer lo mismo para los lusitanos, cada imagen corresponde a una unidad, pero jugables solo hay 27(como los kushitas)el resto estarían en el "Editor de Escenarios" como Extras ; HÉROES; (solo los jinetes serían jugables en una partida) AUXILIARES VETTONES; AUXILIARES PÚNICOS; BALSAS : CAMPEONES ; INFANTERÍA LIGERA; JINETES LIGEROS CIVILES; UNIDADES DE ASEDIO; -Claramente , como pasa en el resto de facciones , cada unidad tiene diversidad (colores de cabello , escudos etc...) Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  25. Stop-motion still is motion.
    1 point
  26. This civ selection screen layout from Hyrule Conquest (I modded the Macedonians and Athenians in to show you how it could look for EA): I would do this to DE, but Hyrule's game setup UI code is based on A23, incompatible with A24, and I'm not sure how to rectify it.
    1 point
  27. The chief deity of the Mochica, the god Ai Apaec, "The Decapitator", has my vote
    1 point
  28. I hate that towers can ungarrison units to inaccessible terrain and then they're just stuck there. If at least I could garrison them again...
    0 points
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