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  1. Only the champion archers can poison. They are the toxic women. Try to stay at least 70 meter away from them.
    2 points
  2. Leaedys and Geaentlemen, This is the thread where Sunday Pro TGs will be announced and statistics will be shown. Prize above The 1 place and the prize goes to the deserved winner @Player of 0AD ! Congratulations ! Thanks to everyone for participating and making videos. Special thanks to @leopard @seeh for featuring the games on youtube. Honourable mentions to @defc0n and @Ginnungagap for reaching 2nd and 3rd place. General Rules: At 20.00 CET best players available will be assigned to the 8 player TG slots by the organizers. Should your team win, each team member gets 1 point for the Ranking. A registration beforehands is not necessary. Vote for extra points by posting in this thread: Best rush (+1), most creative play (1pt), MVP (1pt). In case of a tie most wins decide placement. Statistics: weirdjokes: 7pt defc0n: 5pt Ginnungagap: 4pt Isam_96: 3pt borg: 3pt berhudar: 3pt vinme: 2pt Marre_Vrickdad: 2pt NoobDude: 2pt Aslan: 2pt darkcity: 2pt Stockfish: 2pt HerkEule: 2pt MarcAurel: 2pt Havran: 1pt DaddyCool: 1pt i_am_groot: 1pt Vicktualia: 1pt SmellyCat: 1pt Hakkinem: 1pt SaidRdz: 1pt juarca: 1pt Games: Game 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxqER3d5qCA Game 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPOhJ7ur5dY Game 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nbf5xOY6to8&t=1654s Game 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JafSbNLZOe4 Game 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i43dq4Sawrs Game 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F16KRVo15l0 Game 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WXfwyvPUBI Game 8: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebL4faf-Qt8&t=1759s Game 9: commands.txtmetadata.json Awards: (to vote for previous sunday's awards comment below) Game 1: - - - Game 2: Best rush: Defc0n, most creative: NoobDude, MVP: Isam_96 Game 3: Best rush: Defc0n, most createve: ---, MVP: borg Game 4: Best rush: WeirdJokes, most creative: WeirdJokes, MVP: Darkcity Game 5: Best rush: WeirdJokes, most creative: berhhudar, MVP: Stockfish Game 6: - - - Game 7: Best rush: WeirdJokes, most creative --, MVP: Ginnungagap If you want to help to organize the event, host or stream the game please get into contact.
    1 point
  3. Would be nice to have some in-game musicians with aura to play drums or flute to motivate troops in formation. Shouts and yells during battles and wave high some flags .This will creates some war ambiance during battles.
    1 point
  4. Para iniciarte en modificar el 0 A.D artísticamente debes tener 3-4 programas básicos. •Editor de texto. •Blender •Editor imágenes •Editor imágenes vectoriales (opcional). Además de esto debes contar con el código del juego y/ o los mods. Bajalo mediante SVN o GitHub. Debes conocer la carpeta de arte. Tanto actores(son textos que indican la apariencia). Como las carpetas donde están las texturas (skins) y las carpetas donde están los gráficos 3D o polígonos "meshes"/mallas. Debes conocer la guía de ayuda en inglés. https://trac.wildfiregames.com/ Aquí podrás encontrar muchos recursos útiles para artistas y para modders. @Duileoga
    1 point
  5. Buenos días o tardes; -Ya conseguí un gran avance con estos consejos, muchas gracias a @Lion.Kanzen , @Stan` y @Lopess -Ya empecé con las unidades (em proceso...); (peltasta tracio) Disculpen las molestias* Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  6. One thing I'd like to see is some innovative soundscaping in the game. Here are some ideas: Music Playback I'd like music to fade in and out and even have some reverb based on positioning of Civic Centers and zoom level. Distance from Civic Centers CC within X meters of center of view Farther = fade out Closer = fade in Zoom level Higher zoom = fade out Lower zoom = fade in Biome Ambient Soundscape Have a selection of ambient tracks that can be called or init from the random map biome or chosen in Atlas for scenarios and skirmishes. Distance from Civic Centers CC within X meters of center of view Farther = fade out Closer = fade in Zoom level Higher zoom = fade out Lower zoom = fade in Wind This is a "windy" sound that takes over as the Music and Ambient tracks fade out from Zoom. Inversely proportional to Music and Ambient zoom fades Higher zoom = fade in Lower zoom = fade out Have a min and max zoom effect Min = Completely faded out/off (defaulted to 'default zoom') Max = Completely faded in/max volume (defaulted to 'max zoom') Having something like this would be hella immersive. Thinking there could be a control in Options to turn it off.
    1 point
  7. @Duileoga te deje una guía para que vayas aprendiendo a depender menos de nosotros. Así aprendes a buscar texturas en el repositorio. Es importante que sepas que ciertos archivos están en el editor de mapas y del editor vas a la carpeta de actores, los archivos de actores xml, esto te servirán de guía para saber dónde se encuentran alojado las texturas y otras características visuales de la unidad. Y el juego lo tienes en SVN o lo descargaste normal como los demás usuarios?
    1 point
  8. the goats could get inside the towers. (joking)
    1 point
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Carnyx.ogg
    1 point
  10. That would give persians an CS axe infantry!(trolling) Stables currently only garrison cavalry. Without horse, there no room for you inside
    1 point
  11. You could try this: Replace in Resistance.js Resistance.prototype.Schema = "<a:help>Controls the damage resistance of the unit.</a:help>" + "<a:example>" + "<Foundation>" + "<Damage>" + "<Hack>10.0</Hack>" + "<Pierce>0.0</Pierce>" + "<Crush>5.0</Crush>" + "</Damage>" + "<Capture>10</Capture>" + "</Foundation>" + "<Entity>" + "<Damage>" + "<Poison>5</Poison>" + "</Damage>" + "</Entity>" + "</a:example>" + "<zeroOrMore>" + "<choice>" + "<element name='Foundation' a:help='Resistance of an unfinished structure (i.e. a foundation).'>" + Resistance.prototype.BuildResistanceSchema() + "</element>" + "<element name='Entity' a:help='Resistance of an entity.'>" + Resistance.prototype.BuildResistanceSchema() + "</element>" + "</choice>" + "</zeroOrMore>"; By Resistance.prototype.Schema = "<a:help>Controls the damage resistance of the unit.</a:help>" + "<a:example>" + "<Foundation>" + "<Damage>" + "<Hack>10.0</Hack>" + "<Pierce>0.0</Pierce>" + "<Crush>5.0</Crush>" + "</Damage>" + "<Capture>10</Capture>" + "</Foundation>" + "<Entity>" + "<Damage>" + "<Poison>5</Poison>" + "</Damage>" + "</Entity>" + "<MaxAttackers>2</MaxAttackers>" + "</a:example>" + "<zeroOrMore>" + "<choice>" + "<element name='Foundation' a:help='Resistance of an unfinished structure (i.e. a foundation).'>" + Resistance.prototype.BuildResistanceSchema() + "</element>" + "<element name='Entity' a:help='Resistance of an entity.'>" + Resistance.prototype.BuildResistanceSchema() + "</element>" + "</choice>" + "</zeroOrMore>" "<optional>" + "<element name='MaxAttackers' a:help='The max number of attackers the units can have at a given time.'>" + "<ref name='nonNegativeDecimal'/>" + "</element>" + "</optional>" +; And /** * @param {number} attacker - The entity ID of the attacker to add. * @return {boolean} - Whether the attacker was added sucessfully. */ Resistance.prototype.AddAttacker = function(attacker) { if (this.attackers.has(attacker)) return false; this.attackers.add(attacker); return true; }; by /** * @param {number} attacker - The entity ID of the attacker to add. * @return {boolean} - Whether the attacker was added sucessfully. */ Resistance.prototype.AddAttacker = function(attacker) { if (this.attackers.has(attacker) || (this.template.MaxAttackers && (this.attackers.length >= (+this.template.MaxAttackers)))) return false; this.attackers.add(attacker); return true; }; The a:example, shows you how to use it. Basically add MaxAttackers at the end of the Resistance component.
    1 point
  12. hey, i'm a bit unclear as to the time for the next event. the initial post on this thread seems to only list a time for last week, ( 16.04.2023 ) which says 20 CET, so is that going to be the time for this today's game as well? ( maybe edit it to say 20:00 CET so it's more obvious, and/or put 8pm, i kind of skimmed past it at first ) i think that's 2pm on the US east coast where i live, ill be hoping to stream it if i get all my errands done beforehand! also i don't think the total number of pro games planned for this event are listed, or is it just going to be an ongoing thing? i like that idea a lot tbh, but either way it would be nice to have that cleared up oh, and maybe list who's planning on streaming the upcoming event as well, ( if u werent already planning on doing so ) so folks kno where to get commentary alongside watching it live. ill lyk for sure in the next few hours whether to put me on that list for today and one more thing ima bug u about, when a team wins does each individual player on that team get awarded one point? that seemed a bit unclear at first as well, but now that ive re-read it it seems to be the case. perhaps alter the phrasing to 'Each player from the winning team will be awarded a single point' or something like that hope this was helpful, & looking forward to seeing the 0AD Greats duke it out later today!
    1 point
  13. Gracias por cierto. @Lopess Quiero que Duileoga sea más independiente.
    1 point
  14. Es necesario descomprimir la carpeta antes de su uso.
    1 point
  15. Aquí hay una carpeta y un esquema de nombres para los novatos que quieren crear un mod con una civilización completa: mod_ex.zip
    1 point
  16. @Duileoga Aquí te hice más o menos una guía básica para que puedas empezar a depender un poquito menos de nosotros. Así que más o menos te voy a dar unos consejos y voy a responder aquí tus preguntas con respecto a cómo hacer algo, como, a quién consultar o dónde puedes encontrar cierto material del juego.
    1 point
  17. El arquero tracio lo vas encontrar en.... 0 AD\binaries\data\mods\public\art\actors\units\athenians con el nombre de infantry_archer_c Aquí vas a encontrar todo lo relacionado a la apariencia de la unidad. El meshes es el arte 3D Más abajo verás el archivo de texturas por ejemplo. <texture file="skeletal/scyth/tunic_coat_01_01.png" name="baseTex"/> Eso quiere decir que la textura está en... 0 AD\binaries\data\mods\public\art\textures\skins\skeletal\thrac
    1 point
  18. Quién mejor te puede ayudar es @wowgetoffyourcellphone Es el más viejo y experimentado. El conoce el repositorio mejor que nadie y es experto modder. El de esas unidades, tienes la versión SVN o tienes el juego normal?
    1 point
  19. This is the character 星野爱 of the Japanese animation "推しの子". When I saw this character for the first time, I thought to myself: "This is a woman with Macedonia in her pupils."
    1 point
  20. Some people might want to use Sunday evening for revision / preparation for the next week. Others have religious reasons, but it varies. I'm just proposing a possibility
    1 point
  21. Why not Saturday? It's the day when people are the most flexible and allowed to sleep late
    1 point
  22. 8pm CEST is one of the most popular times in the lobby because its not too late for Europeans and not too early for Americans.
    1 point
  23. i recommend find time matches be using this tool ( i love it) : http://whenisgood.net
    1 point
  24. imagine horses climbing stairs and ladders.
    1 point
  25. But then can the horses be killed? The garrisoned cavalry would become it's infantry equivalent? (trolling)
    1 point
  26. I can already imagine the memes making fun of our game.
    1 point
  27. primero habría que definir modos convencionales como captura la maravilla o captura los sitios sagrados. ----- conventional modes such as capture the wonder or capture the sacred sites should be defined first.
    1 point
  28. Modo de captura la bandera, pero por etapas?
    1 point
  29. Issue: People use garrisoning to take off targetting off units. Example: Someone pushes with barracks using garrisons/ungarrisons from said barracks. That means that targetting of 30 units can be reset by garrisoning them in 3 barracks. Ungarrisoning instantly makes it possible to kill units that are capturing barracks. Suggestion: 4-6 second timer when unit is idle and vulnerable to dmg doing nothing while garrisoning. Alternative suggestion is all armor becomes 0 but unit can attack while garrisoning. Conversely, ungarrisoning units should not be instant.
    0 points
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