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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-08-14 in all areas

  1. My Boyar/Voivode, the Druzhina are now ready for battle.
    3 points
  2. Hi, I'm always bothered with delayed searches on this forum. After a regular quick search, I often need to switch to the advanced search and add a detail for accurate results. I've been asked to wait 5 seconds before searching again and I've been waiting for 10 seconds before clicking on "search". The result : wait for much longer before searching again ! So I gave up with this really boring feature that looks useless...
    2 points
  3. 2 points
  4. @feneur These days I use google to parse the forums e.g han_emblem inurl:wildfiregames.com
    2 points
  5. You can also open the console with `F9` and scroll with `PAGE UP` and `PAGE DOWN`. EDIT: Also good to see players actually testing instead of just talking about it on the forum.
    2 points
  6. The turn length used to be 500ms before A24 or A25, and there was just as much if not more lag. The game was tested just before and just after the change to make sure of the lag impact. It's safe to say turn length has a way smaller impact on lag, or at the very least it doesn't affect it linearly like you could expect. @wraitiifor more details
    2 points
  7. Currently the default simulation turn length (DEFAULT_TURN_LENGTH) is 200ms. A higher number would reduce the number of turns per second and thus our total simulation load. For example setting 250ms would reduce simulation cost by 20%. The disadvantages I see are increased lag on input and between a unit finishing one task and beginning another. The input lag can be counteracted in multiplayer by reducing the number of turns commands are delayed(COMMAND_DELAY_MP). For example if COMMAND_DELAY_MP is reduced from 4 turns to 3 turns it would balance out increasing DEFAULT_TURN_LENGTH to 250ms. Single player COMMAND_DELAY is 1 so it can't be reduced. Would just have to accept the up to 50ms extra input lag here. I played a quick single player game and found both input lag and lag between queued tasks unnoticeable. This patch: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4760 Implements these changes. Try it and see if it feels weird?
    1 point
  8. Regarding lag being increased due to work piling up, my recent patch to the GC scheduling: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4758 should change the performance profile considerably by feeding all extra time in the simulation thread ( and sometimes more then that) into GC slice.
    1 point
  9. I tried it with duckduckgo.com (because I don't like gogle) to see how that would work and made a shocking discovery:
    1 point
  10. we all gotta "google dork" then - until the search cooldown is reduced
    1 point
  11. mod.json error fixed in https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP27031 savegame issue fixed in https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP27053 replay.json error will be fixed in [Differential] D4763 Fix broken rename and copy on Windows. (wildfiregames.com)
    1 point
  12. AFAIK it was an attempt of having "experts" have profound discussions while being transparent to the public.
    1 point
  13. Ingame report feature wont allow to send screenshots etc. though, and ez report button could be spammed and abused. Also 1v1 quitter thread is used quite frequently, and despite perfect coverage will not be achieved as you pointed out, it could help as at least frequent players are aware of the Forum.
    1 point
  14. I agree, the delay is annoying. I think when the red warning hand for new members is dropped the delay should be removed. (I believe there was some consensus with the team, alas nothing changed so far.)
    1 point
  15. Hi I think I could solve the problem. My computer may have changed the audio-ouput device to one that wasn't connected to headphones or a speaker. I could, at least temporarily solve it, using a USB-adapter for both, my headphones and my microphone, at once. I'm not 100% sure that this was the problem, but as long as it works ...
    1 point
  16. Good question. You care enough about this problem to post follow-up comments about it. That's good. Now the true test. Do you care enough about it to learn about networking fundamentals and conduct detailed troubleshooting? I suggest learning things like what are UDP protocol, UDP source and destination ports, IP addresses, firewalls, routing, transparent proxy (Network Address Translation), etc. You could install Wireshark and capture traffic while doing controlled experimentation.
    1 point
  17. Parsing xml isn't very fast, also you have a whole inheritance chain of xml files for a template. Once you have done all work you have an in memory representation which you could just dump bit by bit to disk and read back which is much faster. Well, it's not exactly as easy but explains the basic idea quite well. The code is open, for the gory details I suggest you start digging into it.
    1 point
  18. I think it's too easy to bypass bans. There should be more strict checks to prevent bypassing.
    1 point
  19. XMBs are binary versions of XMLs. They aren't necessarily smaller, but they are more efficient for the engine. XMBs should not interfere with an XML that you mod. Your mod should overwrite them.
    1 point
  20. Buenos días o tardes; -No le entendí @LordStark, pero estos son los animales que , de momento , tengo casi acabados (algún desajuste con las texturas solo); 1-Camello bactriano; (Junto al Dromedario arábigo) referencias; 2-"Guanaco" ( junto a comerciante Mochica) referencias ; -3 Bisontes europeos; (los machos tienen barba y las hembras ubres) (En peligro extremo de extinción) referencia; 4-Ciervo rojo (ciervo común europeo); (los machos tienen cornamenta) referencia; 5-Corzo; (los machos tienen cornamenta) referencia; 6-Gamo; (los machos tienen cornamenta) referencia; 7-lince "ibérico"; (no conseguí crear una textura para el lince ) (En peligro extremo de extinción) referencia; 8-Nutrias europeas; referencia; 9-oso y oseznos 10-"Sorraia";(caballo salvaje lusitano); referencia; (Tiene el cabello de la Crin y la cola Bicroma o de dos colores o color "Bayo") (tamaño más pequeño que otros caballos europeos) (orejas grandes) (ligeras marcas de Cebra en las patas) 11-tejones europeos referencia; 12-uros; (toro salvaje euroasiático) (Extinguido) referencia; -Primero terminaré la fauna lusitana y después me pondré con la fauna Mesoamericana , concretamente la de el "Mundo Maya". Para la fauna lusitana aún me quedan crear Liebres , Zebros , Ánades y poco más .Añadido a los ya existentes Lobos , conejos , zorros , cabras y jabalíes (que no necesitan remodelarse) , tendríamos toda la fauna característica de Lusitania y parte del resto de la Península Ibérica e incluso , del Magreb. Casi 20 animales diferentes . -Los mapas del último alfa se ven muy bien , pero en muchos mapas hay poca diversidad de fauna y por eso intento aportar algunos modelos. -¿Qué opinan? @Lopess @Stan`@Lion.Kanzen @Ultimate Aurelian @wowgetoffyourcellphone @soloooy0 @Genava55 Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  21. Your progress has been incredibly rapid. Just amazed at what you have been able to accomplish in such a short amount of time.
    1 point
  22. It worked, thank you! Here's the current progress if you all are wondering what's new.
    1 point
  23. Spaces are forbidden
    1 point
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