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  1. I beg you to remake this bus station into a normal palace!
    5 points
  2. To properly test for balance we will need many players (at least enough for a 4v4 or two). some things to think about while playing: thoughts on acceleration values. Han crossbows OP? Han swordcav rush OP? persia rush persia immortals OP? merc cav nerfed OK? catapults OP? A separate group can play on the latest version (SVN): try a fanatic rush, is it OP? try all in spartan rush are neodamodes spearmen OP?
    3 points
  3. Its a nice building, it doesnt need a lot of space. fits in a lot of places.
    3 points
  4. I didn't quite mean it. The problem is not the 'scale', but that this "palace" does not look like a "palace". It looks like a garrison or a piece of a citadel wall, but not like a luxurious palace with many rooms. What I see here is more like as if only the vestibule was left of the palace. And the rest of the building was stolen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palace "A palace - is a grand residence, especially a royal residence." Can you say on this: "It's a grand residence."?
    2 points
  5. 'harmya' sounds like 'harm-you'. We can rename it to something generic like 'Mauryan Palace' or 'Indian crown court'.
    2 points
  6. Hello guys. I may have already suggested this on other occasions, but it seems really good to me the idea of having in the game's text boxes, whenever possible, a link to the Wikipedia article about the item, weapon, animal, building, character or civilization to which the text refers. The idea would be to keep the existing texts, but add something like... e.g. "Read more here". (...) It would not be any structural change in the 0 a.d. text boxes and would add a lot of educational potential and deepen the historical issues. Even the maps could have links to articles on Wikipedia, referring to biomes, historical maps, specific battles, etc.
    2 points
  7. Clearly need both. Best civ for 1v1 right now is ptol. Best civ for 4v4 right now is iber. They’re different gameplays that involve different strategies.
    1 point
  8. Team bonuses bring more diversity into the game and so you can test more combinations of units/bonuses/heroes than you can in a 1v1 (think skirm cav mercs with iber team bonus). I would say that 1v1s are necessary but are not "better" than team games for balance.
    1 point
  9. First version of @Pureon Random screenshot
    1 point
  10. the amount matters. try 10 vs 10 and 50 vs 50, even 70 vs 70. the difference is that most of the spearcav have to path and find a target during which time 100 percent of the skirm cav can attack.
    1 point
  11. 1v1s are needed too, particularly for things like fanatic rushes. I said we need 4v4s just because many people can use new features all at once, and testing is faster with more "hands on deck" so to speak.
    1 point
  12. I hold the opinion that to properly test for balance it is better to play a 1v1
    1 point
  13. "I'm gonna harmya with these buildings...."
    1 point
  14. @Sevda Why do the buildings sti have their textures ? IMHO you should replace colors by eco military, same for units full 2x2 transparent texture so that they are player color. Ironically I don't think the palace was meant to be used I think it was dug from the existing assets. Pureon made it I think. My only grief with it is that it doesn't have the same roof as the others.
    1 point
  15. i have tested them a bit, and tbh they seem balanced, but gameplay is how we will find OP stuff. we failed to test mercs adequately. I don't know if we will get a third RC, so thats why I listed extra stuff there.
    1 point
  16. One thing about your visual comparisons: the units are deliberately over-sized, I think three or four times of what they "realistically" should be. I guess opinions differ on how "gentle" that pink looks. ;p
    1 point
  17. Teaching people on how to setup forwarding is not the goal but to let them know they are using a problematic setup. If stun is the only thing they get working, so be it. The main problem I see is they don't even know that there is an issue, which is always the biggest hurdle to address.
    1 point
  18. I mean keep "visual" historical accuracy not gameplay This game does not even have hunger rate for units like Cossacks series.
    1 point
  19. We don't need that. If you want historical accuracy, then the game would literally take years to finish (consider how much time you need to build an empire) and also the Romans and the Macedonians will destroy everyone, which is gg before the game starts. Furthermore, Brits and Gauls never had a fight with the Mauryans.
    1 point
  20. No. I dont care. A game is for fun, not for simulating the reality. Maybe it could be renamed, yes
    1 point
  21. Then people will complain about it being too big... Then maps too small, then game too laggy.
    1 point
  22. You just need to make clean before make -j3
    1 point
  23. Nice could be a fortified upgrade for walls.
    1 point
  24. They have 2 cav units in p1. They can weapon switch between spear and arrow. Champs in p1 Sparta ------ With that said, I am not sure if any of these changes are currently in the latest SVN
    1 point
  25. Did you try to run clean-workspaces.sh and then run update-workspaces.sh again?
    1 point
  26. In a way you can pay resources to secure your towers: by garrisoning troops in them, that prevents decay.
    1 point
  27. Todolomeo quit a game without resign metadata.jsoncommands.txt
    1 point
  28. Every time I am about to win a game, enemy run away. For this time, I decided to report every such users because I know now how to report them. @user1 please report this user. Thank you My username: KpiTenBobZy Offender: loreto1 commands.txt metadata.json
    1 point
  29. I mentioned this elsewhere but I think it deserves it's own topic. Cavalry can see more than infantry in the game because they are sitting on a horse. I understand they are on a vantage point, but 12 meters more is very excessive. Also, vision range is impeded by the same things regardless of height. (hills trees etc) Fog of war represents these obstructions and provides excitement to gameplay. Even if it were realistic (which it really isn't) I think it is problematic for gameplay that cavalry can see more than infantry, because these units are already difficult to kill with their infantry counter, spearmen. lets do some comparisons 1. cavalry versus infantry (citizen soldiers) 92 meters vs 80 meters. this is a substantial difference (12 meters) especially because the area is much larger with increasing radii. 2. champion cavalry versus champion spearmen 96 meters vs 80 meters *notice that champion cav get an additional 4 meters while champion infantry do not get additional vision. 3. Champion cav versus outpost the outpost is unupgraded by the way. I think it is ridiculous that cavalry can see so far to be honest. At best, it is inconsistency, and at worst, it is a serious balancing issue between infantry and cavalry. When people complain that late game cavalry death balls are invincible, this is likely a significant contributor. Luckily, I have already made a simple patch and a mod for a25 to fix this discrepancy: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D4744 vision.zip These both make vision ranges for all infantry and cavalry 80 meters. Give it a try if you like.
    1 point
  30. Any more voters want to cast their vote? @wowgetoffyourcellphone, maybe @borg-, other balancers too.
    1 point
  31. Hi, Raffut1969 quit a game without resign metadata.json commands.txt
    1 point
  32. Ideally one set of textures for all the buildings. Spec Normal Diffuse. And one to four aos. If four aos make sure to reduce their size. If one it can probably fit in a 1024x1024 textures. Props have the advantage that they can be switched dynamically through code, but they cost more drawcalls. In the future drawcalls will be reduced drastically with https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2938 but until then it's better to reserve props for things that adapt to terrain or change through code. Only way I know is using many variants or props.
    1 point
  33. 1 point
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