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  1. @LordStark Everything is now here. https://github.com/0ADMods/medievalad @Lopess and everyone else, any help is appreciated in making the mod playable.
    5 points
  2. What toxic 0 AD players think they are like: What they actually are like:
    4 points
  3. I'll try and get some smaller instructions in the repo and I'll ping you
    2 points
  4. Projectile are purely visual they do not take whatever is betwen them. So they don't know about height or other units. Tracking all the buildings around you might have a hit on performance. Silier once attempted that for terrain https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1905
    2 points
  5. Projectiles are a pure visual element. The simulation engine is agnostic of the actual arrow or stone. Ranged attacks are simply a velocity and the damage code just run a calculation, there is no physics simulation going on. The visual projectile is also a local entity, which can be considered to not be part of the game, is not serialized, does not affect the game state and is there purely to be seen by the local player. Unlike FPS games where bullet physics are actually simulated, for RTS games with thousands of units, its not going to be feasible. Have to do ray casts over several entity meshes per turn per projectile. There is a potential optimization if only buildings are considered, which do not move, and are also reduced to cuboids. In which case, it might be potentially okay. However, projectile paths are not rays, there is some ballistics going on. A ray will not have a curved trajectory going over a wall. So I assume a more expensive form of collision detection needs to be done. This will be a complete overhaul of how ranged attacks are currently implemented.
    1 point
  6. Hmm, I see. So the only possibility is to totally block the attacks from either side of the wall untill wall is destroyed, but attack from garrisoned units can be allowed and they can also be attacked. It can be tested in a mode if this is a good game play or not. (Prone to many bugs)
    1 point
  7. I have bent my head over this before too. IIRC projectiles do have an entity ID, just not sure what you can do with it other than visually delete them. But if i understand @Stan` correctly, even if you got them to visually delete before it hits the intended unit, the engine will still register it as a hit. Best way i think would be to check for any entity between the unit and the target along the fly path and if true, stop checking and deal the damage to that unit/building instead. But Stan is probably right and will be costly in performance.
    1 point
  8. Mesoamerica lacked animals suitable for domestication, most notably domesticated large ungulates. The lack of draft animals for transportation is one notable difference between Mesoamerica and the cultures of the South American Andes. Other animals, including the duck, dogs, and turkey, were domesticated. Turkey was the first to be domesticated locally, around 3500 BCE.[24] Dogs were the primary source of animal protein in ancient Mesoamerica,[25] and dog bones are common in midden deposits throughout the region. in trading on the market. They also hunted for luxury items, such as feline fur and bird plumage.
    1 point
  9. why cut the cables instead of removing them? or are they screwed in or glued in or something? why would anyone do that? probably accidental removal prevention.
    1 point
  10. You can use copy/paste (ctrl + c/ ctrl + v) in Atlas to get at least a little bit of symmetry.
    1 point
  11. It's basically possible but as @Player of 0AD said, when the game host lost connection or quits the game how do we handle such a case? Maybe it can be worked around , only if a game session can remain active for atleast 10mins when the host leaves ( which is not possible so far ), then in that case the remaining players can decide if it was a rage quit or a connection lost and if within that 10mins the host manage to rejoin the game then maybe the game continues just like how it does in 1v1, and about how the rating will be calculated, just like 1v1, in 4v4 TG each player matches the opponent accordingly but it will be a little bias if a player has 1800 ratings and looses 40points to a player who has 1200, whiles a player who has 1200 loose 14 points to 1800+ player, or well maybe we can set a constant point, example 20 rating points from each teams, and the winning team gets 40 points shared among them considering the initial ratings they deposited will be returned to them and then they can share the bonus 20points earned ( 5 each)
    1 point
  12. You might add an upgrade with the aura, to change them to ranged units, but I guess that is not what you want. Sorry that is not possible.
    1 point
  13. Ideas: Spartan Woman - Can no longer gather, but can build structures quickly and have their old "Alure" aura back. Helot Worker - Can only gather, but do so quicker than other gatherers. Very low health; Can be captured. Agis III Change Agis III to Cleomenes III. He's now a pikeman and his special is that he can train a limited number of Champion Spartan Pikemen very quickly. This number can be per match or just a standard training limit.
    1 point
  14. Old but timeless... According to that I quickly climbed down the ladder in my life. However, today I consider such thinking an expression of hybris more than anything...
    1 point
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