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  1. The consensus is to change the Persian wonder to the Throne Hall of Darius (the "Apadana"). We'd change the current "Apadana" structure to the "Tachara" (Winter Palace). We can then use the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, et al. for a new Capture the Wonder game type.
    3 points
  2. Actually Sparta's army had also slingers, a role reserved to helots. Would be also very cool to consider a new unit based on the figure of the "aulos" players. Aulos is a sort of flute, and those players had the role to guide and keep orderly the formations of hoplites through their music. They were highly respected among the population. They should have an aura and could give some bonuses only to infantry set on formation. Something similar to the Trumpeters of the Gauls. "It was a sight equally grand and terrifying when they marched in step with the rhythm of the flute, without any gap in their line of battle, and with no confusion in their souls, but calmly and cheerfully moving with the strains of their hymn into the deadly fight. Neither fear nor excessive fury is likely to possess men so disposed, but rather a firm purpose full of hope and courage, believing as they do that Heaven is their ally." Plutarch, The Parallel Lives (Chapter II, section III) "And then there was the clash: the Argives and their allies advanced impetuously and full of anger, the Lacedaemonians instead advanced slow and at the cadence marked by numerous flutists placed among them not for reasons of religious worship but to be able to march in step with that rhythm and so the ranks would not get confused, which often happens to the great ones when they go to the assault " Aulio Gellio, Noctic Atticae (I, XI, 1-5) Could also be considered to add a new figure to the Temple: the oracle. Among ancient greek civilization was very common to make animal sacrifices towards the gods before engaging a battle, to determine their will. We could add the possibility to train this figure inside the temple, who can use hunt to make those sacrifices. These can give positive or negative response, in a completely random way, with a consequent temporary bonus (or maybe a malus if response is negative) for the army.
    3 points
  3. 2 points
  4. I think the topic: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/topic/82176-differentiating-civilizations-persian/ was a success so i will continue to sparta civilization. Well I'd like to start with a few small ideas. It seems to me that the Sparta civilization should be focused on its infantry and especially on its champions, which are rarely used. - Sissitia moved to phase 1; - Sissitia range aura of gathering rate on farms for citizens infantry skimishers near. Gathers like a woman, but her attack is reduced a little. - Champions spearman can be trained on phase 1; - Champion spearman can up to rank 2 (olympic champion). Current hoplite tradition also affects champions. - New movement speed technology for champion infantry; Well this is one of the ideas that i have at the moment, i will research more about sparta culture. I would like to hear everyone's ideas and opinion.
    1 point
  5. My idea of an announce mailing list is for it to be read-only except for wfg addresses. Traffic should be very low, announcing releases certainly qualifies. People subscribe to the list if they are interested instead of you directly reaching out. Target are primarily direct or indirect contributors, but anyone interested is free to subscribe. This would obviously replace you actively reaching out to distributions via mail.
    1 point
  6. why? because they are not contemporary? it is said that part of the beauty of the game is that it allows factions who never met to encounter in fight, wouldn't be nice too to have two great kings of Sparta fight alongside? attention must be paid to balance though.
    1 point
  7. @berhudar, people were supposed to schedule their own games. However that never happened and I could no longer bother to babysit and left the tournament alone.
    1 point
  8. Kind of planned. If I read this correctly you want to have techs affect EntityLimits? Two exactly the same wonders doesn't sound nice by the way.
    1 point
  9. Ergo, my childhood. ^^ I truly enjoyed making SP campaigns for AoE II!
    1 point
  10. I'm not "hibiki_"
    1 point
  11. I'm planning to make 13th-14th century European assets but I am currently on a hiatus, for the kite shields, I believe we also have them in Millennium AD..
    1 point
  12. Frankly I find this activity pointless. Are you asking for all of the people on this list to be banned? Or is this just to show off your 'extensive knowledge' about our player base? If you are asking for bans, first, your list contains many errors so innocent players get banned and the master smurfs will escape. Secondly there are many ways to bypass the ban. Thirdly you will be the first to be banned because you are impostering others. I have never seen G.O.A.T active in the lobby, so you are lurking around with other accounts, and not just one, in order to gather all these information. Lastly many accounts on your list are no longer active players (they quit 0ad or they got bored of creating accounts). If you want to flex, there are many errors in your list and I have pointed them out to you already. The real masterminds behind those accounts are laughing at you right now because you have fallen for their trolling. Furthermore, you only sniffed out a small fraction of my accounts and you decided to award them to Kate, who isn't a frequent player anymore...
    1 point
  13. Keep up the great work. With a bit of luck we can sync when you are done so that I can sign your campaign mod so it's ready to be downloaded when A26 comes out.
    1 point
  14. LOL. Number's cut on three sides. Yeah, thx stats, real meaningful insight there.
    1 point
  15. Buenos días o tardes; Algo de fauna ibérica; (Hábitat ;mitad norte peninsular) Bisonte europeo. Hice hasta 4 modelos , 2 hembras y 2 machos (con barba en el cuello); Referencia de bisontes europeos; -Igual me animo a modelar linces y otros animales , también haré animales para los mapas Mayas. -¿Qué opinan? @Lopess , @soloooy0 , @Lion.Kanzen , @wowgetoffyourcellphone , @Stan` , @Ultimate Aurelian , @Genava55 Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  16. Lesser distance between civic centres To be able to make settlements more closer to each other (change limit from 200m to 150m). New health system Lower health points for units to make combat more realistic and more power for ranked units (quick kill against civilians and low ranked units). Wider zoom out It would be very usefull in some occassions, especially in moutain areas but also for general map view. More civilian buildings and miscellaneous objects Like roads, flags, statues, religiuos objects (like crosses, totems, kumirs) etc. gardens, punishment posts, prisons, shacks etc. Just for fun. Civic center could be just single building and other objects arround should be addable separately by player will.
    1 point
  17. stop worrying, just play. the forum is getting toxic lol
    1 point
  18. Yes, and which one? a narrator with a custom message. e.g. Portal | Sentry Turret made with 15.ai 15ai.mp3 male/female groaning of death from Delenda Est male.mp3 female.mp3 instrument findsounds.com fancy death_screen.mp3 gong gong.mp3 trumpet trumpet.mp3
    1 point
  19. However, Greek philosopher Plato saw tyrannos as a negative word, and on account of the decisive influence of philosophy on politics, its negative connotations only increased, continuing into the Hellenistic period. The philosophers Plato and Aristotle defined a tyrant as a person who rules without law, using extreme and cruel methods against both his own people and others.[5][6] The Encyclopédie defined the term as a usurper of sovereign power who makes "his subjects the victims of his passions and unjust desires, which he substitutes for laws".[7] In the late fifth and fourth centuries BC, a new kind of tyrant, one who had the support of the military, arose – specifically in Sicily. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tyrant ----- This reading is interesting. https://www.thoughtco.com/tyrants-after-the-peloponnesian-war-120199 It is dangerous that in many countries they ignore fascism and all their consciences. So then Armán wars and end up like Athens in the hands of (Plutocratic) tyrants.
    0 points
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