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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2021-10-04 in all areas

  1. I'm happy to help, @alre! My online time is quite few lately, so it has to be asynchronous I guess, but if I can find your code somewhere (a patch on Phabricator is just as valid (and even preferential for me) since we can rebase it on-the-go) I may be able to point out what and why needs changing. (In short, please still upload on Phabricator (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Phabricator) and I'll help you rebase it, or rebase on your behalf (if you agree).)
    2 points
  2. If you just want them all to look the same, try using the actor files by reducing variants. public/art/actors/units/kushites/female_citizen.xml public/art/actors/props/units/heads/head_kush_fem_light.xml
    2 points
  3. You are in the wrong place. You are here: /Library/Application Support You need to go here: /Users/picus/Library/Application Support Edit1: Private message from @g33z3r After disabling "Antialiasing" the problem was solved. See IRC 0ad conversation 3/Oct/21.
    2 points
  4. Why ? What is there to say: I like to look at something different once in a while. Installation note: No guarantee that it will be compatible to any other mod, but if you want to try it, it's probably best to enable this one last (after) everything else. Current version: 0.27.3 (testing/ A27 / SVN) | 0.26.3 (A26) Where to find it: For A27/ SVN: newest testing version https://api.mod.io/v1/games/5/mods/1965214/files/3658747/download (needs manual installation) For A26: It is available through the in-game mod downloader or manually from: https://mod.io/g/0ad/m/shiny Some features: In case you don't like the new backgrounds: There is now the option to enable or disable it and switch between the new and the old backgrounds. Just go to the options and click on "Disable new background" _________________________________________________________ Credits to: @Langbart who gave me the idea and with whom I discussed much about the initial design/ who generally helped, @wowgetoffyourcellphone @Stan` @Radiotraining for tips on the design and a general thanks to everybody who gave their opinions and suggestions in this thread.
    1 point
  5. Buenos días/tardes/noches; -Esta es mi idea para los héroes de Lusitania. 1.Viriato; ------------------------------------- (Viriato /¿Virilos?) 2.Punico; ------------------------------------ (Apimano) 3.Cauceno; ---------------------------------- (Kaikainos) -Descripciones de los héroes; Viriato ; -Sería héroe porque consiguió las mayores victorias en batallas , humilló e impuso la paz a la propia Roma y es el caudillo más famoso. -Físico; Dos modalidades una de infantería y otra de caballería. Unidad de arma cuerpo a cuerpo(espada). -Bonus; 1)Al ser un pastor originalmente , Viriato puede reclutar cabezas de ganado , cabras , ovejas , vacas y sacrificarlas para comida. 2)Mientras está viva la unidad de Viriato, los corrales son más baratos, el ganado es más baratos , engorda más y se mueve más rápido. (Sin textura aún) Púnico; -Sería héroe porque fue el primer Gran caudillo lusitano del que hay registros , el fue quién comenzó las Guerras Lusitanas y fue el primero en hacer una gran coalición con otras tribus como los Vetones y Turdetanos. -Físico; Unidad de caballería. Unidad de arma a distancia (venablos). -Bonus; 1)Al ser el caudillo que estableció una alianza con los vetones , que pueda reclutar auxiliares vetones más baratos y rápido que en los castros vetones. 2)Mientras está viva la unidad de Púnico, los castros vetones son más fuertes , las unidades auxiliares vetonas se mueven más rápido y ganan más puntos de resistencia. (Textura de Púnico) Cauceno; -Sería héroe porque consiguió la proeza de ser el Primer Líder lusitano en cruzar a África del que hay registros, el fue el único caudillo en derrotar a los romanos en dos continentes además de derrotar y sitiar a varios aliados de los romanos ,como tribus númidas e íberas. -Físico; Unidad de caballería. Unidad de arma cuerpo a cuerpo (tridente) -Bonus; 1)Al ser muy posible una alianza con Cartago para cruzar a África, puede construir factorías púnicas más baratas y en menor tiempo que otras unidades. 2)Mientras está viva la unidad de Cauceno, los navíos mercaderes fenicios y los trirremes cartagineses se mueven más rápidos ,son más baratos y los barcos guarecen a más unidades en su interior. (Textura de Cauceno) -Estas texturas están sacadas de las unidades campeonas lusitanas que ya hice , pero llevan extras como ; Torques celtas. Tabardos de cuero. Capas de cuero. Grebas diferentes. Cinturones diferentes (con hebillas). Abalorios de oro. Disculpen las molestias*
    1 point
  6. ctrl+s? wiki/HotKeys#Cameramanipulation Edit1: for changing the maximum/minimum camera zoom, see wiki/FAQ#General
    1 point
  7. The game considers the grid on which units move to be uniform. So the computed paths will not take into account whether it's a swamp or a highway. Units will still try to find the shortest flying path without computing whether it's faster.
    1 point
  8. Yes, my advice about using the Magic-SysRq key to send a signal to all processes on the virtual console or else all processes would kill a lot of processes. And yes, the system might be unstable as a result. It's a last resort before resetting the computer if it's so locked up that even switching to a virtual console doesn't work. Yes, switching to a virtual console SHOULD always work. Except that it often doesn't for me. Believe me, I've tried. I think that it depends on the video hardware, the video drivers, the distro, the window manager, desktop environment, etc.
    1 point
  9. Apparently people haven't read my post carefully. The process is named "main". It is not named "pyrogenesis" or "0ad". It is named "main". The process name is "main". Type killall -9 main
    1 point
  10. It is eerie quiet lately. I'm trying to fix some bugs, make some small improvements, get some other/new contributors up to speed, but the problem really is time. @bb_ has some interesting patches up their sleeve though.
    1 point
  11. @ValihrAnt is leading a thread for coming up with civilization economic bonuses. For example, one idea for kushite eco bonus is farms and corrals are 50% cheaper.
    1 point
  12. We can give factions each an economic bonus such that it cancels out, or we can give none of them an economic bonus. I don't see why the difficult option would be worth the effort. That feels weird to me. I would prefer to make the trumpeter champion useful. Maybe the trumpeter is all ready useful, but it does not see a lot of play. I like this idea, but I doubt if it works in practise. If they are weak, they can be hunted down by cavalry and most often, players place their buildings such that there is not much to be captured. However adding extra units in the game is not bad as nobody forces players to make them. I think the game should be balanced on maps such as mainland. Other maps might not be balanced. If people like to create other maps, they need to keep balance in mind. So that might sound the same, but it is a different way of thinking about it.
    1 point
  13. I find it good that some civilizations are poor in siege units. Rome is ROME. Is a highly developed civilization with excellent siege capacity. Wall, military camp, long-range siege. To counter them the Gauls can send cavalry raids in ennemy base, attempt to kill the sieges with sword cav. Rome is good design differentiation. Gauls lacks something, but it good too. Gauls has the unit which decreases the enemy attack it is nice and the buildings are faster to build. Good food production in the fields. We can have little idea very easy. Delete all tech for boost monk (druid) on temple and remplace by an unique tech which teaches druids to morally boost their allies. When druide heal ally they boost 20% dammage for 5 seconds of the unit. Very usefull on infantery fight. So we can imagine druide with mounted druid (but produce in temple or in stable if temple is already built ?) If the idea about the druids refused. We can create new unit produced from house. A pillager unit with flashlight and a small dagger, very fragile and bonus plunder multiplied by 3. This unit can burn building, but they are very weak in fight ! Fast moving like a skirmish unit. 40 wood 40 food and the unit pick up ressource at 0.4 Ratio -> it will be well written that this is a poor collection unit.
    1 point
  14. Catapults/bolts are specific units that do allow for some civilization to have some strategies that other do not have. As mentioned by Dizaka in one of his post, catapults/bolts can be countered by mobility (which can be played by any civilization but unfortunately not on every map). If while the enemy attacks your base with catapults you can at least engage in a base trade with your rams/elephants damaging faster the enemy base than what the enemy can do with catapults, then having civilization(s) with (better) catapults might be ok. The issue arise if the Roman can also turtle too easily. In that example, I would see Roman civilization specificity not countered by other civilization specificity but by a particular way to play the game available to every civilization. If you give a strong economic bonus in early game to a particular civilization (as it was the case in a23), citizen soldiers implies that this civilization is likely to play any strategy better than the other and it would dominate all the others with mass infantry in late game. I would rather see different economic bonus for each civilization kind of balancing each other out such that there is no big difference in late game. To come back to my previous example, an additional starting citizen soldiers for romans would be a form of differentiated economic bonus which would compensate them from not having the faster wood cutting bonus that you would give to Gauls. The different type of economic bonus would give incentives to play differently each civilization, but they wouldn't imply that you should play a civilization in the way it was design. I think the game should be balanced only on mainland, for other maps just put a warning sign that game might be unbalanced. It would be the responsibility of the players to ban some civilizations, play mirror civilization etc... if they really want to play balanced game on these maps. balancing civilization on all maps would simply kill any attempts for differentiation. I strongly agree there, there are many ways to balance the game and every suggestions made might be the best for a particular vision of how the game should be played. Some people might want to cook a pizza, others might want to cook a pie, if we don't agree on what we are cooking, it is not possible to know if we need sugar...
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Towers are ridiculously easy to capture if they are ungarrisoned, but then if they are garrisoned they are ridiculously difficult to capture and ridiculously difficult to destroy without siege. But your troops default to capturing behavior so they get massacred needlessly. The implementation of the capturing mechanic in the game is supremely frustrating and it's one of my chief criticisms of the "game design", such as it is.
    1 point
  17. Some ideas I had for gameplay diversification. If more experienced players see something that could be better, please point it out so it can be corrected. If players like this, it could be the base for a mod for testing the new playstyles.
    1 point
  18. Regarding the need for placing additional information about enabled mods, I decided to create a new thread for it, as it is not related to this "shiny - an alternative main menu UI" mod by @maroder For interested people, please look there. Now BTT, and please accept my apologies for my OT stuff here.
    1 point
  19. Yes, I just hit "Continue", entered some info, and added O7 (CatchAll) as Reviewers. Thanks to @maroder and @Angenfor helping me with my first diff.
    1 point
  20. I guess so. Don't think so, the context is missing. You have to go to the 0 A.D root folder, open the command line there and type in svn diff -x -U5000 or optionally svn diff -x -U5000 > text-output.patch to save it as a text file. Then you have to make an account here: https://code.wildfiregames.com/ and upload the patch there.
    1 point
  21. As I understand it, it's the other way round. Mods enabled later can overwrite mods that were enabled earlier.
    1 point
  22. Thank you. I understand that the user needs to read the docs that go along with the mods to see whether they change a lot or less, and then decide on the order of the mods to be loaded, and that this cannot be automated. However, at the moment it seems that the user needs to first deactivate all/or affected mods and then acivate them again so they come loaded in the correct order. Wouldn't it make sense then to add a possibility to resort mods manually and add a button "Reload"? PS: Would this describe it correctly?
    1 point
  23. Only loading order matters. Mods are loaded from top to bottom in the enabled mod section.
    1 point
  24. If I see it right, the user can change the sorting of the available mods but not of the enabled mods. A longer explanation might be necessary but the crisper, the better. Admittedly, I still have problems to fully understand what really matters in regard to the order of installed mods (either via mod.io or manually). Hence, currently I don't know how to proceed. I'm happy to further discuss it here. @maroder Please accept my apologies that the thread about your great mod got hijacked a bit. If I shall open an extra thread about the order of mods in general, I am happy to do so.
    1 point
  25. If the order of installation matters and not the name, then I would think it makes sense to show the mods in order of installation.
    1 point
  26. How about this? In SVN the result looks like this: This is the file I edited: /binaries/data/mods/mod/gui/modmod/modmod.xml I would like to create a diff, if the above change makes sense at all. I am currently on Debian 11.
    1 point
  27. sorry can't reproduce your errors. It works fine for me with the following versions and installation order: It also works for me in combination with autociv: Do you use a different versions of boonGUI?
    1 point
  28. Would in binaries/data/mods/mod/gui. Not sure where you'd add it though
    1 point
  29. Can we add a note for the enabled mods? If yes, where in the code would I find this?
    1 point
  30. Should this also be clarified by a note in 0 A.D.? I.e. installed mods are sorted by installation date/time, sorted downwards and that the order could matter.
    1 point
  31. "On top" means later on, right? I ask this (maybe dumb) question, because I wonder about the order of the mods as they appear in the mods window. Should the latest installed mod be shown on top or at the bottom there? @Stan`
    1 point
  32. And to expand on your comment /further information for anyone experiencing something similar: Under normal circumstances mods are not able to wreck your installation as the changes are not permanent. When there are errors or you can't start 0 A.D. anymore, you just have to find your user.cfg file and change the line with: mod.enabledmods to only "mod public". Alternatively you can find the folder with the mods and delete them and everything should work again.
    1 point
  33. Sorry for the inconvenience. yeah the order is definitely important, because if they change the same files, these changes get overridden. Hard to tell exactly in what order mods should be installed (or if they are compatible) without checking what they change, but as a rule of thumb I would recommend installing (means: enabling) the heaviest mods first (who change the most/do the most work) and then the lighter ones on top (in the sense of after/later). And as Shiny only changes some buttons/ the menu/ loading screen it should probably be the last thing you install.
    1 point
  34. Completly broke my installation. I have tried to reinstall, uninstall and remove all asosiated folders etc. No matter what i do i just get the new background with no functional text links as should be. And there is a whole lot of errors. Also the full screen mode override even taskmanager so I have to reboot to do anything after an attempt to open 0ad. https://pastebin.com/gMQJ3Stw EDIT: Found mods in the very place they were supposed to be. I used to have a different path "My Games\0ad" on D drive. But after a recent reinstallation it is located in C drive. Shall see if I can get it working now.
    1 point
  35. alright, thought so. Well if I find no nice solution, option B is to make new dark backgrounds.
    1 point
  36. That's what I did in my tests: Maybe I overlook something, but wouldn't that mean that I have to do this for every button and every translation? thanks, will have a look again. My main issue is that I prefer the above style ^ over this:
    1 point
  37. Look at the base styles and how they are defined, you can control how the textures are streched when the dimensions change, perfectly doable with current gui code.
    1 point
  38. Tried that, but then you have to use a very blurred shadow to accommodate for the different strings and translations and in the end its looks more like a smudge. But yes I will try to find an option that works with light backgrounds.
    1 point
  39. Please don't give up. Maybe there is an alternative solution. Ceterum censeo, the new screens/arts should really be added!
    1 point
  40. sad. I made some tests and they looked promising.
    1 point
  41. @maroder Oh my god, this is such amazing art! My deepest respect! This goes to all developers, artists, and contributors.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. If we could have text with drop shadows, then lighter backgrounds would be okay.
    1 point
  44. Yes, I discovered 0AD through Homebrew casks, was and still is the one at the top of the list. There is also this YouTuber with a tier list of RTS games, the first one he starts with is 0AD. Best RTS Games of ALL Time! by BeastyqtSC2 (14/Dec/20)
    1 point
  45. Fenris Wolves in Age of Mythology have a similar bonus. The bigger the pack, the faster they move for instance. In Delenda Est, phalangites have the "Massed Pikes" aura that improves their combat effectiveness when fighting in groups. Hoplites have their own aura, called "Shield Wall" which improves their armor values when fighting next to each other.
    1 point
  46. Started working directly on the Scythians. Some things I changed about them: I removed the packing from most of their buildings. After months and months of messing around with the concept, it just felt superfluous and annoying. Kept the concept for the Resource Wagons/Storehouse/House, which can all pack into each other. Still don't have territory or territory restrictions. Works well. I'm interested in seeing what people do with that. Their buildings are 1/2 health, cost, and build time. Weakest in the game by far (significantly weaker than Celtic buildings). All subject to playtesting of course. On track with the units (see pic). Definitely need some shields, helmets, hats, and other props modeled (swords, scabbards, Quivers), and some body textures. Need to plan out the look for the heroes and champions. Perhaps our resident experts can help?! Also need to decide on how their Healer Priest should look. Gave them 2 special units for the Civic Center, the Maiden Archer and Maiden Cavalry Archer. Training limit of 40 together, cost only Glory resource. Need a Cult Statue for the Glory resource. Need research. A Wooden horse statue or some kind of other animal? Stag? Currently their Shaman's Tent acts as both Temple and Cult Statue. Haven't tried to make the Falcon scout unit yet. Right now there's a "Falconry" tech, but I want a Falcon unit too. The "Hoplites" on the left in the image are Bosporan Hoplites, trainable by the Scythians in the capturable Mercenary Camps. On the right, Scythian peasants and 2 slaves. Wonder is currently the Uffington White Horse, which is incorrect of course. Was thinking a Royal Kurgan (Burial Mound). Their Fortress will cost the same as other Fortresses, but take half as long to build and have half health like the rest of their buildings. Model by @Stan` I really think these guys should eventually make it into the base game.
    1 point
  47. Gaulish less barbaric or rural house.
    1 point
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