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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-10-05 in all areas

  1. This is a proposal for a new unit for the Carthaginian faction. African Veterans Generic Name: African Veteran Specific Name: ? Class: Champion Infantry Spearman? or Swordsman? Hacker Armament: Spear? or Sword? Ranged Armament: None. Appearance: Armed and equipped with looted Italian equipment Garb: Tunic and lorica hamata Helmet: Hellenistic era helmets Shield: Roman scutum painted with Carthaginian symbols Figure(s): - History: Garrison: 1. Function: Heavy infantry. Good for holding the main battle line. Special: Trained by Hannibal.
    2 points
  2. Are you by any chance running autociv mod? The FXAA post processing shader is buggy with some cards and looks just exactly as the image you show(the right one). Next version of the mod has it fixed (still not released)
    2 points
  3. Hi @user1, This is a weird situation. I am playing a game against stckpkr7000. It is a good and tough battle. After some time I was winning, took his CC, army, fort etc. Now he puts the match on pause without saying anything. I am not going to wait. I just leave the match and hopefully this @#$% gets punished. Can you believe a person can be like that?? Lol. Unreal! screens to back my claim: https://prnt.sc/utql0y https://prnt.sc/utqln3 commands.txt
    1 point
  4. Total War does this, once your archers run out of arrows they turn in to the game's weakest melee units. It completely changes the strategy of the game. Having supply lines for your war effort is a great idea, but... And this is where both Age of Empires and Total War let me down when they came out with newer versions. The more you add to the graphics the longer it takes to generate a map, the commercial games answered this problem by making the maps smaller and smaller. They made the maps far too small to really consider any real strategy in the game, they became simple slogging matches for people with short attention spans. I still play the original editions of those games, the newer versions are of absolutely no interest to me. I have an idea for a feature that should be within the scope of the current development though. When building houses a "snap to nearest neighbour" type feature would be handy, it would make it a lot quicker and easier to set someone building and keep it neat and tidy. Cheers, Andrew.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. ha, yes i do. And i have tried it just now, when i disable the mod, the post processing artifacts are gone. The GLSL flickering on the other hand is still there. So at the end it only seems to be a problem with the intel gpu. But i look forward to trying the new version of autociv when it is finished
    1 point
  7. Oh man... I can't believe after 6 years this isn't in the game even as a editor building.
    1 point
  8. Can you make sure the game runs on the NVIDIA GPU not the Intel one?
    1 point
  9. Actually Σπαρτιάτης Spartiātēs ‘Spartan’ is a singular; it's declined like πολίτης politēs ‘citizen’, so the plural is Σπαρτιᾶται Spartiātai ‘Spartans’. The female equivalent is Σπαρτιᾶτις Spartiātis ‘Spartan woman’, which is declined like παῖς pais ‘child’, so the plural is Σπαρτιάτιδες Spartiātides ‘Spartan women’. For other things, the adjective of Σπάρτη Spartē ‘Sparta’ is Σπαρτιᾱτικός Spartiātikos ‘Spartan’ (plural -οί -oi).
    1 point
  10. King Leonidas and his Spartiates.
    1 point
  11. @wackyserious https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YzMStfr6T1fAobQQ1U3GxPznWFIY2S8v/view?usp=sharing
    1 point
  12. New version: - Show tooltips when playing as single player with vision to show allies resources, same for kd - Adjust chat messages to the bottom left - Handle positioning of hero/relics panel New options: monitor.showPhase = "false" // Whether to show phase in monitor panel, topbar already shows monitor.topPanel.showRelicsHero = "true" // Show or hide hero/relics panel monitor.pyromod
    1 point
  13. I could see something like: Spartan hoplites +10% health, +10% train time. Athenian hoplites +10% speed, -1 armor. Theban hoplites +10% attack, +10% cost. Etc.
    1 point
  14. Maybe retake the screenshot with the black cape? Looking really good by the way!
    1 point
  15. Athenian Marines (Epibates) A group of Athenian marines and their officer.
    1 point
  16. I am not sure if mobile building mechanic for nomads will be kept. DE Scythians for example will have weak immobile buildings and no territory.
    0 points
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