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  1. I have already been experimenting with giving the game a much needed update to the terrain textures. I have been exclusively using assets from this website here, licensed as cc0: CC0 Textures - Public Domain PBR Materials We could contact this gentleman and ask for his assistance in creating new assets if his site currently does not have them and WFG could even become a Patron (his highest Patreon level is $5/month). Even if we don't try to partner with him, we can still utilize his excellent CC0 assets and ask him to check out how we're using his stuff. cough I am very keen now on using CC0 or CC-BY-SA materials. eh hem. And so far the results have been better than I'd hoped. EXAMPLES India: Desert (using assets from the India biome) Alpine-Polar (I think these 2 should be combined) Pros for updating the terrains: The game's current terrains are inconsistent in quality and scattershot in style. A new set of terrains can unify the quality and style. Terrains take up a massive amount of screen space, or what the player sees, so improving them gives a large boost in visual quality. The current terrains don't fully take advantage of the graphics engine's capabilities. A new set of terrains can do that. Improving the terrains can bring the look of the game closer to modern expectations. We can reduce the sheer number of terrains by half, which comes with the benefit of visual consistency and ease of use for mappers. Cons for updating the terrains: It will take considerable effort and take attention away from other possible tasks. The new textures will be on average 4x larger than the existing textures and will add normal maps and spec maps where previously there were few. Will increase the graphics memory load and possibly push out those with low-spec computer rigs. ?
    4 points
  2. At the end of the day, a terrain texture overhaul will have 1/2 the number of terrain textures, but will cost about 2x the disk space (each new terrain is approximately 4x the size of their current counterparts). Still, for a modern game in the year 2020, 0 A.D. will be on the lower side as far as disk space even with terrain overhaul.
    4 points
  3. Playable version of the Inca mod, accessible to anyone who wants to play, in the future the Incas will be accessible in the pre-colonial mod of @Trinketos . https://github.com/wltonlopes/incas_0ad
    3 points
  4. Nice, I'll consider making a new map when the mountain shape painter is done.
    3 points
  5. Let's take stock of the current terrains situation (Alpha 23-24) Current Biomes. Inconsistent. Alpine 41 terrains 41 textures Desert 58 terrains 59 textures Mediterranean 40 terrains 42 textures Polar 17 terrains 17 textures Savanna 36 terrains 37 textures Steppe 13 terrains 13 textures Temperate 47 terrains 48 textures Tropic 32 terrains 33 textures Let's look at a potential Alpha 25 situation. Consistency. Proposed Biomes Aegean-Anatolian 18 terrains 36 textures Alpine-Arctic 18 terrains 36 textures East Asia (Bonus) 18 terrains 36 textures Equatorial Africa (Bonus) 18 terrains 27 textures Hispania-North Africa 18 terrains 27 textures India 18 terrains 36 textures Italy 18 terrains 36 textures Mesoamerica (Bonus) 18 terrains 27 textures Middle East 18 terrains 27 textures Mongolian-Tarim (Bonus) 10 terrains 15 textures Nubia-Savanna 18 terrains 36 textures Sahara 18 terrains 27 textures Steppe (Bonus) 15 terrains 30 textures Temperate-European 18 terrains 36 textures Why do some proposed biomes have 18 terrains and 36 textures, while others have 18 terrains and 27 textures? It's because they will reuse many of the same assets, specifically normal maps and spec maps. Some diffuse maps will simply be color corrected for the biome and can share normal maps and spec maps from other biomes. For example, the Alpine-Arctic biome could use the same diffuse map as the Temperate biome for a cliff texture, just color corrected for Alpine theme, and then share the same normal and spec maps between them. This saves time and effort as well as unifies the look of the complete set of terrains. (Bonus) Biomes are lower priority. For instance, if the Xiongnu are added, then the Mongolian-Tarim biome would good to add. If Scythians or other similar civs are added, then the Steppe biome would be good to add. Otherwise, these biomes could be added lastly, the others a greater priority since we have civs already in-game for these biomes.
    3 points
  6. D2884* My opnion: D2300: bad. make civs / unit more similar. D2884: good and actually necessary. D2493: necessary for a24. Probably would reverted for next alphas. D2815: no. not necessary and make civs more similar. D2841: good. make celtics less op. D2866: yes. values proposed better than current alpha.
    2 points
  7. @asterix, @badosu, @borg-, @Boudica, @Feldfeld, @ffffffff, @go2die, @Lion.Kanzen, @nani, @PhyZic, @sarcoma, @sphyrth, @Thorfinn the Shallow Minded, @ValihrAnt, @wowgetoffyourcellphone, and others, I'd like your attention for the following. Currently the right selection panel panel only supports up to 8 × 3 = 24 icons, which limits things for future additions (and mods). There are two competing proposals to address that: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2806 (add extra row to right selection panel); https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2875 (shrink right selection panel icons). It would be great if you could indicate which one you prefer. Furthermore, rP23737 unified cavalry walk speeds, but infantry walk speeds are still rather inconsistent. Here too are two competing proposals for: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2300 (single walking speed for all citizen infantry); https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2884 (unify infantry walk speeds and vision). Then there are also some gameplay patches that are probably an improvement but might significantly alter balance and could really use some playtesting: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2493 (make siege engines uncapturable); https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2494 (overhaul artillery attacks); https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2815 (give all civs rams); https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2841 (split Celtic civ bonuses); https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2854 (introduce centre tech progression); https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2866 (tweak human training times). Finally, feedback is also appreciated on these two: https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2496 (tweak citizen cavalry and elephant footprints); https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2721 (improve animal footprints). And on any other open gameplay patch, which are listed and in the opening post of this thread and can also find via https://code.wildfiregames.com/search/query/fksZuv18waI4/#R For all of the above, please refrain from posting here, follow the links above instead, and voice your opinions over there on the respective phabricator pages.
    2 points
  8. Assets. I propose that we curate the current list of biome assets, such as trees, animals and rocks, and fill in any gaps where necessary. Each biome should have: 3-5 tree species 3 or more bushes 1 berry bush object A set of eye candy rocks A set of eye candy flora 2 Stone Mines 2 Metal Mines 2 or more dangerous animals 3 or more cosmetic animals 3 or more huntable animals (not including fish) etcetera Biomes can obviously share many of the same assets (Oak Trees or Date Palms for example will be used in multiple biomes). But a new spreadsheet must be created and agreed upon to go with the new proposed terrain biomes. Also, limits should be imposed for visual consistency. For instance, no more than 5 tree species per biome. We're not going to have 10 grass terrains in a biome, so there shouldn't be 20 tree species all mixed together in that biome either. This will obviously necessitate a lot of random map script tweaking, but the final product will look very nice indeed.
    2 points
  9. Here are some Old Japanese terms for those who are willing to add voices for the faction. Verbs are in conclusive/imperative forms unless someone else has a better suggestion. Yes? Wo What is it? Nani? My lord? Wa ga (opo)kimi? Walk Ayu-mu/-me, Töpo-ru/-re (literally "travel"), I-ku/ke or Yu-ku/-ke (both literally "go" or "move") Build Ta-tu/-teyö Repair Tukurö-pu/-pe Attack Osö-pu/-pe or Se-mu/-mëyö Strike/Hit Tata-ku/-ke Shoot I-ru/-yö Capture Tö-ru/-re Heal Napo-su/-se Gather Ka-ru/-re or Atu-mu/-mëyö (literally "collect") Hunt Asa-ru/-re Fish Iza-ru/-re Farm Tuku-ru/-re Garrison Papi-ru/Papi-re (literally "go inside") or Mö-ru/Mö-re (literally "protect") Row Kö-gu/-ge or Kögii-du/-deyö (literally "row out") Will edit this post for Ainu units.
    2 points
  10. Everyone, feel free to vote on how to accommodate more entities in the right selection panel. The more people participate, the better! [EDIT] How the selection panels would look in a game session: with D2806: with D2875:
    1 point
  11. The game will display "player bartered 300 stone for 500 food" when in fact what happened is the player bartered away their food in order to receive stone. When someone barters x for y, the person is bartering away x in order to receive y.
    1 point
  12. As i said: absolute fantastic - thanks
    1 point
  13. I think there is confusion in this patch. D2884 it's basically about champions having same speed of the citizens, more armor expected to be slower than faster (like D2596). Focus D2884 just for champions seems better. We can make other patch for It, and vote on new patch or D2300.
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. To be clear, D2596/rP23737 removed the walk speed differences between basic, advanced, elite, and champion cavalry, but it did not remove the differences between cavalry archers, javelinists, spearmen, and swordsmen, and it was not done for meat shuttling.
    1 point
  16. Everyone, feel free to vote in the new poll: https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/28525-larger-panel-or-smaller-icons/&tab=comments#comment-401080 @Lion.Kanzen, @Lopess, everyone else, any preference?
    1 point
  17. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2493 (make siege engines uncapturable); I agree https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2494 (overhaul artillery attacks); I agree (my fav from this list) https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2815 (give all civs rams); I agree. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2841 (split Celtic civ bonuses); I agree https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2854 (introduce centre tech progression); I need read this more careful. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2866 (tweak human training times I agree
    1 point
  18. Since you've already created a pull request, pushing to its branch is sufficient. As you can see your three commits are included: https://github.com/0ADMods/millenniumad/pull/55/commits Now you just have to edit your opening post to summarize what you've done.
    1 point
  19. (See also https://wildfiregames.com/forum/index.php?/topic/26887-task-civ-persians-assets/page/2/&tab=comments#comment-393558 )
    1 point
  20. I can't debug right now, I raised concern with commit. Ping @wraitii
    1 point
  21. without [ and ] like here { "value": "ProductionQueue/Entities/_string", "tokens": "units/{civ}_champion_infantry_a_barracks>units/{civ}_champion_infantry_e_barracks units/{civ}_champion_infantry_a>units/{civ}_champion_infantry_e" }
    1 point
  22. Right, it's shape combined with super high res textures and good normal maps. The new "ground" terrains such as dirt, grass, forestfloor, etc. are 2048x2048. In contrast, the new cliff terrains are 4096x4096 diffuse textures with 4096x4096 normal/parallax maps (spec maps I scale down to 2048 or 1024 to save some space). With such large ground textures you can adjust their spread and reduce repeating patterns. With such massive cliff textures you reduce the appearance of stretching and don't have to use the triplanar material that muddies the texture. Also, with such large high quality terrain textures you can use fewer of them and get a more unified look to the biome instead of throwing as many textures as you can in there to get a good look. So, you'd have 15-20 terrains per biome instead of 58 (as per the current Desert folder in EA).
    1 point
  23. I think that one of the things that makes wow's mountain demonstration stand out, apart from their structure, is the use of superior textures with excellent normal maps (or height maps, I dunno). I think these textures could be "easily" combined with procedural techniques as well.
    1 point
  24. tweettweet...... tweet..... tweet tweet
    1 point
  25. I lowered it to 1,180 triangles. I changed the texture a bit to make it a little less cartoonish
    1 point
  26. Just to let you know @Feldfeld : I am working on a mountain shape painter and a continuous area placer (to check for player connectivity). Maybe @smiley has alternative ideas but I guess having multiple ways to do similar things (if different enough) or to pick the "better" of two won't hurt
    1 point
  27. Hello there, Any development ? We have been investigating a bit on our side and the bug only seems to occur when using the TSC timer, and not the QPC one on WIndows. I thought AMD CPUs where TSC Invariant? It had been working for 9 years, now, and it only appears on that CPU series. Best regards, Stan Dear Stanislas, Your service request : SR #{ticketno:[8200955486]} has been reviewed and updated. Response and Service Request History: Thank you for your email. This issue is still under investigation at the moment, i will update this service request once i have more information. Hello, Thanks for your reply. This issue also seems to occur on arch linux with the 0ad package. Steps to reproduce. Install 0ad using pacman launch the game. Load maps until you start to experience lag Best regards Stan Dear Stanislas, Your service request : SR #{ticketno:[8200955486]} has been reviewed and updated. Response and Service Request History: Thank you for your email, i really appreciate your patience. I was able to download and patch the game following your instructions on Windows, thanks. I loaded the single player and played for several minutes, i constructed a few buildings. However i did not experience any slow down and the game appeared to be locked at 60FPS. This testing was conducted on the following system: 3950X 5700 XT 20.4.2 Win 10 1909 Is there a specif area of the game i need to reach in order to experience the issue? Does it only happen in multiplayer? If you could provide me with some clear but simple instructions on how to reproduce the issue as quickly as possiuble, that would be helpful. Alternatively, if you could provide me some videos which show the issue and the impact it has on performance (FPS) that would also be helfpul and i could use that to file an engineering ticket. In order to update this service request, please respond without deleting or modifying the service request reference number in the email subject or in the email correspondence below. Please Note: This service request will automatically close if we do not receive a *response within 10 days* and cannot be reopened. If it is not feasible to respond within 10 days, feel free to open a new service request and reference this ticket for continued support. Best regards, Matt Hello Matt, Thanks for testing again, Sorry for the delayed answer, it took some time to get videos. - If you could provide me with some clear but simple instructions on how to reproduce the issue as quickly as possiuble, that would be helpful. Unfortunately, I could not find a way to reproduce consistently. All I know is it happens for those CPUs somewhat randomly (Maybe try to launch games until it happens). And only when using this code on Windows https://code.wildfiregames.com/file/data/qwbylkeocrpzujcadfly/PHID-FILE-5vgqfewpgjwf6zibgwdm/source_lib_sysdep_os_win_whrt_tsc.cpp Or this one on Linux ( one has to start *many* games) https://code.wildfiregames.com/file/data/y4a5oaz6rqg6r2yiykv3/PHID-FILE-nktzo66rg5n7ezm7ypgr/source_lib_timer.cpp Using CLOCK_MONOTONIC instead of CLOCK_REALTIME seems to fix it https://code.wildfiregames.com/file/data/xwa3lek5jwmprem62ytb/PHID-FILE-mdwdj2qo5isp4qvnhszf/source_lib_timer.cpp - Alternatively, if you could provide me some videos which show the issue and the impact it has on performance (FPS) that would also be helfpul and i could use that to file an engineering ticket. In this video after 35 secs, the game gets really fast for no Reason whatsoever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h8PqW9miFM&feature=youtu.be In this one after some time, the game becomes slow as hell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h8PqW9miFM&feature=youtu.be - Is there a specif area of the game i need to reach in order to experience the issue? Does it only happen in multiplayer? Not really, it sort of happens randomly, sometimes in Single Player, sometimes in multiplayer, and sometimes not at all. Best regards, Stan Dear Stanislas, Your service request : SR #{ticketno:[8200955486]} has been reviewed and updated. Response and Service Request History: Thank you for the email and video links. Unfortuantely so far i have not been able to reproduce this behaviour. However, as the game is still in an Alpha state and development is ongoing, i would suggest to contact us again once the game reaches a final build statse and we can look at this issue again. Hi, It’s unfortunate you cannot reproduce the bug, because I keep getting reports :/ Maybe we'd have more luck with a 3600X. 0 A.D. has been in developpement for *twenty *years, and as an* open-source* game, there *won't *likely be a final build state any time soon as anyone can help improve the game. The game had more than 250 000 downloads in 2018. Thanks for taking the time to look into the issue. Let me know if you decide to try again or if you want to close it as "won't fix" Stan Dear Stanislas, Your service request : SR #{ticketno:[8200955486]} has been reviewed and updated. Response and Service Request History: Thank you for your email. I do understand about the development of the game. Based on that feedback i will file an engineering ticket for this issue so our QA team will investigate. If you do find a way to consistently and quickly reproduce the issue, please do let me know and i can add that additional information to the ticket. This ticket will close after a period of inactivity, so if you need to contact me directly in the future with additional information to aid debug, you can do so via the AMD Support Forums. https://community.amd.com/people/amdmatt In order to update this service request, please respond without deleting or modifying the service request reference number in the email subject or in the email correspondence below. Please Note: This service request will automatically close if we do not receive a response within 10 days and cannot be reopened. If it is not feasible to respond within 10 days, feel free to open a new service request and reference this ticket for continued support. Best regards, Matt I don't think we will get much more support. We have a working patch though, so we should use that for now.
    1 point
  28. Hello guys, maybe i've found the solution, please can you check this:
    1 point
  29. Sure, that was your previous name in the game so I used that sorry
    1 point
  30. I tested it, the mountains and ranges look pretty good! I found two issues: - Players can spawn side by side or too close often, you might want to make them avoid with a bigger radius. For this reason, and mountains occupying a big amount of territory i think normal might be the best format atm - In one occasion the chickens could not be placed for a players, maybe it's an issue with elevation, or additional straggler wood. But I couldn't pinpoint the issue.
    1 point
  31. "Photos show center of Notre Dame cathedral miraculously intact": I read they let the fire burn controlled, logic being what doesn't crash down can't smash things below... Some (foreign) air-head suggested using water bombers; luckily the firefighters knew better. So, the roof's gone. I don't think there was much actual cultural loss?
    1 point
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