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Hey guys, here is my try at making mountains in 0 A.D. with the new random map "Alpine Mountains", inspired by the skirmish map of the same name : However, sometimes the generation can make a player separated from the rest due to forest blocking the path, this should be fixed sometimes later. The recommanded map sizes to put in the settings is one size larger than what you would typically do for mainland type maps. It would be something like Medium for 2-3 players, Normal for 4-5 players, Large for 6-8 players . Hope you will enjoy it. Download here : feldmap.zip6 points
Actually they did. Through their marketing, their blog and their advertising. In France, they added the label "recommandé par Historia" (a historical magazine) on the cover of Empire Total War. There was "Decisive Battles" documentaries by the History Channel (US) using Rome Total War engine. This is like the History Channel, often inaccurate and misleading because of their lies by omission.2 points
Hello and welcome! Very good points! In A23 and earlier stable releases strings are indeed inconsistent and often incorrect. This bothers me as well (I like consistency). In the past year or so progress has been made on improving them for the next alpha: a style guide for user-facing texts has been created: https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/EnglishStyleGuide loading screen tips have been updated in D1377 / rP22137 aura descriptions have been standardized: team bonuses in D1720 / rP22149 and D2179 / rP22686 catafalque auras in D1807 / rP22687 structure auras in D1806 / rP22784 hero auras in D1808 / rP22905 many, though not all, technology tooltips have been standardized as well siege technologies in D2186 / rP22783 civilization bonuses in D2187 / rP22820 gather technologies in D2253 / rP22906 armour technologies in D2579 (not committed yet) the others are on my to do list structure tooltips are standardized in D2578 (it's accepted but not yet committed; let's hope it's not too outdated by now) bonus attack tooltips are standardized in D2610 (idem) information in the civilization overview (“History”) pages is being updated in D2720 Hopefully all tooltips will have been standardized when the next stable version (A24) is released. If you want to participate in the development of 0 A.D., create an account on Phabricator and comment on patches (or commits) you have an opinion on (very easy) or propose patches yourself (more work).2 points
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What is AutoCiv This mod is an aggregation of features meant to enhance the 0 A.D. game experience. I usually implement these extra features as they come up with no general plan in mind. Download (how to install section below) autociv.pyromod autociv.zip Feature list General Readme: press Shift + F4 to open Player mute Player reminder (show a written note when a certain player joins) *** Link opener (opens URL links from the chat) Help command: type /help to see all available commands Console with autocomplete (Ctrl + C + L) Lobby Resize bars Host name mark Remember playerlist state Better performance when reloading lobby Shortcuts to create host, navigate gamelist Game setup Auto-assign civilization with chat (only works if host has the mod) Custom population limit Custom starting resources Custom map size Countdown to start the game Maps Skirmish Volcano island (8) In Game Hotkeys for (see hotkeys with hotkey viewer) Buildings placement Multiple buildings per hotkey (optional, user.cfg) How to use: Copy the hotkey you want and remove the "hotkey." prefix, next replace the hotkey key for the buildings you want to cycle and separate them by a space. Buildings selection Units selection Formations (selected units) Stances (selected units) Auto-train (selected buildings) Minimap expand Custom selection filters by: health rank class group Pause game overlay now shows only in the top area Stats overlay Settings Max corpses visible Download options Download and install from one of the two files from the start of this same page. Download and install manually the github repository (instalation file on the releases section) https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv Use 0 A.D. mod downloader (not always newest version) https://0ad.mod.io/autociv Instructions to install MacOS (thanks @HMS-Surprise) Linux/Windows: Open the downloaded file with (both ways should work): pyromod file: Double click the file (should autoinstall the mod for you and send you to the mods page inside 0ad) Right click → Open with → 0 A.D (or pyrogenesis.exe) ** NOTICE: in Alpha 25 the pyromod installation will trigger an error message: to fix just disable autociv, restart the game and enable autociv again. zip file: Copy folder inside the zip file into your mods folder Mod compatibility(s) The mod is compatible with: 0 A.D 0.0.27 Probable to work alongside other community mods as balanced maps spec mod (monitor) custom_rating boonGUI Should work with all mods that don't have extensive code changes. More stuff & goodies For more info just read the whole thread where I post new features. Questions & feedback You don't understand how it works? Feeling confused? Just wanna comment? Ask and post. Source code public repository https://github.com/nanihadesuka/autociv1 point
UPDATE: WORKING NOW, THANKS EVERYBODY Now committed to the Delenda Est Git repository: Github: Delenda Est Original: 0 A.D. Delenda Est Civ Choices Mod https://github.com/JustusAvramenko/Delenda-Est-Civ-Choices-Mod Adds the civ choices dialog allowing to select one of mutually exclusive technologies at the start of the match. In Delenda Est's case, it allows the training of 1 selected hero from the beginning of the match. Based upon work by Alexander Olkhovskiy: https://github.com/AlexanderOlkhovskiy/0ad-civ-choices-mod The first test civ is the Macedonians, the 4 heroes being:1 point
Very probably yes. It is the case with Mycenaean Greece as well. I think the earliest known IE naked heroized warrior are the Yamnaya statues, which are a continuing tradition in the following Bell Beaker complex of cultures in Western Europe. http://data.over-blog-kiwi.com/0/57/66/91/20140218/ob_60cb16_an-attempt-at-reconstruction-of-the-earliest-indo.pdf1 point
Just to note, Hyrule Conquests version of the Hero UI has been altered multiple times, but it seems you got it to work just fine now.1 point
Do you think it could be related to heroic nudity in archaic Greece ? I have considered that idea a couple times.1 point
Exactly. This is the first proposal I made in the past. We don't know. There are two clear accounts of naked warriors in classical literature, the famous Gaesatae of Telamon and some Celts in the Balkans. In both accounts, no religious motive is said by the authors. From a mythological perspective, the Irish literature doesn't specify anything of religious about it. Although, it is a common thing in Indo-European comparative mythology (the Berserkir for example), it doesn't seem to have the same meaning for the Celts. There are some accounts of nakedness concerning mythical Welsh champions fighting in front of their host, challenging the enemies and enemies' champions. In my perspective, everything has a religious meaning in Celtic ethos but I don't think it was necessary a complex ritual involving a priest. I see it more like a warrior rite with a vow to the Gods, performed on the battlefield. Anyway, recruiting them in the temple is fine. I don't have a conclusive answer, this is a topic lacking evidences for their motives. For Greeks and Romans of the Republic era, probably not indeed. But for Hellenistic dynasties there isn't any reference of barracks? I am kindly asking, I have no idea if this is the case.1 point
From a quick test replacing size="50%-250 50%-300 50%+250 50%+300" by: size="50%-250 50%-400 50%+250 50%+300" Seems to work.1 point
información; https://aulex.org/qu-es/ (diccionario quechua) https://pueblosoriginarios.com/lenguas/quechua.php ( lengua quechua) https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ejército_del_Imperio_incaico (rangos del ejército) https://www.taringa.net/+ciencia_educacion/ejercito-inca-soldados-armas-y-organizacion-megapost_hv3wk (guerreros) https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boleadoras (boleadoras nombre mapuche) https://elpais.com/elpais/2020/05/20/3500_millones/1589985273_518904.html (info del Ayni) https://es.slideshare.net/pilco10/el-tahuantinsuyo-34035859 (incas , info. general) https://es.slideshare.net/RafaelMoreno6/los-inkas-29709086 (glosario incas) https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acllas (sacerdotisas) Espero haber ayudado y disculpen las molestias .1 point
1 point
0 A.D. started using phabricator ( https://code.wildfiregames.com/ ) in December 2016, I believe. Out of curiosity, let's have a look at how many patches/diffs were created in the past three years: 1158 in 2017 (D30 to D1187) 535 in 2018 (D1188 to D1723) 801 in 2019 (D1724 to D2524) And how many commits there were: 1651 in 2017 (rP19092 to rP20742) 1254 in 2018 (rP20743 to rP21996) 1318 in 2019 (rP21997 to rP23314)1 point
@user1Hello moderators, I apologize for the previous report, my user is: Mr. Michael, and someone played is: Obelisk777, the game ended normally. but the points were not charged. Thanks for all the collaboration provided. commands.txt1 point
Celtic things are not really my cup of tea, you're the expert. The tavern does seem to be problematic, though; do you think it should be removed? If so, what to do with the naked fanatics?1 point
Well Total War has never really advertised itself as a historically accurate series. Take Rome Total War's disgraceful approach to Spartans, head throwers, berserkers, and Roman ninjas. This take has some glaring issues with the skull headresses, but the armour and such look no worse to me than most any other Total War Game. If the game was an effort to be historically accurate, I'd say that the experience might be a bit disappointing.1 point
‘A Total War Saga: Troy’ studio tries to solve historical accuracy issues https://micky.com.au/a-total-war-saga-troy-studio-historical-accuracy/ Mmm... I have no issue with a fantasy game. I have an issue with a game that pretends to be historical or an accurate representation while not doing really the effort.1 point
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@wowgetoffyourcellphone In your modified session.js file just replace function init(initData, hotloadData) { ... if (hotloadData) { g_Selection.selected = hotloadData.selection; g_PlayerAssignments = hotloadData.playerAssignments; g_Players = hotloadData.player; initCivChoicesDialog(); } // TODO: use event instead onSimulationUpdate(); setTimeout(displayGamestateNotifications, 1000); } by function init(initData, hotloadData) { ... if (hotloadData) { g_Selection.selected = hotloadData.selection; g_PlayerAssignments = hotloadData.playerAssignments; g_Players = hotloadData.player; } initCivChoicesDialog(); // TODO: use event instead onSimulationUpdate(); setTimeout(displayGamestateNotifications, 1000); } Don't really want to spend 5 hours on the phone to be honest. Certainly not to be told "Have you tried turning it off and on again"1 point
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hello @user1, i was playing a rated game against Edouard and after i started winning the first big battle he just left. it would be nice to get the points fot the time and effort.. my username is jozzi . replay: commands.txt1 point
1 point