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7 points
Nation-wide gun control, proper police training, accessable health care, sick leave, maternity and paternity leave, a minimum wage, decent social security, public transport, and, perhaps most importantly, affordable high-quality education are all things most civilized countries have nowadays.3 points
https://www.gimp.org/news/2020/06/11/gimp-2-10-20-released/ @Stan` @m7600 @Lion.Kanzen @wackyserious @Trinketos3 points
Ok people: cool it. I think we can all agree that the #BlackLivesMatter campaign is important, particularly after the events of the past couple of weeks. And yes, it is a pity that the actions of a select few spoil it for everyone. I think we can also all agree that all lives matter: regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, religion, disability, place in history, or any other factor. However, this message is getting lost as this thread continues. Whilst we welcome constructive and reasoned discussion, the three posts immediately before this one did not meet this criteria, hence why they have been hidden and the users concerned given warnings. Please note that continuing to insult each other and/or act contrary to this forum's community guidelines/code of conduct/rules - particularly over such a sensitive topic - might lead to temporary bans of those that cannot keep a civil tone.3 points
Fan-made mound builder concept for AOE2 https://www.deviantart.com/kondrikthus/art/Mississippian-Architecture-Set-Age-of-Empires-2-3384946472 points
Well, about 1 month I started working with 3ds max. I had no idea until then, I started from 0, only some youtube videos to help me. I know it's pretty simple and I still need to learn lots of new things, but I think it would be interesting for us to use this topic to share our arts. What u think guys?? Cya2 points
We can use kinda forward+ for GL2+, so it's not so far. And deferred rendering prevents MSAA, most everything in graphics is tradeoff. Most modern graphic systems in games don't cast shadows for dynamic lightings, might do only for few (like 4-8) nearest to a player lights. Not really, you more wanna say too much to review at once x) Profit of the instancing is pretty tricky, it highly depends on a scene. Look at Yves measurements for deep forest. For obvious reason the difference isn't so big about ~10%. It depends on how to add lights, usually the number of fragments doesn't scale with the number of lights. And there are a bunch of pretty old techniques to reduce amount of rendered fragment. In terms of the game implementation it has most needed features, but in Atlas we can't edit all its parameters yet, only a part of them. But it's possible to edit the map file or use JS to control all parameters.2 points
This is not a political message and should not be construed as such. This is just a matter of fact that everyone deserves a chance to live. Enjoy your day and stay safe, wherever you are.1 point
I am only qualified to solved simple problems I could suggest you to uncheck the "filter compatible replays" section and search for "Mord" (because Mord is lord). You should see the replay. In my case it appears twice because I saw the beginning of that game live and I downloaded the full version from the forum. If you have a mod issue, you should see it in darker grey (as it is the case for the replay at the bottom of my list) Also make sure you are seeing multiplayers games with any victory conditions (filters are on the right)1 point
Black Americans are significantly more likely to die: in general: https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/death-rate-by-raceethnicity due to firearms: https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/firearms-death-rate-by-raceethnicity because of coronavirus: https://www.apmresearchlab.org/covid/deaths-by-race and presumably they're overrepresented in other causes too.1 point
They are saying protests are planned for the summer. Geez I barely survived this last round of looting in LA ... and I was just trying to stay out of the way1 point
Steps: 1 - Find the folder where you other replays are stored. Something like : C:\Users\xx\Documents\My Games\0ad\replays\0.0.23 where "xx" is specific to your account . 2 - Make a folder there with a particular name (like "why you should believe goat in the future") so it is easier to identify in the future if needed) and put your files there 3 - Open the file "commands.txt" to make sure it uses the same mod as the one you are using. In this case, I guess you are not using autociv you should remove the autociv reference in the file. At the end of the second lines repeated below, you would therefore delete what I have put in bold: start {"settings":{"PlayerData":[{"Name":"Mord (1422)","Civ":"gaul","Color":{"r":86,"g":180,"b":31},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":0},{"Name":"bbleft (1622)","Civ":"brit","Color":{"r":150,"g":20,"b":20},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":0},{"Name":"Palaiologos (1506)","Civ":"kush","Color":{"r":220,"g":115,"b":16},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":0},{"Name":"MICKY (1392)","Civ":"brit","Color":{"r":160,"g":80,"b":200},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":1},{"Name":"Dizaka (1536)","Civ":"iber","Color":{"r":50,"g":170,"b":170},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":1},{"Name":"PhyZic (1728)","Civ":"cart","Color":{"r":64,"g":64,"b":64},"AI":"","AIDiff":3,"AIBehavior":"random","Team":1}],"VictoryConditions":["conquest","capture_the_relic"],"CircularMap":true,"Size":320,"PopulationCap":200,"StartingResources":300,"Ceasefire":0,"RelicCount":13,"RelicDuration":25,"WonderDuration":20,"RegicideGarrison":false,"Nomad":false,"RevealMap":false,"ExploreMap":false,"DisableTreasures":true,"DisableSpies":false,"LockTeams":true,"LastManStanding":false,"CheatsEnabled":false,"RatingEnabled":true,"Name":"Hyrcanian Shores","Script":"hyrcanian_shores.js","Description":"Each player starts in a coastal area between forested hills and the Caspian Sea.","Keywords":[],"Preview":"hyrcanian_shores.png","TriggerScripts":["scripts/TriggerHelper.js","scripts/ConquestCommon.js","scripts/Conquest.js","scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js"],"VictoryScripts":["scripts/TriggerHelper.js","scripts/ConquestCommon.js","scripts/Conquest.js","scripts/CaptureTheRelic.js"],"mapType":"random","Seed":849785415,"AISeed":3698933882},"mapType":"random","mapPath":"maps/random/","mapFilter":"default","script":"hyrcanian_shores.js","gameSpeed":1,"map":"maps/random/hyrcanian_shores","matchID":"01ED52B5DADDA511","timestamp":1586817370,"engine_version":"0.0.23","mods":[["public","0.0.23"],["autociv","0.16.1"]]} 4 - Just play the replay using your 0ad game as you would do it for your own game You can play a mod if you are using too many mods but you can play a replay if you don't have the mods the players was using when he played the game (unless you do the steps above). A good practice should be for posted replays to have extra mod removed but unfortunately, nmost of th etime you will have to do it your self in most cases. Even a monkey should be able to learn the trick! Enjoy!1 point
Hitman Absolution is on giveaway on GOG https://www.gog.com/game/hitman_absolution 70 hours left.1 point
I think something that should change in US culture and mentality is their excessive and twisted faith in meritocracy. A lot of people in the US do not understand how socio-economical disadvantages can undermine the destiny of individuals and their community. It is really tiresome to hear US politician labelling their opponent as communist or marxist simply because he/she defends a better social system.1 point
A bold claim I assume entirely. But I don't think it is as bold as saying moral values are on the same level than mathematical theories. It means simply that you cannot test a set of moral values and you cannot replicate it. There is no demonstration on the level of a scientific theory. Most defenders of moral absolutism are slightly disagreeing with each others on which values are absolute. The same for moral universalism. For me it is really important to point it out that you cannot hold the entire truth of what is wrong and what is right and everyone should remembers the fact that your opinion on the moral is as much flawed than the human nature. In my opinion, people having an issue with a statue are simply displaying an excess of ego and confidence about their righteousness and are trying to use a monument as a political symbol in the debate. This is politicization of historical monuments and it shouldn't be taken lightly. I can understand the issue with Confederate monuments because they are politicized from the beginning but for monument like Columbus statue this is not the case. People seeing the world only through their ideological and political lens are really a danger in my opinion.1 point
1 point
1 point
Indeed, Genghis Khan was exceptionally bloody. Compared to him, Alexander, Caesar, Attila, Timur (Tamerlane), Napoleon, and even Leopold II, Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were nice chaps.1 point
Indeed, toppling statues, renaming things, or rewriting history doesn't solve the problem, nor would protesting on the streets or electing another president. That said, moving art from the streets to museums doesn't hurt either, and it gives the opportunity to erect something more fashionable. (By the way, George Washington was a slave owner, and the Democrats used to be the party of the Jim Crow laws and the Solid South, whereas the Republicans were the party of liberals and human rights activists.)1 point
Hello again, i don't want to steal your precious time, but there is another small issue. Playing the game as in the videos above with my Tropical-Biome i noticed a ugly "flimmer" related to the entities and/or actors "banyan" and "teak" and maybe "palm_tropical". I've recorded a small video, but i have to upload it here, because after uploading it to YouTube and converting the issue is not so easy to see. Also there is a difference between open the video with VLC or Microsoft Filme & TV (the last shows it more excactly). The video is recorded in Atlas, but playing the game is just the same : Flimmern.mp4 After replacing banyan and teak with other trees without changing anything else, there is no "flimmer" except the palm_tropical. : Maybe it's because the banyan and teak are more complex ?1 point
Are you using a QWERTY-English setup? I have to say I haven't tested all hotkeys, but I'm plying on a french keyboard and they're mostly borked because of the Azerty layout. We do need to fix it though. More work for A 241 point
Good news, guys, it doesn't flicker anymore - thank you all again for your patience. Great team!1 point
He was condemned in his own time for his actions... And that's fine. We can learn about him at museums and in history books without revering him in statue. First Nations tribes are still reeling from 500 years of degradation, ethnic cleansing, and forced poverty. /Building/ the statues had an ideological motive. They weren't built by academics intending to represent history fairly and impartially. You've indicated already you understand that. Keeping them up is yet another ideological motive by many who oppose their removal.1 point
1 point
Can you try with that file and see if it happens again? I went a bit overboard, and the trader mesh was actually 360m below the ground (180m in game units) now it's 5 (2.5 in game units) and should be a lot better? Just check that it doesn't flicker anymore, no need to record fancy stuff If it works I'll commit it tomorrow. celt_trader.dae1 point
Thank you very much, you've done that perfectly! Yeah, I was right, jumping bounding boxes appear on the video. It seems celt_trader commit has tweaked that behaviour.1 point
1 point