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0 A.D. Social Media Accounts (We need you!) I’ve been given the lovely honor to curate 0AD’s social media accounts. In this capacity, I would love to invite every forum member here at the Wildfire Games Forums to take a look at our current accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Mastodon. As you may know, 0 A.D. is completely free, libre, open source and volunteer based. No wages are paid in the development of this game and there is no budget for marketing. Exposure for this project is made up almost entirely of word-of-mouth advertising. We, the fans, are the developers of this game, both here on the forum, as well as on other platforms like trac, phabricator, GitHub and IRC. Together, we are all contributing towards the development of this game, however large or small those contributions may be. Every like, comment and share contributes towards the future of this game that we have all grown to love. The more people know about this game, the higher the odds that we will attract more developers in various fields from programming to art and translations. So, if you haven’t given these pages a visit yet, please take a look. And maybe give us a like https://facebook.com/play0ad/ https://twitter.com/play0ad https://instagram.com/play0ad.official/ https://mastodon.social/@play0ad (open source social media) Other media accounts worth checking out are: The Spanish language 0 A.D. Facebook page: https://facebook.com/0adfanslatino/ (managed by Lion.Kanzen) Our Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/play0ad (release trailers and original 0 A.D. music tracks) Our Bandcamp site: https://play0ad.bandcamp.com (0 A.D. soundtrack) 0 A.D. on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/0ad/ Another reason I open this topic, is to receive community suggestions, feedback and comments about our accounts. And remember, there is also a lovely thread called “Your screenshots”. Don’t be shy to post some nice shots there. The ones that are exceptionally pleasing to the eye might receive a feature on our platforms. Our current followers, January 11, 2020: Instagram: 3 Mastodon: 22 Twitter: 3537 Facebook: 11,834 As Stan` the Man aptly pointed out to me recently: "" Some free promotional art (Click the image, then click it again to open the original sized file in a new window): Hero Portrait by JustinOperable, backdrop by LordGood. Ashoka the Great: Hero Portrait by JustinOperable, backdrop by LordGood. Hannibal: Hero Portraits by Victor Rossi, backdrop by LordGood. Marcus Claudius Marcellus and Queen Amanirenas: Remember, 0 A.D. and the Pyrogenesis game engine aren't just free. They are libre software:5 points
@Sundiata we can make a topic or help with that about Numidians for our collaborators and you (terra Magna Forum) @Duileoga no es amonestación , pero nos gusta el orden, vamos a abrir un topico para discutir los numidas alli. tal vez movamos tus aportes alli. @Stan` we can split and merge Duileoga content from this topic to a new one abot Numidians as you suggested?2 points
At last, the last units that were placeholders: judean slingers are commited? With arab javelineers and variations for nabatean camel archers, the entire roster should be done2 points
I believe there are no names for Zapotec heroes yet, I read an interesting article about Zapotec writing and there are some calendar names discovered from the kings of Mount Alban. link :http://www.famsi.org/zapotecwriting/zapotec_figures1-2.pdf The pdf also has representations credited to kings, including the jaguar-shaped headdress symbol of Monte Alban royalty.1 point
Lorgood videos are a kind of "making of 0 A.D" or testing 0 A.D Devs new features. I share with my community. this. I share mods development and this was useful.1 point
@LordGood is still working on the yayoi, and for now I have my handful with the mods, but as always if the research is done and organized I see no reason why not.1 point
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For the Britons, I did not find an old Brythonic or old Welsh dictionary, so this is the best I could find: Brythonic: Cornish: drewydh n.m drewydhyon Welsh: derwydd eg derwyddon Breton: drouiz Using Brythonic would be better than using Goidelic, but just for reference: druí Note the accent on the i, it's very important for vowel length. The "druid" form does not seem to be the nominative singular, so we shouldn't use it. Looks like "druídh" is the nominative plural - from eDIL: dá n-iccad a.¤ oendrúad if the skill of any druid were of avail ¤druí druidess; female skilled in magic arts: tri ferdruid ┐ tri bandrúid, TBC-LL¹ 2402 = dī (leg. tri) drúid insin ┐ a teóra mná, TBC-I¹ 1767. bandrai ┐ bancumachtach mē, ZCP xii 252.14 . a mhaca na bandrúagh = of the sorceress, Isaiah lvii 3. tangadar druídh baidsidhe in meic i ngeintliucht. Gur chansat an mbaithis ngeintlidhe forin mac beg ' druids came to baptize the boy into paganism. They chanted the pagan baptism over the little boy', ro-lá conflicht ros conaig (MSS. rusconaigh, ros conuigh) | risna druídib díthoraid 'contended with the barren druids and overcame them'1 point
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Arquitectura; -Por ahora no encuentro arquitectura por eso sería bueno poner tiendas o jaimas . No encontré suficientes referencias históricas fiables como para dar una descripción de su arquitectura , por eso les traigo información más de fuentes arqueológicas. -Lo más característico de esta cultura en sus edificios son las tumbas o mausoleos "Medghassen" (mausoleo-templo). Posible maravilla de Facción; -Mausoleo Real Numida de Medracen (Batna) otra maravillas pueden ser otros Mausoleos ; Aunque la mayoría tienen forma de torre, como los de "Maktar", "Dougga", "Sidi Aich" o "Haidra", otros como el Mausoleo de "Ksar-el-Menara" son de tipología circular o tumular. información; http://www.cabildodelanzarote.com/patrimonioVIIIcongreso/docs/Ponencia_Arquitectura_profana_numida_Stefan_Ardeleanu.pdf ------ descripción de su arqueología https://elpais.com/ccaa/2012/03/18/catalunya/1332096044_962043.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------info- histórica https://arrecaballo.es/edad-antigua/los-numidas/origen-de-los-numidas/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------info historica http://www.cabildodelanzarote.com/patrimonioviiicongreso/docs/Ponencia_Arquitectura monumental_Stefan_Ardeleanu.pdf ------------- Arquitectura númida) https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemtou --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Santurario de Chemtou https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bulla_Regia ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ciudad de Bulla Regia https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tagaste --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- centro de la cultura bereber Disculpen las molestias1 point
Optimally, they would be sorted by translated name. The problem here is though that lexical sorting depends on the locale, e.g. AFAIK German has a different sort order for "ö" than Swedish does, and sorting by code point won't do the job. The ICU library might have an implementation for correct lexical sorting, but I haven't looked into this yet. The workaround I used for sorting the language names in Widelands is to have a "display name" and a "sorting name" for each entry. I think Battle for Wesnoth uses this trick too.1 point
I want to signal that Aqua ( 50K full resources) is a legend now in 0AD. So please, pay attention on what he's saying because there's no one like him on this planet.1 point
Some things I'd maybe like to get done for alpha 24's release: Come up with some new socio-economic paradigms for some of the civs. Not all civs should have the Slavery paradigm. Mauryas: Caste-based system Celts, Iberians, Persians: Some kind of peasantry-based system Balance Elephant Archers some more Probably make their ranks increase their attack since I can't add arrows Convince some talented people to make more Cult Statues for the cultures that are reusing the Athenian cult statue Celts: Wooden Epona? Wodan? Draped in flowers and burnt offerings? Persians: Colorful Lamassu Nomads: Wooden Horse statue? Spartans: Bronze Leonidas statue Seleucids: Apollo statue, or maybe Alexander statue Macedonians: Herakles statue or different Apollo statue from Seleucids Thebans: Theban Sphinx Republican Romans: Mars or Jupiter Principate Romans: Colossus Convince some talented people to make Archery Range/Stable/Workshop for the Han Chinese With permission, add Terra Magna's Xiongnu so I can experiment with "nomadic" gameplay style Add the Scythians, based on the above Xiongnu Perhaps attempt 2 different possible "nomadic" gameplay styles, one each for the Xiongs and Scyths Can keep both styles or determine if one style is much preferable over the other Maybe a couple more mercenaries for the civs who currently only have 1. Unit actors More ethnically correct slave actors/textures Fix the Han scout actor (currently using the Greek scout actor) Fix all remaining portraits for everything Experiment with making gaia horses capturable Will add more to this list as I go along1 point
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Depends how many errors will be discovered in them. And also @Alexandermb is doing some improvements what requires variant changes. Well there are 7 release blockers that need to be fixed (patch) or confirmed they are fixed.1 point
Delenda Est review. Better technology scheme. More slow peace. You can take time to plan a strategy. more economic and civic-religious roles. Better military fighthing : Counters, info about unit roles very detailed. more civs. This is very heavy even for TM mod. But fail some tiny details with nomad civs. more asymmetrical civs. Very popular in aoe discuss about this to speculate aoe 4. Mercenaries and slaves. Great skirmish maps. Combat system is almost perfect 9.8/10. Very classic from aoe and intuitive.1 point
It's a matter of taste but usually it's more visually appealing cause you have to read one line instead of 8 //-------------Else if------------------------- let variable if (a) { variable = d; } else { variable = c; } //-------------TERNARY------------------------- let variable = a ? d : c; If you want to submit patches go ahead. I you haven't already I'd suggest you head to trac and read the https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GettingStartedProgrammers page. you can then submit your patch to be reviewed on code.wildfiregames.com1 point
They are compressed. At least mine are and sometimes I recompress them myself to make them even smaller because the archiver doesn't likely use ultra compression. Modmod is not being packaged nor compressed and that should be fixed in the re release. @Itms I wonder if we should not recompress public.zip after install to reduce diskspace usage I know disks are big these days but it's not a reason to waste space.1 point