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4 points
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4 points
Devs do optimize the code https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2378 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2386 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2390 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2391 and fix memory leaks (and other things) https://code.wildfiregames.com/rP23067 https://code.wildfiregames.com/D2331 so they obliviously do think optimising is important and they do what they can to improve the experience for the player. There have been discussions about moving to higher versions of OpenGL, it would allow them to use new features and possibilities how to improve graphics, but it would also mean to drop support for older computers and based on statistics the team did not want to cut off the game from that number of players. About pathfinder, they are have been improving it in a24 and simultaneously they have been changing code to be easier to apply multi-threading for that computations, which are mostly causes of lags. Any questions?3 points
Is this just something you wanted to share, or are you expecting an answer? Because the only thing I see you possibly ask is how it is possible that the development is slow (provided that that question wasn't rhetorical). Maybe you for some reason expected things to go faster, but you didn't state any reason why it should be that way. Imagine I decide to build my own house. But I'll only use bricks that I made myself and materials I could gather around. A few friends on mine promise to help me in their free time but most of them have a job or a family, so it's only a few hours at weekends. Are you gonna expect me to have a modern habitable house in a year, based on how much time a construction company with dozens of full-time professionals and modern tools would require? Or is it a success that I can somewhat use the house after only five years of work, while it is still slowly getting better and better? The beta version is just a sticker. The game already brings a lot of fun to many players who don't mind avoiding large maps with lots of trees or high pop games, which make the lag worse. Instead of losing hope, we just enjoy what the game offers right now, knowing that somewhere far, there is a cool developer testing out his patch to again make it all a bit better next year or so.3 points
2 points
If you have issues getting a texture in the game one good thing in general to check is whether or not the width/height is a power of two (i.e. 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 512, etc). I think it's ok if the width and height aren't the same, though that's not really useful for map textures as they should tile in both axes anyway =)1 point
1 point
Thanks Stan' Done! https://code.wildfiregames.com/D23991 point
I've read all of it, but have nothing complex to say but: Yes! Bring Economy ot the game. Even Riots, atacking an enemy whos city is under fire because of constant rioters is even funnier.1 point
Oooh, great idea! Let's do it But, yeah, in hindsight, that suggestion is indeed a little too bloated. I'm still 100% in favor of a dedicated economic unit, simply called "labourer", or whatever. The lack of something that approaches a real economy and and real civilians is sorely missed by a lot of casual players and leaves competitive games with only one real strategy to win: spam the most efficient unit(s) as quickly as possible. There is a logical flaw in that reasoning, in the sense that a lot of casual players (who constitute the majority) want a more in depth economy. A lot of people think town building and economy management are super fun, and consider the military aspect only as the cherry on the cake. In single player, I often play to build the most beautiful, and realistic looking town, and only start wrecking the AI once I'm satisfied with my little kingdom. But without an economy and the associated hustle and bustle of a town, the game looks a little sterile for casual players, who want to see activity in their towns. We'd even like beautifications like statues, shrines, more unique monuments, even the ability to plant gardens etc... Doesn't even need to be functional. But having the option would greatly enhance the visual pleasure in SP, and enhance immersion. Granted, Delende Est goes a long way towards this, and does offer more replayability for SP, we'd just like to see some of that in vanilla as well (cult statues, villagers and slaves, mercenary camps, farmlands etc.). I understand that's not for everyone, but I'd like to see a little more compromise to facilitate SP. At least DE puts to use those amazing new stables, siege workshops, elephant stables and archery ranges, which would be super appreciated by single players in vanilla (diversifying the look of their towns), but would also please a lot of multiplayers (more interesting strategic choices to make). I'm not saying that the vanilla version of the game should become some sort of economy management game like Banished, but we could have a semblance of an economy, even if it's only visual stuff, like animated buildings, merchants selling wares in the market stalls, blacksmiths hammering at the anvil anytime you research a new tech, some scrawny hunched over NPC slave units scurrying back and forth with supplies and materials, children playing in front of their houses, stuff that doesn't actually affect gameplay but makes the towns look alive, even when your whole army is on the march somewhere. So, I'm not actually opposed to this if it means the towns will look more alive. It just shouldn't be dumbed down to the point of pointlessness. In this scenario building diversity and placement should become even more important, especially with regard to building farms only on suitable soils, logging camps being built in a forest, with their income determined by the number of trees in it's radius, mines and quarries, maybe even fishing huts, and maybe even storage yards to emulate a virtual resource cap (just like you have to build houses to increase your pop cap), with animated NPC suppliers going back and forth between the storage yards and resource and construction sites, just for the visual kick. Just brainstorming here, but it would make the game a lot more visually interesting/engaging, while at the same time eliminating the micro of economic units. It think it would make 0AD a more mature game, less constrained by the AoE legacy.1 point
yea and while we're at it we can also add more economics like Graders, miners, iron smelters, blacksmiths, millers and bakers and rename the game to "The Settlers: 0AD". The point is that economy takes attention from the player, and the more different economy units and gatherable resources are available the more complicated the economy becomes and the more it distracts from the game itself. The question is... why.... WHY?! must the most boring aspect of the game be bloated up with even more unfun unit management and click orgies? Just automate the economy by placing buildings near resource spots. The the according farmers, slaves, builders, millers or watever can do their duty without the player having to worry about having too much of either type of unit.1 point
In your mod, create an XML file, similar to binaries/data/mods/public/art/terrains/grass/grass1.xml and put it in folders with the same names, but in your mod, i.e. NAMEOFYOURMOD/art/terrains/grass/ , but pointing to the new grass texture you have created (and put in NAMEOFYOURMOD/art/textures/terrain/types/ ). As can be seen in the grass1.xml file you do not need to put the entire path to where the image is located, but just the types/ and the filename. (I guess you could use a different file structure, but to make things easier for yourself it's probably best to follow the existing one.) Please see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Modding_Guide for more information on how to create your mod. When you have created the texture file, just open up Atlas and it should be there, ready for you to use. If not go through the steps and see if there's something missing, maybe you spelled the filename differently in the XML compared to the actual file etc.1 point
Making off a high stab animation: Part 1: Main Concept Part 2: Trying to clean the frames while being constantly interrupted doing the animation. Part 3: This animation was purely done with imagination and looking only the blender file. Hope this could help others while doing animations, specially atacking ones being this and death animations one of the hardest to achieve. Steps: Main concept sketch of the animation poses you want to achieve Adjusment of the bone positions and cleaning of the unused poses. use Shift + E between 2 key column to achieve a 50/50 bone positions between each bones, for achieve a smoother transition. Enjoy!. Keep in mind that i try to follow both Realism and Actual attacking animations motion with the tecnical limitations that come with both blender, armature, and 0 A.D. Engine. Gif of the final animation:1 point
1 point
Agis III is a problematic hero to Sparta. First, his design is sadly lacking. Having more hitpoints is in no way interesting as it offers no new interesting strategies to the Spartan player other than using him as a beefy hoplite. This issue is further exacerbated by the fact that the one thing he is famous for, bravely dying in battle to a superior force, is nothing unique or remarkable in comparison to most any other Spartan king. Leonidas already serves that function. Finally, 0 AD’s vision is to depict nation-states at the height of their power, not when they were simply a regional bully. Thus, I think that a different hero should be used. Enter Agesilaus, whose force of will affected much of Sparta’s foreign policy following the Peloponnesian War. He represents a moment in which the city was at the peak of its power before its collapse in the face of Thebes. Thoughts on Potential Abilities: Horsemen cost reduction (Agesilaus was a firm believer in the use of cavalry, forming one of the first and only effective Spartan cavalry forces.) Attack Aura to melee infantry units (Agesilaus was known be a charismatic person, and despite his having a lame leg, he was able to complete his training like other Spartans. Giving an attack bonus seems like a fair option as a result.) Horse Option: Agesilaus can use a form of packing and unpacking to mount on a horse. This would remove his attack aura if that was implemented at the bonus of extra movement speed. (Agesilaus was an adept horseman, relying on that for most of his daily travel.)1 point
1 point
Art != Programming. Just because artists add new stuff doesn't mean programmers work at the same pace. To reuse the same image gardeners cannot do the house building work and builders don't do the gardening work. There can be some overlap, but in the end it's two different jobs ^^1 point
Mine is just a feedback. I tried the game and I didn't like it, so I posted my opinion about it. You probably didn't get my point, so let's do it your way. Let's say I have this project of building an house with my own hands. It will require a lot of time, sure, no one can expect a finished product or can tell me "you are slow", it's fine. But then I build my house, I build 3 kitchens and I forget to create the basements. Now I invested time and resources, and I have three kitchens and none of them works. So the point is, why adding 10 factions, when even a 1v1 map (and I'm repeating this, 1v1, playing with a friend) doesn't work. Why even adding bigger maps, when even the smaller ones don't work. So yeah I'm not expecting to play a full game with many functionalities, but to me adding new content when even the basics are not working doesn't make sense. They can keep adding races but that won't change things even in 50 years, if I can't even enjoy the basics. Anyway, if players can enjoy this kind of.. product, that's great, at least someone does.1 point
By not fixing design bottlenecks quickly, you get screwed in the end. And fixing them becomes impossible instead of just hard. (Intels report claimed using js was the major bottleneck, well, I like to see someone attempt a major rewrite.) NTFS comes to mind. And I am not saying that because l use ext4 or zfs or something else. Checking out version controlled repos are terrible on Windows. Especially when there are a lot of commits.1 point
You start doing optimisation when all of the planed features are working correctly until then all code just grows in complexity.But once we do start it will not be a fast process either as whole sections of code may need refactoring to make them completely thread safe (use all cpu cores available} then we might discover we have algorithm validity issues like the pathfinder. Enjoy the Choice1 point
The OP's rant is valid. I happen to support another snail-speed development game, but I have given up hope ever receiving it since I've become too old for it. I can't say the same for 0 A.D, but sniec's statements are a very friendly slap. I felt the stung when he felt sorry for the devs and fans because it might still be an Alpha after three more generations. TLDR He doesn't like the game, but he wants it to succeed (get past Alpha) soon... which won't seem to happen.0 points