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  1. Skirmish maps are supposed to be something in between random and scenario maps. Skirmish placeholders can be found under `simulation/templates/skirmish/`, but their defaults can be redefined in the civ.json files, under the "SkirmishReplacements" entry, at the bottom ("StartEntities" are for random maps only); e.g. the default ranged infantry for skirmish maps is `{civ}_infantry_javelinist_b`, but `athen.json` replaces it with `athen_infantry_slinger_b`; melee infantry isn't redefined in the `athen.json` file, which means they have the default, i.e. spearmen.
    3 points
  2. Since this was requested: Initial bake.
    2 points
  3. Added the actor's and variant fix, however im trying to upload the animations files.
    2 points
  4. I added duck (Anas platyrhynchos) to the Animal list
    2 points
  5. If Han China were included in the game, then how about Xianyang, the capital city of Qin Shi Huang (the man who unified China), whose mausoleum in the necropolis includes the world-famous terracotta army? The Han China took over a few years after his death and moved the capital to nearby Chang'an (modern Xi'an).
    2 points
  6. I get the joke, but the new trees really have transformed the look of the game for the better. Same for the cliffs and other things. Alexander is right here. All of the civs use the same unit classes for the most part. If a civ is "broken" it's usually because of a unit class being broken, which is broken for every faction that has it. Balance all of the unit classes and suddenly you're 80% of the way to good balance. This is true whether we have 6 or 60 civs. Thanks for bringing this up Alex. The hero auras, special buildings, and civ bonuses are the edge cases that can be dealt with on a per case basis. If a civ lacks a certain class of unit and that makes them too weak, then find some historical justification to give them a mercenary or champion of that class (I've done this in Delenda Est with its mercenary camp system) or buff up one of their mainline units to compensate. But like I said, balance the unit classes and all of this just becomes edge cases you can deal with on a case by case basis.
    2 points
  7. Horrendously hacky but it works
    1 point
  8. Ho fatto un'altra mappa, ma questa volta è una mappa scaramuccia, questa mappa è una mappa continentale con molti biomi e con 6 giocatori. Questa mappa è totalmente inventata. Great Island.xml Great Island.pmp
    1 point
  9. Another old helmet. Cretan helmet VII B.C
    1 point
  10. I can say the same about AoE2. I think all games I really liked and remember have killer soundtracks. My favorite in 0AD is "Eastern Dreams".
    1 point
  11. @Nescio That's very clear. Thanks.
    1 point
  12. If you use Spotify, it's available here. Honestly it's the music that made me fall in love with 0 A.D, before graphics and mods.
    1 point
  13. Or trees ? Everyone like @LordGood's trees, yes ?
    1 point
  14. Or add rotary mills for Carthage, Rome, etc.
    1 point
  15. If I recall correctly, AoK only has one or two unique units and technologies per civilization, but no unique structures, or am I mistaken? The entry on Wikipedia is well-sourced and implies it's actually a Carthaginian invention. Moreover, archaeological finds in Pompeii and later classical texts (e.g. Apuleius' Metamorphoses “The Golden @#$%”) show they're commonplace in Roman Italy and Greece. And they could have been used beyond, in the Near East and India; people had oxen, horses, camels, etc. there as well. The most likely explanation I can think of is “Hey, the Celts need a special structure—let's give them a rotary mill!” To me this seems just taken from Age of Mythology's Norse/Thor. Just like the free houses are taken from the Egyptians. I believe 0 A.D. would be better of without such bonuses.
    1 point
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJsppe2SVAQ&list=PL7E84AB2EE3815266 That list is outdated, though.
    1 point
  17. Ehhh, maybe not. Remember the Skirmish maps are supposed to allow certain "scenario" type elements too. So, a designer can make a Skirmish map where each player starts with 20 soldiers or something like that.
    1 point
  18. I have also wondered about that. In Civ json, StartingEntities are apparently only apply to Random maps, but for Skirmish maps we have to use SkirmishReplacements. This is probably because in Skirmish maps the entities are placed individually, unlike Random where everything is decided by random generation. So it seems that if you want to add more starting unit types you have to edit every skirmish map one by one. In my understanding Skirmish map should be premade map terrainwise but starting units and structures should follow the same list as Random.
    1 point
  19. Also a bit shabby video but I like to share this epic 4v4 game. It lasted 1-1/2 hours but uploaded for so many hours.
    1 point
  20. Just to again add some more thoughts, I said that factions should be fleshed out; I think the point still stands. Let's take a classic like Age of Empires II, a title that still has, twenty years in the running, a healthy multiplayer community. A key reason for that I'd say is that each civilisation was designed to synergise with specific strategies and unit compositions. 0 A.D. I'd say lacks that flavour. As for what I would recommend, each civilisation should have at least one economic bonus and a bonus to a specific unit class. Age of Kings has each civilisation matched with three to five types of bonuses. For the most part 0 A.D. lacks that much. Next, 0 A.D. lacks the all important aspect of technological restrictions for specific factions. We should then think about how specific play styles could could be drawn out through them. The reason that I mention these two critical aspects is that balance could be completely turned on its head once a few of these kinds of changes take place.
    1 point
  21. A lot of things do not make sense in Aoe2 and they still maintain these things (and people are approving) because it will break the balance if removed or altered.
    1 point
  22. Nice man! I can't wait for plume! Will look nice on thureophoroi type Hellenistic units.
    1 point
  23. Exactly, but that balance is done to the template wich means X template affects A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-IJ-K-L Civ hero auras depends on the documentation found about the hero itself. Unit types Kushites already have a whole roster with all the infantry kind, (Clubmen, Archer, Javelinist, Axeman, Swordsman, Pikeman, Spearman, Elephant, Cavalry) And it isn't the broken faction so far. because it doesn't exist the broken faction. What is truly broken is the Infantry Type.
    1 point
  24. I don't think we should add all the factions to the game no matter their timeframe. I do think though that Terra Magna's finished civilisations should be added to the game. Maybe even before A24. I recently changed my mind after discussing it with @Pyrophorus and in this thread. But at the end of the day it's not my decision to make but it's the team's. I believe @wraitii would be more for a simplification of faction with tech trees allowing to be more alike one or the other of the existing ones. For the other factions there are two big things IMHO. Part II civs should be in a mod called empires_besieged with the main game quality standards and conventions hosted by WFG and put on modio. With regular updates like other mods. (Empires ascendant should be the same imho) you download the game then choose what civs you want to play with. EDIT: My main concern would be balancing given the nonexistent work on it these days.
    1 point
  25. To add my opinion, which is definitely needed due to the shortage of people who care about this topic (There is not a hint of sarcasm there), I'd say that the team should focus its efforts on fleshing out one single existing faction. They get a full tech tree, unique flavour when it comes to their units, and the whole works. Developing new factions is a great thing, and we shouldn't discourage that, but the existing factions seem to be little more than skeletons of what they would actually be. After one faction has been done this way, there can be an effort to do so with the others as well. Maybe work out one faction per alpha as a minimum threshold.
    1 point
  26. Most importantly in the case of germans we have the most needed, a Conceptual Artist. Thats quite importantly compared to documentation. Indeed, Han chinese should be included with a lil bit polishing on siege turret and if possibly on champions units and its done.
    1 point
  27. I buy internet bundles for my modem with phone-credit. 4GB at a time (most economical option). It's a pain, but it's the way it is... And my 3rd world internet connection is sometimes actually better than that of some of my European counterparts, so I shouldn't really complain... Either way, download size is almost a non-issue for 0AD right now. First time I downloaded it I was super suspicious because it was so small... It could easily double in size and still not be considered a big download anywhere... I mean, It's currently the size of single movie... And you only tend to watch a movie once. I've played 0AD hundreds of times. Some people play it all day long, every day... If you're not willing to "spend" even 5GB on downloading one of the best free and open source games in the world, you're probably just not excited about the game to begin with... Priority should definitely go to finishing, fleshing out and polishing of factions already in-game. But I don't believe that should preclude development on new factions either. People need a motivator, and working on the latest faction is definitely something that keeps the interest going. Of course we shouldn't add anything to vanilla until it's as good as ready, and is up to standard (quality, historicity), but it's nice to have something to look forward to, like the latest new civ.
    1 point
  28. Here is a quote perfect for this: Just becase some were left behind doesn't mean all should perish. in other words, just because some people it is still limited to some hardware restrictions it doesn't mean it should be bounds for us for continue developing. I wish i could play Monster Hunter World with my friends via online but i can't and i have to live with that. So i just played Old monster hunter games from psp EMULATED in my pc with a friend. is like having 10000 gaming community and say to 9999 of them: "Oh im sorry, i can't add your country favorite faction because this little guy over here in this forgotten country can't afford it" And for last but not less important, im pretty sure those pay per MB connection users will download AoE 2 DE whitout hesitate even when it would have around 20-50gb size.
    1 point
  29. i've just read the discussion here, in my humble opinion not as art deparment member, not as the Venezuelan guy with the worst download rate conection, but as a player ignorant of the history and the download size because as pc gaming community player i won't worry too much about download size if i really want the game, i mean. I pay for something i wan't if i can't afford it yet i save some money (if i could), in my country does exist also pay per MB connection and its increasing due the internet cable steal rate increase this past year, but going back to topic: I consider adding more civs shouldn't be an estigma to the game nor a pain in the end of the back neither should exist too much discussion about it. A code dev always gonna be worried about code, an artist dev always gonna be worried about art, if i were a programmer dev i wouldn't vote agaisn't or in favor of adding a new civ neither as an artist, i just would say: "Show me the references and i'll see where i can help". Civ should be added if the artwork is finished, if its completly different from other core game factions and if it has his unique civ roster while also having the history behind. In my opinion, Thracians should be added when finished too, Han chinese should also be added, and if this civilization reaches a whole new unique building aspect and his own unit textures, it should also be added. The only question we should be doing is "They enter in the 500-0.B.C timeframe"? Even millenium ad factions should be added to the core game if we reach at least 8 civilizations but making the game just like "Empire Earth" selection: Ancient Era > Republican Era > Middle Era > WW2 Era and block factions to the timeframe, and even make another selection for "Time traveling" making the player able to fight as byzantines agaisn't the hitites. The game is already compressed enough, it would only worry if i had to download 30GB, and even that players still buy Total War Rome and download the High GB amount of it and if we ever implement texture size quality wouldn't that mean we will have 1024 texture size +512 + 256?. There shouldn't exist bounds to size neither to an ancient doc dessign. I mean don't you have that feeling when looking a whole movie or serie franchise after the ending you say? It is done? Now where i could find something like this? i wish this would have been longer" i belive the old devs put that limit due their manwork power, i mean i wouldn't write a text saying: "I will live in Denmark in a house in the mountain away from what in my country is called "barrios" where all the desidious people live, If i can't even say i would live another day tomorrow because of the high mortality of my country. I belive devs also put that limit because this were the easiest factions to develop and to investigate, i mean their are like the core factions of any ancient era game tbh, if i would make a new game i wouldn't start developing the suevians nor the xiongnu if i have a completly full range of historical documents talking about carthage or rome or even the gauls just like math problems when i study before all my teachers left the country, i wouldn't waste 30 minutes developing a whole math problem from 10 problems if the other 9 can be done in 5 minutes each one, Same that happens to me when doing animations, i don't waste 1 hour animating if i can't find a good perspective of the motion if i can invest that time doing a better helmet. In fact i belive iberians were a placeholder using the gauls due their copy of the ships and their empty roster when they can be developed in the lusitans, oretans, etc...
    1 point
  30. There is actually a project called the Great Green Wall, which tries to stop the desertification of the Sahara by planting trees. The amazing thing is, it seems to work. At least in the countries with the political will, for example Senegal.
    1 point
  31. 1 point
  32. <GenericName>Wolf Warrior</GenericName> <SpecificName>Wulfaharjaz</SpecificName>
    1 point
  33. Even without proficiency on making video, I will keep practicing to share my pc games. This one despite some erroneous narrations I just went through posting it. Bear with newbiness on video making This was my last multiplayer game in 0ad. And I already posted this replay before. Just some sort of advertising the game. I think my friend bbgotbanned played really bad on this game and keep on teasing his best friend Pudim. Instead of booming he could have doubled with landlord to neutralize chrtgr and game over. Making another CC to border push might not be a good idea on this case.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Please don't go into the Bronze Age. Let mods or a prequel do that. I do like the idea of making 0 A.D. traverse the totality of the (Western) Roman state, or the breadth of "Classical" times. So, going ahead and extending it to the "Fall of Rome", 5th century, would be fine by me. Allows for cool civs like Sassanids. And then making "Part 2" being about the Middle Ages is also cool. It mirrors the Age of Empires franchise (homage), but with all the new and different features the 0 A.D. franchise still stands on its own. But if you still want to have Part 1 and Part 2 being (roughly) the 500 years BC and 500 years AD (any date you set is arbitrary, IMHO @Sundiata, so I don't think this is so bad. If 1AD is too arbitrary a date for you, then perhaps choose the murder of Caesar or the ascension of Augustus as your mid-point, still close enough to 1AD to make it not really matter), then I think Parthians for Part 1 are a must. They are really not a Part 2 civ. Their successors, Sassanids definitely are a part 2 civ. Others would be very desirable for Part 1, in order: Han Chinese, Scythians and Xiongnu (these 2 to tie Eurasia together), Odrysian Thracians (because they're cool), Epirotes. And a few others would be "nice to have", such as Pontus, Nabataeans (pretty cool), Armenians. Heck, to promote the mod.io feature, many of these could be offered as "official mods" folks can pick and choose to add to their game's civ roster.
    1 point
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