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  1. 1- bake the physics animation 2- Scroll through the timeline with the bones you want to keyframe selected 3- Insert keyframes for all bones selected using "visual loc-rot" each frame or each 2 frames (depending how much fidelity you want) 4- Save the animation in the dopesheet and append it from a blendfile without the physics setup and see the result. 5- Profit
    3 points
  2. We don't like to admit it, but this thread shows that "Citizen Soldiers don't make sense for the basic Gameplay". Problem: Barracks is intuitively for Military, but the game made it Economy-centered. Solutions Offered: borg-'s Mod removes CS from the CC. DE does the same (or something similar). Even 0abc did that: Women only in CC. The Barracks must have a Trick Exp function. - That's my favorite feature in Vox Populi (Garrisoned Units gain Trickle Exp). Solutions Suggested: Make CS from the Barracks "Advanced Rank" while CS from the CC "Basic Rank" Call to Arms Make the CS visually stand-out as Economy Units at the beginning Slaves, Workers, etc. Exp + Rank vs. Work Efficiency will conversely shift depending on what you focus them to do (work or fight). My Opinion: Personally, I like all solutions being put forth. I'll just state my favorite ones: CS should be visually Economic at the beginning. Basic Rank in CC, Advanced Rank in Barracks Trickle Exp for Units Garrisoned in Barracks
    3 points
  3. You are not bothering me at least I'm glad to see you haven't given up on the game The aristeia mod has minoans so you might want to see how it's done otherwise there are some standalone civs in 0admods https://github.com/0ADMods For your civ you will need a civ.json file that will define a number of things like the name the default replacement entities the civ history etc That would go in simulation/data/civs/
    2 points
  4. Bow and arrows are pretty scarce before the 3rd century AD. Female warrior burials never suggested any archery. Spear, axe or sword are better options.
    2 points
  5. If I am not wrong, some data types used in the code fit the number of players. So it would require some careful work. (It's not like if there was just a number to change everywhere.)
    2 points
  6. Thanks for the report GameBoy will be fixed once I commit Alexandermb's animations.
    2 points
  7. That'll be D1971 :) Often loading the "Units_demo"-map also shows errors, but I do not know whether that map is updated automatically? B.t.w. this looks awesome
    2 points
  8. Hello 0.A.D. Community, today i post this week work in Art Development addtions. Aspis Remake A new mesh fully 3D with less than 300 tris. Better quality Textures. First step is remake all the textures of the aspis shields with a better quality versions, leaving behind all the 128x128/64x64 textures. Factions: Ingame Colors: Handgrips/Back :
    1 point
  9. Hello, Are you planning in the future to set the possibility of replacing absent players? Bests regards,
    1 point
  10. I'm confused as to the differences in each of the classes, more on the units than the buildings. For example: Worker and Citizen - How are they different? Since I don't know how to dig through the source code, can anyone give me the link to find the info about these things?
    1 point
  11. I'll get you some after work. Lol
    1 point
  12. Sorry to say, but the higher resolution shield textures are lost (blur out) due to mipping and anti aliasing.
    1 point
  13. Peltast shield Blendfile link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10wvkS2xpFNKJzTcL22fKnM4rmvFHSawR
    1 point
  14. @Alexandermb You will hate me but you have to fix all those Missing file 'art/actors/props/units/helmets/hele_straw_01.xml' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/athenians/infantry_slinger_e.xml' Missing file 'art/actors/props/units/samnite_panoply_bronze.xml' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/carthaginians/infantry_swordsman_2_a.xml' Missing file 'art/actors/props/units/shields/aspis_mace_a.xml' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/ptolemies/infantry_pikeman_a.xml' Missing file 'art/actors/props/units/shields/aspis_sml_player_color.xml' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/ptolemies/infantry_pikeman_b.xml' Missing file 'art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_back_01.xml' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_front_01.xml' Missing file 'art/actors/props/units/shields/props/aspis_back_bronze_03.xml' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/aspis_ptol_p.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/cavalryidle.psa' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_archer.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_archer.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_javelinist.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_javelinist.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/death_a.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/gaul_infantry_spearman_c.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/hoplite.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/hoplite_fast.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/fisher/base.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/death_b.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/gaul_infantry_spearman_c.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/hoplite.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/hoplite_fast.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/fisher/base.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/death_rider_elephant_african.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_african.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_african.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/elephantry/african_turret_death.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/elephantry/african_turret_death.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/death_rider_elephant_asian.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_asian.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_asian.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/elephantry/asian_turret_death.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/elephantry/asian_turret_death.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/hoplite_idle_relax.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_african.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_african.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_african.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_african.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_african.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_african.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_african.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_asian.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_asian.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_asian.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_asian.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_asian.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_asian.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_asian.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/inf_sarissa_rest.dae' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/elephantry/turret_idle.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/onager_attack_a.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/romans/onager_operator_a.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/onager_attack_b.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/romans/onager_operator_b.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/onager_attack_c.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/romans/onager_operator_c.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/onager_idle_a.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/romans/onager_operator_a.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/onager_idle_b.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/romans/onager_operator_b.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/onager_idle_c.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/romans/onager_operator_c.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/new/pike_idle_relax.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_african.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/rider/elephant_driver_asian.xml' 'public/art/actors/units/mauryas/hero_chariot_archer_ashoka_r_parasol.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/archer/death.dae' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/death_archer.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/death_archer.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_shield_stab_01.dae' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/cavalry/base_spearman_big_shield.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/cavalry/base_spearman_big_shield.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/cavalry/base_spearman_big_shield.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_shield_stab_02.dae' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/cavalry/base_spearman_big_shield.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_shield_stab_reverse_01.dae' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/cavalry/base_spearman_shield_reverse_attack.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/cavalry/base_spearman_shield_reverse_attack.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/cavalry/base_spearman_shield_reverse_attack.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/attack_shield_stab_reverse_02.dae' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/rider/cavalry/base_spearman_shield_reverse_attack.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/idle_shield_relax_c.dae' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/base_cavalry_spearman_relax_shield_c.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_cavalry_spearman_relax_shield_reverse.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider/cavalry/spearman/trot_shield_c.dae' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/base_cavalry_spearman_relax_shield_c.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_cavalry_spearman_relax_shield_reverse.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider_archer_atk_a.psa' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_archer.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider_gallop.psa' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_archer.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_javelinist.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider_javelin_atk_a.psa' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_javelinist.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider_spear_shield_atk_a.psa' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_archer.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider_sword_death_a.psa' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_archer.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_javelinist.xml' Missing file 'art/animation/biped/rider_sword_shield_atk_a.psa' referenced by 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_archer.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_archer.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_javelinist.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_javelinist.xml' 'public/art/variants/biped/base_camel_javelinist.xml' Missing file 'art/meshes/props/shield/aspis_03_front.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/aspis_ptol_p.xml' Missing file 'art/meshes/props/shields/pelta_back.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_back_player_color.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_back_wicker.xml' Missing file 'art/meshes/props/shields/pelta_front.dae' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_front_01.xml' Missing file 'art/textures/skins/props/shield/aspis_spart_lambda_06.png' referenced by 'public/art/variants/shields/spart_aspis_h_02.xml' Missing file 'art/textures/skins/props/shield/aspis_spart_lambda_07.png' referenced by 'public/art/variants/shields/spart_aspis_h_01.xml' Missing file 'art/textures/skins/props/shield/handgrips_01.png' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/props/aspis_handgrip_02.xml' Missing file 'art/textures/skins/props/shield/pelta_back.png' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_back_player_color.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_back_wicker.xml' Missing file 'art/textures/skins/props/shield/pelta_back_spec.png' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_back_player_color.xml' 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_back_wicker.xml' Missing file 'art/textures/skins/props/shield/pelta_front.png' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/shields/pelta_front_01.xml' Missing file 'art/variants/biped/base_spearman_relax_fast.xml' referenced by 'public/art/actors/props/units/capes/gaul_infantry_spearman_c.xml' Missing file 'art/variants/biped/formations/syntagma_mid.xml' referenced by 'public/art/actors/units/macedonians/infantry_pikeman_a.xml' 'public/art/actors/units/macedonians/infantry_pikeman_b.xml'
    1 point
  15. That's not necessarily a bad thing. The white text on the blue textured buttons isn't easy to read though.
    1 point
  16. @wowgetoffyourcellphone having this finally committed. Would you mind taking two screenshots in proper scenarios and with your graphics settings for update the loading screen tips wallpapers of formations. I have in mind one for phalanx recreating gaugamela or something like that and one of romans attacking walls in testudo formation.
    1 point
  17. after tons of try yeah it worked but for some reason went farther than animation. Animations committ wouldn't even reach 2mb.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. Having animations re-export committed i can commit this.
    1 point
  20. I hate the death animations (at least doing manually) but i do have learned something about the physics and did that with an unit mesh but didn't found how to bake it properly. But when doing the SCAR animations i've applied gravity to magazine when reloading so kinda know how now, applying keyframes to the constraits
    1 point
  21. Proto-Germanic for wolf is *wulfaz, becoming wulf in most of the old version of the Germanic languages. *harjaz and *krīgaz are the proto-germanic reconstructions for army and war (krieg).
    1 point
  22. Do we have 'proper' documentation on classes and whatnot ? If not it would be nice to have a page on https://trac.wildfiregames.com
    1 point
  23. Because it won't be more logical. Those things were stacked, where people use things with their own interpretation. We could flatten the whole thing and then decided what is a logical organization. It would be "change many things for little benefit". (And then someone else will think something else is more logical). -- Let's look at the CitizenSoldier class. I permit myself to quote your recent proposal: The argument "all auras and technologies use the CitizenSoldier class when referring to non-Champion non-Hero Soldiers" is not an argument. It proofs that about ten entries using that were wrong (probably committed by me too). Or you move CitizenSoldier to VisibleClasses (then it should be translated) or you use things like "Citizen Soldier" in those techs/auras. -- Then back to my "no", there are as you exactly mentioned the AI to check but also the gui (yes classes are used here) and possibly the lobby! -- (I don't want to be right or criticize or proof anything (sorry by advance if electronic communication let that feeling).)
    1 point
  24. Economic auras and technologies typically affect the Worker class and others affect the CitizenSoldier class. This ought to be reflected in the aura descriptions and technology tooltips. Basically, the current situation seems to be: Workers are units that can build and gather all resources (hence not cavalry) CitizenSoldiers are soldiers that are neither champions nor heroes I just did a `grep -r 'Citizen"'` in the simulation folder and it turns out the Citizen isn't actually used (except for one aura where it should have been CitizenSoldier [EDIT]: D2200). I suppose the Citizen class simply exists as a visible counterpart to CitizenSoldier and FemaleCitizen. A more logical approach would be to: remove the Citizen class from the female citizen replace the CitizenSoldier class with the Citizen class split the Worker class into Builder and Gatherer visible classes; e.g. the worker elephant can build but not gather, and units that can gather but not build are not inconceivable either. [EDIT]: That would involve carefully going through the AI files, though.
    1 point
  25. Your thoughts are interesting and you in fact pointed out some issues. Worker is used in more than 20 technology and auras so it should be visible. Citizen is in fact not so used in things that should be communicated to the player. (we could use it more). Some specific classes like FemaleCitizen, CitizenSoldier are used in the gui but are not visible. They should (or they shouldn't be used). Note that you can also do operation on classes sometimes (like interesection or union). Support seems not so used in things that should be communicated to the play. So for example: The starting cavalry unit is: Citizen, not Worker, not Support. It is not affected by the basket economic technology. It is affected by the female aura. The starting infantry unit is: Citizen, Worker, not Support. It is affected by the basket economic technology. It is affected by the female aura.
    1 point
  26. https://code.wildfiregames.com/D1662 As fatherbushido said the way the game player data is stored makes it difficult to or I would say impossible without changing how many things works inside the engine. Most data concerning the number of players is implicit encoded in one sole variable (to "compress" the data) for all players instead of a variable for each. The current limit is a hard 8 players + gaia. From the side of the map's playability: As elexis said, the problem resides in that the current maps just aren't made for more than 8 players.
    1 point
  27. I think that @elexis had a patch to increase the player count limit. One of the problems is that (some of) the map generating scripts aren't designed to work with more than eight players.
    1 point
  28. If we had the map resize patch for Atlas, then it would be a lot easier to make different size versions of the skirmish maps indeed.
    1 point
  29. That looks nice! Would it be possible for archers to switch animations? E.g. use: 45° angle when attacking targets at >50% of max range horizontal when attacking targets at <50% of max range
    1 point
  30. There was little response from the team in addition to one very unhappy response from what I could understand. Considering the lack of interest and the fact that I'm not a team member I don't have much ground to stand on to be writing dev-reports that no one's really excited about. I don't want to sound negative, so forgive me, but it was a bit confusing for me. I was looking forward to the return of dev-reports, but my attempts at reporting didn't seem all that wanted. I'd still like to at least update the facebook page with regular screenshots of developments in the art department, mod-news and upcomming community events. I was supposed to PM @feneur about that, but the dev-report thing had me scratching my head... Are you still expecting me to update the facebook and/or write dev reports? Please discuss in-team and let me know. I'd still love to do it. I just didn't understand why I had to explain why I was doing something that was literally asked of me. You know? (PS: just to be clear, I didn't have an issue with correcting and nuancing the report, but that wasn't really crux of the problem. The problem seemed to be the idea of even writing a report in the first place)
    1 point
  31. It's just 1 guy almost, if he's still not IP banned yet then i still wonder why. If he is then he's very dedicated. Also, the forum is more active now in general.
    1 point
  32. @pAris You can easily follow what the team is doing by looking at : Phabricator (https://code.wildfiregames.com) Trac (https://trac.wildfiregames.com) The revision log on the right of the home page (https://play0ad.com/) The current changes in A24 (https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/Alpha24) There was a plan to make a more formal report with Sundiata, not sure what happened to that. About anything art related you can look at @LordGood's twitter and the art forums, and sometimes @play0ad retweets things. The plan is to update the design document and move on from there https://code.wildfiregames.com/source/design/ Of course it takes longer than expected, and the holiday period isn't making it faster
    1 point
  33. How about they slowly lose attack strength? XP is used for ranking/promotions, so instead just have the militia slowly get worse at fighting.
    1 point
  34. Started to add variants files for shields for finishing details. This TASK will have as pre-requisite this other TASK for commit. Everything working fine so far! Will end this to re-export cavalry animations once more for commit the animations fixes with the new sheaths and pikeman shields bones adjustments. Missing Themistocles shield texture (will do it today) And 1 Kardakes Hoplite eagle sillouette.
    1 point
  35. Only need a few heros patterns and one more kardakes symbol to finish (ptol eagle remains untouched saddly). Rebaked them, fixed the blender bake issue: Here a comparisson of the shields Also, added demetrius and Craterus shield:
    1 point
  36. 1 point
  37. Update: Replaced the bronze rim: Pers_kardakes_01:
    1 point
  38. Same configuration, same bake, something changed:
    1 point
  39. Spart champion animals (missing snake, and cheetah):
    1 point
  40. Some ancient images: Also note that the Latin clipeus is equivalent to the aspis. [EDIT]: Shield patterns according to Duncan Head (1982) Armies of the Macedonian and Punic Wars 359 BC to 146 BC: Greek: Hellenistic:
    1 point
  41. Short comparisson on the quality of the update:
    1 point
  42. Or a leave/retire vs. enter military service transform button? Too much micro though. Leave service: +gain 50% resources used (wood + metal) Transform unit to an economic unit Enter service: Resource cost for military unit (wood + metal) Transform unit to various types of military unit depending on choice. Again, interesting but might be to much micro for some players.
    1 point
  43. "New and Improved Gameplay" That's good. For a minute there, I thought they were just going to put 3D skins and call it a "new game".
    1 point
  44. I know they were associated with Saxons, but note that that was after the conquest of the Danes in the 11th century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Housecarl So the Saxon Housecarls officialy came from Scandinavia.
    1 point
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