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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2019-07-07 in all areas

  1. You can actually install and play the development version if you want to; see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/BuildInstructions As for progress, the last commit of A23 was rP21821; A24 is already at rP22436 currently, i.e. over 600 patches have been committed already, and numerous more are proposed at https://code.wildfiregames.com/ (there is actually quite a review backlog). That said, it feels like work has just started, and a lot more has to be done. Quite frankly, I don't expect A24 to be finished this year. The limiting factor is the available time of team members. Keep in mind they're all volunteers with a real life and can't be expected to be around full-time. Finding more people who have the technical skills, time, motivation, reliability, and long-term availability required is not trivial.
    4 points
  2. Some friend showed me this website, seems like fun for creating custom wallpaper art (f.e. for main menu backgrounds) (should check though if its license is compatible) http://nvidia-research-mingyuliu.com/gaugan attached is a quick sample i threw together in 2 minutes
    3 points
  3. Haven't been able to work much on it lately, but I'll eventually finish it.
    2 points
  4. No, there isn't, nor will there be. Uploading a mod to https://mod.io/ (the host for the in-game mod download manager) is rather time consuming; I tried it once for a tiny mod, which took me about fifteen minutes to write the mod but over an hour to upload it to mod.io and complete all required steps over there. Moreover, everytime a new version of a mod is uploaded, it has to be checked and signed by a dedicated team member (@Itms or someone else with similar privileges) before it becomes available for download. In other words, it might be convenient from a player point-of-view but is quite inefficient from a developer perspective. My mod is very much a work-in-progress, sometimes I do nothing for a month, sometimes I make more than a dozen commits per day. Uploading changes to the repository ( https://github.com/0abc/0abc-a23 ) takes a few seconds via the command line. Everyone can view the newest version immediately and clone the repository or download a zip. Place the mod in your mod folder and it is available in game. See also posts on the first page of this thread.
    2 points
  5. Hello @stephen26, If single player, disable postprocessing in graphic options, if does not help disable glsl too. If multiplayer disable tlsl. Else please locate crashlog.txt, crashlog.dmp and post them here with systeminfo. ( In case you do not know how to find them https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths ) In any case let us know if problem has been solved. Have a nice day
    2 points
  6. Launch 0 A.D., then under Settings/Language. Allowed zoom ranges from 50% to 200%; default (press R) is 120%, but you can redefine it to a different value by inserting a line in your `user.cfg` file, e.g.: view.zoom.default = "200.0" File location depends on your operating system, see https://trac.wildfiregames.com/wiki/GameDataPaths
    2 points
  7. Apparently, something like this may be more accurate.
    2 points
  8. It would be great if players could customize the specific names of individual entities in games, e.g. name the first centre “Rome”, the second “Veii”, the third “Praeneste”, or their cavalry champions “My Little Pony”, “Unicorn”, “Pegasus”, “Black Beauty”, etc. [EDIT] Clicking on the specific name field would open a small text window where people can then enter the desired name for that individual entity.
    2 points
  9. That’s such a boring looking building whyyy
    2 points
  10. Being here since 2007 helps with getting a high number of posts, plus at least in the past there were a lot of staff-only discussions which means that it's not always visible how active the forums are or have been.
    2 points
  11. Will your behaviour improve? Honestly though, both my time, and your time, is better spent on constructive things than silliness, so just leave it and move on.
    2 points
  12. @thankforpie I'm leaning very close to banning you if you keep this up, please stop with this nonsense. If you want to make things up go write a novel or something.
    2 points
  13. What's the point of that comment? It's not true as you can see if you go to the link in the post before yours (there has been changes as late as today), and it can only confuse or demoralize people. Of course it would have been nice if there had been more activity, we're at least as disappointed as anyone else, but if you want that to change it's better to offer advice or help.
    2 points
  14. (Hopefully this is the correct place to post.) Greek centres (and some other structures) have tiles in front, which looks nice on flat terrain. On elevated terrain, it looks rather weird, though, and those missing tiles look actually quite dangerous: Although not really a bug, it is questionable whether this is indeed what is actually desired. I don't know if there is a list with issues of current actors, but I suppose this should be added; low priority, though.
    1 point
  15. Is there any news on how the next edition is coming?
    1 point
  16. The more than 40-hour weeks and burnout is something fans of the series can influence the most. If they would protest, the game studios will probably change something. I just hope, people working on 0 A.D. have a more enjoyable experience. I mean they are volunteers and can stop contributing, but still.
    1 point
  17. What, your family murdered by tents or something? Looks nice, was made by very skilled artists working like slaves in some instances. Only thing I’m opposed to here is the milking of AC
    1 point
  18. @wowgetoffyourcellphone Without using any mod, I just upload the crashlog.txt and crashlog.dmp files.
    1 point
  19. ok. Long answer...
    1 point
  20. Athenian agora. You can see the Royal Stoa, Painted Stoa, and Temple of Hephaistos. A bit fanciful, the rear side of the Temple of Hephaistos.
    1 point
  21. It works as I expect one would expect: you can garrison one melee infantry inside an outpost, giving extensive vision and protection from melee attacks. However, he can't attack nearby units (because he doesn't have a ranged attack himself) and he can be hit by enemy ranged attacks. (Those two poor blue men can't attack the red one, therefore they try to capture the outpost. Unfortunately they have a capture attack of 2 each and the outpost has a garrisoned capture regeneration of 5 (0 when ungarrisoned), which means they'll never be able to capture it; they need at least three men to capture a garrisoned outpost.) Minor details: red pike goes through the roof and garrisoned flag is unnecessary. [EDIT]: civ flags are now removed
    1 point
  22. Persians in isometric. (Persian Wonder: Hanging Gardens of Babylon; eventually this should be replaced with a more fitting wonder, such as the Gate of All Nations, or the Audience Hall of Darius or something. Keep the Hanging Gardens in the game though for scenarios and/or capture the wonder game mode) Capturable animals, with effects. Notice the different Yakhchall, or "Ice House" models, courtesy of @Stan`.
    1 point
  23. Kushites - Isometric @Sundiata
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. Minor tweaks: structures can no longer attack structures outposts no longer have attack or vision of there own; instead, outposts has aura which improves garrisoned unit; one unit can be garrisoned on it, instead of inside; can be killed indepently from outpost (cf. walls); ungarrisoned outpost: garrisoned outpost:
    1 point
  26. they're gonna need winter clothes.
    1 point
  27. Yes! And if a structure has both archers and javelineers inside, it ought to fire both arrows (long range, lower damage) and javelins (shorter range, high damage).
    1 point
  28. Not sure I can agree with the statement that "women shouldn't be available to a faction unless there is good precedent for them having a larger role". What would be the point of removing the ability to train women from some factions? Didn't all of these societies indeed have women in them?
    1 point
  29. That is not the case with nomadic peoples several where matriarchal and even the ones who were not had very flexible sexual roles with woman acting as the primary military force when the men where away on the hunt or war most Mongol woman where very good archers and riders while the Scythian women where both chiefs and shamans of great political power so the classical role for woman really only holds for citified folk. Enjoy the Choice
    1 point
  30. "May 29, 2019" caption is vertically misaligned, giving the obvious notion that this is a fake, but nice try.
    1 point
  31. there's a fair bit of neat art from the team i know that much lol
    1 point
  32. There is D1718, which would allow bushes to be partially harvested and subsequently regrow.
    1 point
  33. With the filter i mention before in place to prevent trees from growing when entities are around and a long regrow session(10-15 minutes) I doubt you'll have a problem.
    1 point
  34. You speak my language well not Bergensk but you are for the environment,and you care about the animals,nature,and I commend you for that. There are a lot of selfish people on this earth that only care about money or benefiting themselves whether they ruin the earth or not,and they do not care. I was hiking on the main village road on my way to the woods, and this couple from Greece that just moved here {Sorry to the good greeks that have integrity,and are good people} asked me why I am going into the forest,and they told me that only Satanist go in woods lol Than they look at my valnut bracelet and said now I can see why you go in the forest lol I didn't even explain I am a pagan and just smiled and said "yes I am on my way to the shop to buy some candles,and I would stay longer to talk but I am running late,and today is a special day when we get our cloaks,wish me luck". Than the woman said "yes she must be a witch because look how long her hair is". She says you can use a haircut,and only witches have long hair. So I asked her what is it,am I out of style or I am a witch? " lol Yes people fear the forest,and associate it with negativity,ghosts, and evil. The forest is where our gods visit,and yes the jarls and earls graced this area in the past We have the deepest forests here in Bergen,i mean massive elm trees cover the land,and when winter hits there is nothing but cold,and darkness,and It can be cool and scary at the same time. To me it is cool,and I love going out in a blizzard,but if one isn't used to Norway's weather one will be miserable here. When the winter hits I am all over the land hiking,and enjoying or I love sitting in my house listening to some black metal,and playing video games. I used to skii but with all the other hobbies I got into I never had anymore time for it. Where you live sounds so beautiful,and a paradise,and yes you have a nice variety of animals heh Tourists always ask me "where are the polar bears". Go to the zoo ? Or go Northern Norway ? lol You will be disappointed here in Bergen. A corporation will take a beautiful area and change it into a mall,and that is absurd. Where malls are here in Norway or anywhere around the world used to be the most beautiful land. Sacrifice beautiful land for a landmark that sells coach purses.
    1 point
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